The yin and the yang, the push and the pull, the light and the dark, the dirty and the clean, the good and the evil—this is electricity.
On June 15, 1752, Benjamin Franklin promoted his theory that lightning was electrical by flying a kite during a lightning storm. Around this time, Michael Faraday discovered that moving a magnet inside a wire coil could generate electricity. From there, he built the first electric motor. He later built a generator and a transformer.
In 1733, not long before Franklin’s famous stunt, Charles Francois du Fay made the distinction between the two forms of electricity, which he called resinous (-) and vitreous (+). Benjamin Franklin and Ebenezer Kinnersley renamed them as negative and positive.
The Chinese were well aware of this universal truth from at least the 3rd century BCE, and probably much longer. They called it yin and yang. This concept is one of the foundational components upon which Taoism is built.
The yin and the yang, the push and the pull, the light and the dark, the dirty and the clean, the good and the evil—this is electricity. This seeming conflict has inspired artists and philosophers as well as mathematicians and scientists down through history. Yet, for the Taoist, neither was “right” or “wrong.” Both were equally important to maintain the balance of the universe.

It was in May of 1891 that Nikola Tesla conducted his experiments with alternate currents of very high frequency and their application to methods of artificial light. This contributed greatly to the development of commercial electricity.
We instinctively know that ‘electricity’ is so much more than a commercial product; a convenient way to heat our homes or charge our phones. Those who seek to control its power would like us to forget its spiritual aspects and that maintaining this yin and yang is essential for the good of our planet and indeed for the good of our own bodies and souls.
Mad monsters like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci callously defy these universal truths. With the arrogance of the fool, they think they can dethrone God by creating their own synthetic versions of everything. They think that by doing so they are proving they are gods. They seek to control the weather by creating fake clouds. They seek to control the food supply by creating fake food. They seek to control our minds and our bodies by altering our DNA and microchipping our brains. They tell themselves—and all of us—that a way to achieve this is by harnessing the power of electricity. But all they are doing is stealing and perverting God’s perfect order. In so doing, they destroy that perfect order, unleashing chaos upon us all.
The idea that electricity brought things alive was quite the fad in the 1800s. Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein was published in 1818, the same year that Andrew Ure performed a grotesque demonstration in which an electric current running through a cadaver appeared to cause it to resume breathing and to point its fingers at the audience.

The mystery of life was not solved by a synthetic stimulation with electricity. Still, that did not stop the elite’s quest to uncover those mysteries. Rather, it spurred them on. Every new experiment led to ever more tyrannical edicts being forced upon us now, with the promise that it will bring us a better world. We MUST obey what these demigods say, or WE (the ordinary citizens) will be responsible for destroying our planet. We are being told that electricity will solve all of our pollution woes. Magically, wondrously, if we switch everything from fossil fuels to ‘renewable’ energy, we can save mankind and the planet from destruction.
Of course, the opposite is true.
Shooting corpses full of electricity was small potatoes compared to what they have in mind for humanity in the near future. This madness only perpetuates the course we are on of self- annihilation.
Let’s start with the fact that electricity is a secondary energy source, meaning that we must first use something else to ignite it.
But wait. This distinction between renewable and nonrenewable is a fallacy as surely as it was a fallacy that electrical currents could bring a dead person back to life. How do we capture wind or solar energy? We must produce other things, like wind turbines and solar panels. Are these clean? No.
The dirty secret of wind energy and solar production is that the actual wind energy rotors and the solar panels are made of material that at the end of its life is literally ground up and put in a landfill. This process is anything but environmentally friendly, due to the fact that because of the way the material is made, it cannot be recycled.
I’m going to talk mainly about wind turbines, but keep in mind that everything I say about wind can be applied to Solar Panels.
By 2030, the United States is expected to see as much as one million total tons of solar panel waste. By 2050, the United States is expected to have the second largest number of end-of-life panels in the world, with as many as an estimated 10 million total tons of panels. What is going to happen to all that waste, much of it toxic?

