This is an updated and expanded article to a thread I posted on Twitter in August of 2020, breaking down the incoming vaccine passport and digital identity and genomic DNA agenda, which is now shaping up and happening worldwide.
Using behavioural science, society will be nudged towards routine DNA testing, Heath Passports and Digital Identities.
Super Thread: #NewNormal Part 1:#COVID19#DnaNudge#HealthPassport#CovidPassTech#COVAX
Using behavioural science, society will be nudged towards routine DNA testing.
To Get Back to the Things we Love. Let’s Get Tested.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) August 12, 2020
The Behavioural Insights Team also known as the Nudge Unit is a social purpose company. It is partly owned by the Cabinet Office, employees and Nesta.

The BI Team applies behavioural insights to inform policy, improve public services and deliver positive results for people and communities. For example, how can we use behavioural science to promote vaccination against COVID-19 sceptical populations.

The Behavioural Insights Team or the BIT is a private registered company. (BEHAVIOURAL INSIGHTS LTD Company number 08567792). Have a look at Filing History: 05 Oct 2019 ‘Company accounts’ PDF. We cannot be forced under Contract Law to have goods or services from a private company.

Along with this, the government has placed a £161 million order for 5.8 million one-hour DNA Nudge COVID-19 test kits to be used in NHS hospitals from September. DNA Nudge is an Imperial College start-up headquartered in White City. It has recently obtained a CE mark for its COVID Nudge test, enabling its additional use in non-clinical locations, including care homes and other public emergency services.
“We can test not only for COVID-19 but also Influenza A, Influenza B and RSV on the same single DNA Nudge cartridge” says Professor Chris Toumazou. They are tied into Imperial College London Both the Nudge Unit and DNA Nudge are here to change our behaviours for good.
Shop with your DNA, the DNA capsules and Health Apps use our unique DNA to nudge us towards healthier food choices, when we are shopping. We are all different because our genetic make-up is different, in fact our DNA is unique to us. This genetic code also determines which foods are good or bad for us.
Their Covid-19 testing capsules, apps and wearables will be linked to our unique digital health passports. Which would give us access to society e.g., to shops if we test negative. For the new DNA Nudge rapid tests announced by the Government earlier. Some 5,000 “Nudge box” machines, supplied by the biotech will provide 5.8 million tests in the coming months, the department has said.
If you have a cold, Influenza or suspected Covid-19 (20% of Colds are Coronaviruses). You are required to carry out a test. If positive you would need to isolate for 14 days and results would link back into your health passport and you would be denied entry or services to society if this is positive.

Going back to work? Not without a check-in app, immunity passport. In Singapore, along with Taiwan, South Korea, and China, they were quick to embrace technology to map the coronavirus outbreak early on with contact tracing apps, robots, and drones.
To go anywhere in Singapore these days, Joni Sng needs mobile phone apps and other technologies: a QR code to enter shops, a digital map to see how crowded a mall or park is, and a tracker to show if he or she was near someone infected with the coronavirus.
A British cybersecurity company, in partnership with several tech firms, is also rolling out the COVI-PASS, a “digital health passport” that will contain your COVID-19 testing history and other “relevant health information” in fifteen countries across the world.

According to the COVI-PASS website, the passport’s objective is “to safely return to work” and resume “social interactions” by providing authorities with “up-to-date and authenticated health information.”
The Manchester tech firm is behind a pilot scheme that could see fans’ safe return to stadiums. VST Enterprises has submitted its programmes to the Government.

The ‘Fans Are Back’ initiative has been created by Manchester firm VST Enterprises Ltd along with various partners, and promises to get football, rugby, and snooker fans back into stadiums in a “safe and controlled way“. The scheme takes a test group of 5000 fans downloading its Health Passport onto their phones before testing day, including their official Government ID personal details. They would attend a pre-defined testing location the day before & present their health passport for the Covid test.
You will need to be tested regularly tracked and traced if you want to see live sports games. If positive, the fan’s details would be fed back to NHS Track and Trace and they will be told to self-isolate under usual Government guidelines.
The COVI-PASS Digital Health Passport works on an intelligent colour mapping system (green, amber, red) to authenticate and validate a COVID-19 test providing test history and relevant health information. Neil Clark has already exposed this Orwellian agenda. The future is ‘CLEAR’ and it is Dystopian: This virus hype ushers in a Covid 19-84 nightmare of restricted access.

