“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Boscombe Valley Mystery
Good job, Biden Totalitarian Regime (BTR)!
You can now do what you do best—and let’s face it, what the US government has been doing best in foreign countries for a very long time—swoop in and save Europe from the evil Vladimir Putin and his maniacal plot to nuke everybody.
First, let’s do a little detective work. Let’s go back to the Nord Stream pipeline. I know, we’ve all moved on from there, right? It’s nuclear war on our minds now, that other stuff is old news. But if we are to find the answers, we must return to the scene of this previous crime.

If I were Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, who would I blame, Putin or Biden? Hmmm…
In Putin’s Friday speech, he said, “It’s obvious to everyone who benefits from it. Those who benefit are the ones who have done it.”
Well, that makes sense. Every detective looks at those who benefit from a murder first, right? Whoever has a motive is likely the guilty party.
If anyone was wondering why the US might sabotage the pipelines, here’s the answer loud and clear.

Back around September 30 (I know, a lifetime ago) Blinken puffed up his tiny little chest and told reporters that the US is now “the leading supplier of [liquefied natural gas] to Europe.” In addition to shipping its own fuel to Europe, Blinken said that the US is working with European leaders to find ways to “decrease demand” and “speed up the transition to renewables.”
Shame on you greedy European plebeians! Stop raping the earth of its resources. Don’t you know we are in a climate crisis? Hey! Of course, we need to build more bombs and up the ante with our biological weapons. This is for your own protection. Because, you know, Putin wants to drop a nuclear bomb on you! So, get on your knees and thank us!
We don’t hate Russians. No, no, no! They are poor ignorant plebeians, just like the Europeans, just like our very own American citizens. Just think how the Russians must have suffered after we took away their McDonalds and their Coca Cola. It’s a wonder they didn’t all flee the country in search of the nearest McDonalds in a BTR controlled “satellite state.”
Okay, so Russia didn’t buckle under our terrible sanctions. The fact is, we are really sanctioning Europe, only the plebeians are too dense to see it. We saw a crisis and we stepped in to save the day. Actually, we manufactured a crisis so we could step in and save the day. As Klaus Schwab said about Covid, never let a good crisis go to waste.
With his tiny chest still puffed out, Blinken continued with the virtue-signaling that this administration has become so good at displaying, “It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from [Russian President] Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs.”
Wow, what a guy Blinken is! Ever since that disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan he has instilled nothing but confidence!
Oh, oh, oh. Wait, wait, wait. If we read Blinken’s statement as we have learned to do from Chinese dissidents who lived under communism—meaning read the news upside—then we know what Blinken is really saying:
“It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all solidify Europe’s dependence on American energy and use the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing our imperial designs.”
Thank goodness the BTR planned so well for this. Back in April, Forbes reported that “the United States is poised to become the world’s leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter by the year’s end. The US Energy Information Administration forecasts the country will export a whopping 12.2 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) average to surpass Australia and Qatar for the top spot.”
It’s uncanny how perfect their timing is, since thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Europe is now the top destination for US LNG for the fourth straight month, receiving 65% of total exports.
Just days before the explosions, German protestors overran the streets demanding the reopening of Nord Stream 2. And then, boom! Germany faces food shortages and people are frantically buying up firewood for the coming winter, fearing they will not be able to heat their homes.
But never fear, Germany! The BTR is coming to the rescue.
“There’s a lot of hard work to do to make sure that countries and partners get through the winter,” Blinken said, suggesting, as EU leaders have also done, that Europe work to “reduce demand” for gas.
And now, right when things should calm down since Putin got what he wanted with the annexation as Biden calls it of the four break-away territories, Biden once again escalates it all with his scary invocation of nuclear ‘Armageddon’.
I’ve been looking for where Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons. The Washington Post quotes Putin as saying, “This is not a bluff. And those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the weathervane can turn and point toward them.”
But these aren’t the words of an instigator. They are defensive words. I read it as a warning that if nuclear weapons are used against Russia, they will respond in like kind.
Just for fun, here’s a look at nuclear warheads across the world.

Russia and the U.S. have 90% of the world’s strategic nuclear stockpile
Today the Daily Mail tells us that Putin has ‘already decided to use tactical nukes.
Apparently, according to political scientist Valery Solovey, a former professor at Moscow’s prestigious Institute of International Relations [MGIMO], “Vladimir Putin wants to take the world with him when he dies and has already taken the decision to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, an ‘expert’ on his ‘failing health’ has said.”
Of course, we will never be told who that ‘expert’ is. Putin just turned 70. We keep on hearing about his “failing health,” and there he was, celebrating the accession/annexation, whatever you want to call it.

Biden is a doddering old man at almost 80. If you look at Biden and Putin giving speeches, whose health would you be more worried about. I’d say it’s of more concern that Biden has his finger on the button, since he probably can’t remember what the button is for. This is all so ridiculous. Well, no, it’s not ridiculous. It’s obscene. I don’t like my life and the lives of my children and future generations being played with by maniacs.
Does anyone still think this man is still in control of his mental faculties?

Then, we have these guys. North Korean officials laughing at their recent nuclear launch over Japan.

How could we forget this disgruntled fellow, Voldmort—I mean, Volodymyr Zelensky.

The more billions Ukraine gets from the BTR, the more Zelensky knows he has sold his country into slavery. And himself. Remember his $850 million accumulated assets, revealed by the Pandora Papers and questioned by the Dutch Party after Zelensky’s campaign vows against corruption during elections seemed to have come to naught? All that money in those offshore accounts won’t amount to much when the BTR is finished with him and spits him out.
I always knew politics was dirty, but this is beyond dirty. This is beyond politics. It’s insanity.
If Putin is preparing his citizens to launch a nuclear attack, the United States is preparing its citizens to receive one.
Guess who’s buying $290 million worth of anti-radiation drugs amid warnings of nuclear war?
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Tuesday the significant procurement of radiation sickness drugs.
The HHS press release revealed the purchase was part of “ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.”
The announcement comes after warnings of “the prospect of Armageddon” being instigated by Russian president Vladimir Putin, reported NY Post.
The drug is sold under the brand name Nplate manufactured by California-based Amgen. It encourages the production of platelets and is used to minimize bleeding caused by acute radiation.
How kind of the BTR to look after us all! The question is, how much more kindness can we endure when it involves being bled dry so that politicians can continue their crooked deals with drugs and weapons manufacturers and fund their ongoing battle to stop ‘climate change’ and ‘save humanity from the bad guys’?
If we apply the same logic to who is more likely to gain from the dropping of a nuclear bomb (a teeny, tiny one, just a little one, mind you) that we apply to who is more likely to have blown up the Nord Stream pipeline, the answer becomes clear.
I know what Holmes, Poirot, and Marple would say.
The Biden Totalitarian Regime.