Wind turbines typically contain more than 8,000 different components. One such component are magnets made from neodymium and dysprosium; rare earth minerals mined almost exclusively in China. Extracting REs is an energy intensive and heavily polluting process, making a mockery of “clean energy.”
Mining one ton of rare earth minerals produces about one ton of radioactive waste, according to the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. According to the Chinese Society for Rare Earths, “one ton of calcined rare earth ore generates 9,600 to 12,000 cubic meters (339,021 to 423,776 cubic feet) of waste gas containing dust concentrate, hydrofluoric acid, sulfur dioxide, and sulfuric acid, [and] approximately 75 cubic meters (2,649 cubic feet) of acidic wastewater.”
China still controls most of the RE market. I talked about this in my essays, The Magic of Rare Earth Elements & the Hypocrisy of Clean Energy, and Nickel: The Dirty Business of Clean Energy.
Simon Parry from the Daily Mail traveled to Baotou, China, to see the mines, factories, and dumping grounds associated with China’s rare-earths industry. Here’s a quote from what he found:
As more factories sprang up, the banks grew higher, the lake grew larger and the stench and fumes grew more overwhelming.
‘It turned into a mountain that towered over us,’ says Mr Su. ‘Anything we planted just withered, then our animals started to sicken and die.’
People too began to suffer. Dalahai villagers say their teeth began to fall out, their hair turned white at unusually young ages, and they suffered from severe skin and respiratory diseases. Children were born with soft bones and cancer rates rocketed.
Official studies carried out five years ago in Dalahai village confirmed there were unusually high rates of cancer along with high rates of osteoporosis and skin and respiratory diseases. The lake’s radiation levels are ten times higher than in the surrounding countryside, the studies found.
What they tell us is “green” and “sustainable” is poisoning the earth. Those pushing the green agenda down our throats, shaming us into believing that we haven’t been doing our fair share, that we consume too much and need to cut back—they are the ones raping the earth with no intention of stopping. The public swallows their lies because that’s what we have been trained to do ever since the media realized it could make people buy stuff in the 1950s, through psychological suggestion and manipulation. The marketing industry tells us the latest trends, the hippest outfits, the newest cleaning formulas, the hottest rapper or pop star, the smartest cell phone, even the best chemicals to inject into our bodies. And eagerly, we buy it all, standing in long lines so we can show off on social media that we were amongst the first to buy the latest I-phone version or a virtue-signaling Tesla, the cheapest for almost $48,000.
We have been fed lie after lie. Always with the promise that the latest lie will fix the problems created by the last lie—but only if we are willing to sacrifice basic needs like heating and food, while at the same time buying all the useless products, we are told we can’t live without.
Let’s talk about General Electric, a company that’s about as American as apple pie. A company that is now invested in everything from health care, to energy, to weapons.
Edison’s success in large part was thanks to his appreciation of the power of the sell. If he wanted to capture the imaginations of buyers and get his inventions into every American home, he needed a symbiotic relationship with the media. As a result, he became one of the first media celebrities.