He writes: “Clear’s new Health Pass and other ‘Covid hi-tech innovations’ are a stark warning of how the globalist ‘New Normal’ being mapped out will operate. Access to travel, sport & restaurants may be barred for all who refuse to comply”.
“Users will have their blood screened at an approved Covid Pass laboratory, before being issued with a secure QR health visa code via their phone, which they can present at airline check-in, borders or event entrances.”
Covid Passes are all part of the ‘Great Reset’ which the World Economic Forum has called for.
Travelling with confidence.
📕 Read more:
— World Economic Forum (@wef) July 30, 2020
Users will have their blood DNA screened at an approved Covid Pass laboratory, before being issued with a secure QR health visa code via their phone, which they can present at airline check-in, borders, or event entrances.
The Forums Great Reset initiative “Seeks new ideas to use this unique moment in history provided by the disruption to economics, politics and our everyday life to catalyse a new approach to how our societies are run.”

And at the time of their choosing new DNA altering Covid-19 vaccines will be released and would connect to your digital health passports.
INOVIO recently announced our DNA vaccine demonstrated long-term protection in non-human primates challenged with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes #COVID19, 13 weeks after the last vaccination. Read more: #DNAMedicines #DNAVaccines
— INOVIO Pharmaceuticals (@InovioPharma) August 11, 2020
DNA vaccines like Inovio’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine (INO-4800) inject a small piece of circular DNA called a plasmid that carries genes encoding proteins from the pathogen (in this case, COVID-19) to provoke the cells into producing proteins and antibodies.
However, for this plan to unfold. They would require our DNA data to be collected via cloud-based DNA databases for Predictive Analytics and AI to take over. Analysis for changing our genome into the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution. And this is what we are seeing.

The 4th Industrial Revolution, often known as 4IR or Industry 4.0 is the revolution of the current era unfolding before our eyes. The amalgamation of digital, biological, economical, and physical paradigms, impacting various industries and economies.

The Great Reset will be the theme of a unique twin summit in January 2021, convened by the World Economic Forum. It requires a new social contract centred on human dignity; social justice where societal progress does not fall behind. Those attending include: Mastercard and Microsoft which now have a new digital partnership.

Microsoft, Mastercard along with Trust Stamp. The new start-up, which was founded in 2015, applies advanced blockchain and cryptographic techniques and AI-powered presentation-attack detection tools to biometric and other identity data. Trust Stamp are integrating biometric hash solutions with Mastercard on children’s vaccine record systems.

We can see now how Microsoft’s new patent will play out. Electronic Cash Systems – using Blockchain data structures that stores lists of transactions and can be thought of as a distributed electronic ledger that records our transactions.

For example, a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs tasks provided by an information or service provider, such as viewing advertisements or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process of cryptocurrency via blockchain.
‘The irony is that George Orwell’s 1984 never arrived in 1984, but in 2020, under the cover of authority’s ‘concern’ over a contrived virus. COVID-19 could perhaps more accurately be called ’Covid-1984’ for all the restrictive, authoritarian measures it is ushering in.’ – Neil Clarke.
China is accused of terrifying surveillance plot as DNA is harvested under COVID-19. Chinese health officials have been sent to Hong Kong to carry out COVID-19 testing prompting suggestions of harvesting mass data as part of a wider programme of DNA surveillance.

Routine human DNA splicing and modification can only be achieved via mRNA and DNA vaccines tied to Health Passport apps. The UK’s new Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (VMIC), the plan is to start working on this by 2021 and to be fully operational by 2022 to provide millions of doses.

The Royal couple Mike and Zara Tindall signed up as ambassadors for these new ‘digital health passports’. The V-Health Passport is an app which can be scanned to reveal whether the user has tested negative for coronavirus or has antibodies.

There are signs in the last few days that people are at long last beginning to wake up to what is going on. But is it too late? Only by mass non-compliance with the ‘New Normal’ can we get our old lives back. But this will be impossible as many would be locked out of society.
Hear what the new normal might look like. as Normal wasn’t working’ – See what John Kerry, Phillip Atiba Goff and others have to say on the new people’s new social contract post-Covid.

And to get the public pre-programmed for mass vaccination efforts and ready for the Covid Vaccines. Matt Hancock promises the ‘biggest flu vaccination programme in history’ this winter.

In the UK, the plan was always to go with Google and Apple technologies instead of the NHSX app. Most of us will have the Android or Apple Covid-19 track tracing elements downloaded onto our devices via new software updates. Check your phone. England’s contact-tracing app gets the green light for its trial. The software will be based on Apple and Google’s privacy-centric method of one smartphone detecting another. This would not only use Bluetooth but Google location data too.

The idea behind the app is to use people’s phones to log when they have been close to another person for so long, that there is a high risk of contagion. In addition, users will also be asked to scan a QR barcode when they enter public property, in readiness for the conversion to full digital identity systems.
In terms of opening air travel, which currently there are massive restrictions on where we can go to. The air travel industry is in complete free fall with massive layoffs all around. Reviving global travel would require new digital health passport and digital ID standards.

