What a 24 hours it has been for the truth to finally come out from the horses mouth.
In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.
"Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie.
The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.
The world needs to know. Share this video! ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/su1WqgB4dO
— Rob Roos MEP 🇳🇱 (@Rob_Roos) October 11, 2022
Yesterday morning, a short video clip went viral now hitting over 7.2 million views. The Pfizer director Janine Small admitted at the EU COVID hearing that the vaccines had not been tested for transmission prevention. Therefore, getting vaccinated for others has always been a lie. The COVID vaccine passports were only for forcing people to get vaccinated.
When it began rolling out Covid vaccines globally, Pfizer didn’t know whether the vaccine prevented transmission of the virus, according to a senior executive.
Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, was testifying before the European Union Parliament on Monday when Dutch MEP Rob Roos asked her this question.
Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested for preventing virus transmission before it went on sale? That’s what Mr Roos wanted to know. “If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee? And I really want a straight answer, yes or no, and I’m looking forward to it.”
Taking the place of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who pulled out of the hearing earlier this month, Small said the company must “move at the speed of science”.
Mr Roos said the admission removed the entire basis for vaccine mandates and passports which “led to massive institutional discrimination as people lost access to essential parts of society”. “I find this to be shocking, even criminal,” he said.

On the MRNA vaccines in general and the exchange of text messages between Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission and Mr. Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, Christine Anderson proposed that the Special Committee on COVID-19 Pandemic declare itself incompetent in obtaining clarifications on the content of contracts between EU commission and pharmaceutical companies.
In the special COVID committee of the European Parliament, MEPs held a full hearing about Pfizer. On October 10, 2022, Pfizer’s International Developed Markets president Janine Small took Albert Bourla’s place in front of the special COVID committee of the European Parliament after he refused to show up. There were a lot of questions from the committee members, which she didn’t specifically answer.
Asked about the “redacted” version of the contract, she said they can’t disclose the whole thing because they have interests to protect. She said they didn’t test if their injections stopped the virus from spreading.
Cristian Terhes posted the whole hearing above with Pfizer’s representative, so that everyone could see what was asked and answered.

“We asked the question is the Pfizer vaccine stopping the spread of the virus. We were shocked to find out yesterday that they haven’t tested their vaccine to see if it’s stopping the spread of the virus. – @CristianTerhes – EU Press Conference – 11 Oct 2022. pic.twitter.com/wYBNHA4O7C
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 11, 2022
“We asked the question is the Pfizer vaccine stopping the spread of the virus. We were shocked to find out yesterday that they haven’t tested their vaccine to see if it’s stopping the spread of the virus.” – Cristian Terhes.
“On January the 11th 2020 the Chinese Government released the DNA data to the public of the virus and 3 days later Pfizer already started the tests for this vaccine, how is that possible?” – @CristianTerhes – EU Press conference – 11 Oct 2022. pic.twitter.com/ATjAsD2wOa
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 11, 2022
“On January the 11th 2020 the Chinese Government released the DNA data to the public of the virus and 3 days later Pfizer already started the tests for this vaccine, how is that possible?” Cristian Terhes asked.
“The excess mortality rate across the EU has increased by 16% more than the average. If you look at the map, the countries with the highest vaccination rates currently have the highest excess mortality rate.” –@CristianTerhes – EU Press conference – 11 Oct 2022. pic.twitter.com/4VTAdGVGnI
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 11, 2022
Also, from the MEP’s press conference yesterday, Cristian Terhes declared that “The excess mortality rate across the EU has increased by 16% more than the average. If you look at the map, the countries with the highest vaccination rates currently have the highest excess mortality rate.”
He also asked about those infamous redacted vaccine contracts. “When will these contracts be released?” What exactly does Pfizer have in these contracts? What are they trying to hide?”
“Pfizer continues to demonstrate their utter contempt for the people of the EU.” – @AndersonAfDMdEP – Press conference after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refused to answer in front of European Parliament – 11 Oct 2022. – @CristianTerhes @SincicMEP @ladyonorato – Part 1 pic.twitter.com/rGDbP65qR6
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 11, 2022
Christine Anderson MEP in the press conference said that “Pfizer continues to demonstrate their utter contempt for the people of the EU.” Christine Anderson has called the EU Covid Committee incompetent to serve the best interests of the people, and this now opens for a formal Parliament’s committees of inquiry.
It’s time for a formal inquiry by a Parliament’s committee of inquiry after Christine Anderson MEP called the EU Covid Committee incompetent.
“Please take charge, get involved, don’t let these anti democrats get away with stripping you of your freedoms.” – @AndersonAfDMdEP – Press conference after Pfizer CEO refused to answer in front of European Parliament – 11 Oct 2022. pic.twitter.com/PE7IGUtyf3
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 11, 2022
Christine Anderson, the last MEP on the EU Press Conference, spoke with courage, urging EU citizens to get involved: “Please take charge, get involved, don’t let these anti democrats get away with stripping you of your freedoms.”
According to The Guardian, Pfizer made nearly $US37 billion from its Covid vaccine last year, making it one of the most lucrative products in history.
This is one of the biggest scandals of our time, there needs to be accountability and criminal trials to ensure this never happens again. Now that the Pfizer scandal is confirmed, a lot of people are squirming or even denying the fact, we are being run by criminals and liars and as this happens, the economic destruction ramps up. There’s more than one house of cards falling.