“Edison’s Conquest of Mars”, was a novel by Garrett P. Serviss that was serialized in 1898 in William Randolph Hearst’s New York Evening Journal. In a timely fashion, it capitalized on the success of H.G. Wells’s War of the Worlds. The story portrayed Edison as a kind of superhero, where the fate of mankind’s future literally depended upon him and his inventions—sort of like Elon Musk today. The hype was successful, and Edison’s larger-than-life persona sold his inventions as well as copies of the newspaper.
Here’s a look at a couple of GE facts:
- GE introduced the first set of superchargers during World War I. Superchargers are devices that increase the pressure of the fuel-air mixture in an internal combustion engine, used in order to achieve greater efficiency. They became indispensable in the years immediately prior to World War II.
- In 2002, GE acquired the wind power assets of Enron during its bankruptcy proceedings. Enron Wind was the only surviving U.S. manufacturer of large wind turbines at the time, and GE increased engineering and supplies for the Wind Division and doubled the annual sales to $1.2 billion in 2003.
And couple examples of corruption:
- In 1959, General Electric was accused of promoting the largest illegal cartel in the United States since the adoption of the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) in order to maintain artificially high prices. In total, 29 companies and 45 executives would be convicted.
- On August 15, 2019, Harry Markopolos, a financial fraud investigator known for his discovery of a Ponzi Scheme run by Bernard Madoff, accused General Electric of being a “bigger fraud than Enron”, alleging $38 billion in accounting fraud.
Based on Political Economy Research Institute data from 2000, GE is listed as the fourth-largest corporate producer of air pollution in the United States, with more than 4.4 million pounds per year (2,000 tons) of toxic chemicals released into the air. According to EPA documents, only the United States Government, Honeywell, and Chevron Corporation are responsible for producing more Superfund toxic waste sites.
It should come as no surprise that the top three institutional shareholders in General Electric are:
- ROWE PRICE ASSOCIATES INCT. Rowe Price Associates owns 733.9 million shares of GE, representing 8.4% of total shares outstanding as of September 30, 2020. T. Rowe Price Associates is a subsidiary of T. Rowe Price Group Inc. (TROW), which is a global investment management firm with about $1.3 trillion in assets under management (AUM).The biggest shareholders in Price T Rowe Group Inc are:Vanguard Group IncBlackrock IncState Street CorpJP Morgan Chase Co
- VANGUARD GROUP INC.Vanguard Group owns 646.0 million shares of GE, representing 7.4% of total shares outstanding, as of September 30, 2020.
- BLACKROCK INCBlackRock owns 564.3 million shares of GE, representing 6.4% of total shares outstanding, as of September 30, 2020.
American Wind Energy Association announced that GE became the top manufacturer of wind turbines in the U.S. in 2018, controlling 40 percent of U.S. wind turbine capacity installations. To see how impressive their goals are and how invested they are in wind energy, read below:
Engineers at the company are busy developing one of the world’s largest onshore wind turbines, the Cypress platform, which will boast a rotor diameter twice the length of a Boeing 747; just one of the machines will be able to power 5,000 European homes. In Holland, GE plans to start collecting data from a prototype of the world’s most powerful offshore wind turbine, the Haliade-X, which will support the fast-growing offshore wind market in Europe, the U.S. and Asia.
Having all of this marvelous renewable energy is worthless if it can’t be delivered across the electrical grid. And here, at last we get to the heart of matter.

Renewable, they say? Just know that every time they use that word, they mean the opposite. Remember what I said about electricity being a secondary source and relying on other properties. There is a nice mix of toxins needed to build the grid and one of them is Sulphur hexafluoride, or SF6—the most powerful greenhouse gas known to humanity.
We never hear about it. Why? Because the electrical grid connections cannot be expanded without SF6, a cheap, colorless and odorless, synthetic gas and they don’t want anyone knowing how truly unclean their clean energy is. SF6 makes a hugely effective insulating material for medium and high-voltage electrical installations. From large power stations to wind turbines to electrical sub-stations in towns and cities it is used across the industry to prevent electrical accidents and fires.
SF6 lasts in the environment for around 3,200 years. This means that nearly all the SF6 that has been released into the environment still exists. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, SF6 has a global warming potential 23,900 times that of CO2 over a 100-year period. Leaks of the gas in the UK and the rest of the EU in 2017 were the equivalent of putting an extra 1.3 million cars on the road. The global installed base of SF6 is expected to grow by 75% by 2030.
Here we must all pause for a moment and scratch our heads in perplexity. Wait, so we are supposed to replace gas-guzzling cars with this? Think about it. We are expanding the electrical grid, using the most powerful greenhouse gas to do it—not even a natural gas but a synthetic one. At the same time, they are telling the public that we are transitioning for fossil fuels to “renewable” energy. It’s enough to make your head explode.
But it gets worse.
Great. Have they had an epiphany? Do they now understand that they must maintain the delicate balance, the yin and the yang of the universe? Are they going to miraculously find a better way to extract the materials and recycle them? Or are they going to continue being motivated by greed and power as they have always been?
The greener and cleaner they promise to be, the greater is the need to mine rare minerals like ytterbium, scandium, and neodynium. There is nothing green about this process that pollutes and destroys landscapes and poisons waterways. China has traditionally controlled at least 90% of rare earths and the West has conveniently taken what they had to offer, turning a blind eye to abuses. Now, it would seem that China wants to clean up its own environment while sending its dirty business into Myanmar. The problems never go away, they just get pushed around.
A six-month investigation by Global Witness followed the outsourcing of this highly toxic industry across the Chinese border into Myanmar.
The mining process in this section of Myanmar involves injecting chemicals through holes drilled directly into mountain faces. Then, the chemicals liquefy the contents of the earth, making it easier to separate rare minerals. However, there are no regulations in place detailing how, where, and how much of the chemicals mining companies can inject. Not only this, but due to lack of proper containment, these chemicals are free to seep into the earth, causing extensive pollution and contaminating Myanmar’s water supply.
People living near the mines in Myanmar have already begun to experience these symptoms, according to the 2018 survey of residents. “When the villagers cross the river, their legs begin to itch; if they have a wound, it becomes worse,” the survey found.
Residents told the survey that they no longer fished, swam, or washed in the local rivers, and that animals, including their livestock, had been poisoned by the toxic water.
This is particularly concerning because the mountains are richly biodiverse and are home to dozens of rare and endangered plant and animal species, including red pandas and gibbons.
“Now there are no birds or animals in the forests,” a community representative told Global Witness, in comments echoed by multiple other residents. “There are no more fish in the rivers,” said another. “The wild animals are gone.”
Crops grown near the mines are contaminated too, residents said, and the Chinese traders who previously bought black cardamoms, quinces, oranges and walnuts now refuse to buy local products.
“Both the land and the people are ruined,” a community leader told us. “Local people who have been here since their ancestors’ time have become strangers in their own land.”
Many people are afraid of speaking out against the mining because they fear retribution. “No one wants to give up their ancestors’ lands, but if they [resist] they can be killed,” explained a Kachin civil society representative.
Lithium-ion battery mining and production are determined to be worse for the climate than the production of fossil fuel vehicle batteries in an article from The Wall Street Journal. According to scientists measuring cumulative energy demand (CED), production of the average lithium-ion battery uses three times more electrical energy compared to a generic battery.