In essence, this piece of intelligent software contains a digital record of a person’s COVID-19 complete testing history, allowing them to demonstrate their health quickly and efficiently to airport officials. One such system, the Covid Pass, uses blockchain technology to share sensitive health information without sacrificing privacy concerns. The idea is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders project.
The COVI-PASS website bills the tech as: “The World’s most secure Digital Health Passport, built on patented technology, awarded the ‘Seal of Excellence’ by the European Commission and being used by various UN Projects.”
The Covid Pass uses blockchain to store data from user’s blood tests, which they can use to show they are COVID-19 negative. The app will be launching in September 2020. The Covid Pass also commits to mandatory carbon offsetting for each passenger.
The Department of Health and Social Care have also put out a new video titled. ‘Let us Get Back’ Basically saying. ‘To Get Back to the Things we Love. Let us Get Tested’.

This is subtle nudging messaging techniques for routine DNA screening and coronavirus testing.
The message is clear and simple. If we want to get back to the things we love. Let us get tested and tracked into a new digital health passport. But will you enrol into such a system?
What’s an Immunity Passport? This is a tool to securely store your COVID-19 test results, symptoms & other health information. This can help you make decisions, such as whether to return to your workplace, or to go for a meal at a restaurant.
Looking at the NHS Track and Trace Android app. It has several functions including checking in and out of venues. Isolation countdown and message alerts if you have been around users with a positive test. Users are given a count of how many times they have been within 2m of anyone >15 minutes. To spot where they could have taken care to change their behaviours (Nudging). The real power is mass adoption by businesses and public services who will encourage its use.
Based on postcodes. You will be notified when your area’s risk level changes. High, Medium & Low. Risk level is based on the Local Authority watch list, determined each week by the Secretary of State. If you enter a venue (for example, a shop, restaurant, religious centre, or sports stadium) that has an official NHS COVID-19 QR code poster at the entrance, you are required to scan it with your app. All businesses must display a COVID Tracer QR code for each business location.

Eventually you would be able to order a Covid test within the app itself. If you test positive for coronavirus, you will be able to see your result through the app. Routine DNA testing is to become the new normal. If you are flying in, you have only two choices quarantine for fourteen days or pay 150 pounds for a quick turnaround COVID test. They are going to monetize and generate a lot of money from testing.
This is key: COVID-19 immunity may only last a few months according to CDC so your NHS Track and Trace health passport will alert you when your test or vaccine has expired (red warning) and ask you to get retested which you will have to pay for.
DNA Gene editing and the complete digital transformation of global health care is part of the incoming Great Reset.
5 things to know about #CRISPR and #geneediting in the #COVID19 era, from @mammothbiosci
— World Economic Forum (@wef) August 16, 2020
You see the future of global healthcare lies in decentralized testing. They want to enter your genome and cut it up. Watch the below video. They need to get in first, which is what the COVID-19 vaccines will do. Terrifying? Harnessing gene editing.

And this below is the new mass psychological engineering campaign to ‘Nudge’ people to get tested whenever they feel slightly unwell. Because everything is now suspected Coronavirus. “Feeling unwell? It could be Coronavirus”.
Feeling unwell? It could be coronavirus. Get a free test now. #GetTested.
.@NHS @NHSuk @NHSEngland #Corona #CoronaVirus #LetsGetTested #NHS_UK #nhsuk #NHSHeroes #NHSStaff #NHSUKCovid #NHSThanks— Colors TV UK (@ColorsTVUK) August 16, 2020
This will be your COVID-19 health passport going forward. The Track and Trace app. (It would later be announed the NHS app will become the Vaccine Passport).

Tony Blair also wants the introduction of mass routine testing programme to stop Coronavirus. “It’s necessary because 70 per cent of cases are asymptomatic”. So, if you test positive but are asymptomatic, thus this be marked as red in the app and you are locked out of society.
Report calls for ‘digital coronavirus passports’ to help open the economy and beat travel curbs. Holders to scan a QR code to enter restaurants and sports venues, allowing businesses to reduce social distancing requirements.

Asymptomatic cases would be locked of from society. How many people are asymptomatic some are saying around 70% of those tested positives are. This NHS app is total control over your accessibility to a free society.

Tony Blair says: “The UK should commit to an objective of rolling out mass testing before the end of 2020. We would be building towards the regular, ongoing testing of every person in the country. With the results eventually feeding into a health passport.”
Get the message out to your family, friends and loved ones. Because 1984 has finally arrived.