But hey, it’s all good! Greta Thunberg can be proud of us—no need to say, “how dare you!” any longer. We listened to her diatribes and we’re making the adjustments. We can pat ourselves on the back knowing that we are doing our part to “save the planet” by transitioning to almost total dependence on electricity. Everything from cars to technological devices to heaters—and most importantly, to the grid that supplies it all—will be using “clean” energy.
Of course, because we are all so enlightened, we realize that we can’t leave the poor of the world behind. We must practice “equity.” Everyone must benefit equally from the grid. Everyone must be plugged in and turned on. Everyone must be monitored and injected. Every thought must be known before it is even a thought inside the most insignificant villager’s head in the most distant corner of Africa or India.

How will they manage to do this? By creating a grid so powerful that everyone can be connected through the internet. With the marvels of Starlink, Elon Musk must have taken a lesson from Thomas Edison. He surely knows how to spin a good story about saving the world and using the media to promote it.
Does the MSM warn us of the dangers of rockets’ radical emissions causing ozone destruction for hundreds of square miles? Or that rockets’ exhaust and pollutants introduced into the stratosphere persist there and react with and destroy ozone over the long term? Of course not. Don’t worry about the impact of aluminum oxide and other particles present in rocket exhaust on stratospheric ozone and the thermal balance of Earth’s atmosphere. They will figure out how to fix that problem later. For now, it’s just important to connect everyone on this “clean energy” grid.

This year alone, SpaceX plans on launching 52 missions. The idea is to put roughly 30,000 satellites into orbit, capable of blanketing the Earth in internet connectivity. Oh, and Musk is determined to get humans to Mars by 2030. How much pollution will that cause? Add to that all the big plans for space tourism. We are being sold the same lie that they are using “renewable energy.”
The truth is, there is no such thing as renewable energy. The elites’ plan for utopia on earth while exploring distant planets will only succeed in destroying humanity. This would probably be the best thing for the planet. It will renew itself. It will go on. But we will not.
We have always instinctively known this to be true. We have known it because the most basic and obvious laws of the universe tell us so. The yin and the yang, the balance between order and chaos. For the populace to remember such absolute truths is the biggest threat to the demigods who sell us empty promises wrapped up in shiny packages. Synthetically altering everything and everyone so that a few psychotic billionaires can claim to be superheroes saving the planet makes for a great comic book series. But it’s a disaster of biblical proportions when it’s played out in the real world, right before our very eyes.