The “Great Reset” proponents dream of a world where not only our freedoms, finances and movements are at stake, but even the food we consume and the water we drink will be controlled by an all-seeing, all-knowing and all-encompassing government.
🦗🐛 Whether a snack or a food ingredient, did you know there are currently three insects authorised in the EU 'novel food'?
‘House cricket’, ‘yellow mealworm’ and ‘migratory locus’ are the three types of insects authorised as ‘novel food’ in the EU market. 👇
— European Commission 🇪🇺 (@EU_Commission) August 12, 2022
In a recent tweet the EU Commission wrote: “Whether a snack or a food ingredient, did you know there are currently three insects authorised in the EU ‘novel food’? ‘House cricket’, ‘yellow mealworm’ and ‘migratory locusts’ – three types of insects authorised as ‘novel food’ in the EU market.”
They wrote the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) a Non-Governmental and Non-profit Organization based in Rome, Italy indicated “that insects are a highly nutritious and healthy food source.”
The FAO posits that insects contain high fats, proteins, vitamins, fibre, and mineral content can facilitate a shift towards healthy and sustainable diets.
Sustainable is the control word here. Because according to Agenda 2030, you will eat no meat, only bugs, and you will be happy about it. Oh, and only if your social credit score allows you to purchase the bugs in the first place.
The EU Commission continues, eliciting that: “eating insects is safe”.
But in the end, they say: “It is up to you to decide whether you want to eat them or not!”
And to try and convince you to eat bugs they write: “The use of insects as an alternative source of protein is not new and insects are regularly eaten in many parts of the world.”
While this may be true in some areas of the world where food is scarce, or as a delicacy. Promoting the fact that billions of people consume insects is disingenuous and exaggerates the situation.
The EU Commission asks: “Let’s give it a try?” – We say no thanks!
Traditional agricultural farming has been with us for centuries, but the elites want to destroy all of that. Replacing it with insect pastes derived from CRISPR labs on mass-produced insect farms.
The ongoing efforts to force bugs down our throats has been kicked up to another level when the European Union voted to approve insects for human consumption.

European member states approved house crickets, yellow mealworms, and grasshoppers as so-called “novel foods,” allowing them to be brought to market.
The bugs can be sold frozen, dried, or powdered. Insects can be used as a sustainable protein alternative in dishes ranging from cereal bars to dried pasta, according to Protix, which operates Europe’s largest insect farm.

Protix is one of the leading insect companies in Europe based in the Netherlands, their website quotes that they: “Farms insects for our planet”. And they “produce the ingredient of the future: insects.”
The United Nations says that the market for edible insects could be worth $6.3 billion (£4.6 billion) by 2030, and 2 billion people already eat them around the globe as part of their diet.
In fact one French restaurant is already started up serving food of the future: Insects Laurent Veyet’s tasting menu is not for the faint-hearted but may point to the future of feeding a booming world population – there is a prawn salad with yellow mealworm, crunchy insects on a bed of vegetables and chocolate-coated grasshoppers.
In the UK, the Food Standard Agency recently concluded a public consultation on the transitional arrangements for edible insects.
The purpose of the consultation was to review the policy approach to the authorisation of edible insects within scope of the existing measures in the “novel food” regulations retained from the EU.
The consultation sought comments from industry, authorities, and other stakeholders on the proposal to introduce a legislated measure which will clarify the arrangements for businesses seeking authorisation for their edible insect products.

The EU equivalent the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has already given the green light.
From now on, house crickets can be sold and eaten whole, frozen, or dried, or as a powder. In July last year, the EU officially approved the consumption of dried yellow mealworms.
In November, grasshoppers were added to the list, and now, house crickets have been approved and there are currently nine more applications for insects pending at EFSA.
While insect consumption by humans or entomophagy has been traditionally practiced in various countries over generations and represents a common dietary component of various animal species (birds, fish, mammals). The farming of insects for humans and animals is relatively recent.
Dutch farmers are fighting against the biggest theft of land and resources their country has ever seen because their Prime Minister is owned and operated by the WEF.
Mark Rutte touted their “bug food innovation hubs” were being built in the country.

Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, said: “Global food insecurity has been rising again. This stresses the need to redesign how we produce and consume food.”
And all this is being driven by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 12 which sets an objective of halving per capita global food waste, to reduce losses along production and supply chains by 2030.
But achieving this will require major and radical changes to what we eat, how it’s produced and consumed.

Eating bugs is also part of the WEF’s circular food economy plan. Global organisations like the WEF and EU Commission want to change our attitudes towards insect consumption, saying its to counter food waste and climate change.
Many people today might be reluctant to make this transformation. “But in future, it may not seem so far-fetched an idea.” The WEF writes.
The Netherlands is now the blueprint for the WEF’s Circular Food Economy. With bug meat protein in mind, they plan to mass farm insects for our planet with start-ups like Protix.

In the article “Devouring waste, nourishing the world: how insects can feed a circular economy.” They describe a nursery in Bergen op Zoom that offers a “future proof, circular food chain”.
According to Protix Founder and CEO Kees Aarts. “The opening of the new production facility in Bergen op Zoom is not just for Protix, but for the whole insect industry, a real transformation,” he says. “This nursery is unique in the Netherlands, Europe, and the world.”

With their doomsday laden forecasts about there being too many people on the earth, that the earth is getting too hot, that we must eat bugs to stop climate change: “Population growth and environmental catastrophe mean that the very future of humankind is threatened. In the Netherlands, a group of scientists is working on an urgent challenge: feeding the 11 billion.”
The globalists want to turn places like the Netherlands, the farming hub of Europe into a giant insect growing centre to feed the billions of people. They are rewriting nature.
Dutch farmers are being stripped of their livelihoods, jobs, and their futures. To make way for Schwab’s circular food bug economy with these mass Bug Innovation Hubs.
The WEF has come out in support of global citizens eating bugs over other forms of meat; the WEF are heavily involved in pushing this down our throats.

“Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems.”
Describing insects as a “A source of protein”, “A healthy ingredient”, “A more sustainable production”, “A natural fertilizer” and saying that we “Now we need to overcome the last major barriers:”
Recently the petfood industry wrote an article stating: “Don’t ‘oversell’ insect protein sustainability, nutrition”. Because when scientists reviewed what research there is on insect-based ingredients in dog and cat foods. They found only two studies have evaluated how insect-based dog foods effect the nutritional status and health of dogs and none on cats.
Just like everything else that is being pushed by the globalists, pandemics, cost of living, eating bugs is another one of their gigantic cons. Insects are not safe for you and aren’t safe for your pets either as the nutrition isn’t correctly balanced. It’s all been hyped up as “sustainable”, but it is anything but.

To get you to eat bugs they will try and normalise it by putting it onto restaurant menus and using A list celebrities like Nicole Kidman.
You probably saw the video of Hollywood star Nicole Kidman when she joined the ranks of the elites who are pushing humanity to stop eating steaks and start eating bugs and insects.
She filmed a promotional video for Vanity Fair, Kidman attempts to convince the masses that insects such as hornworms, crickets and grasshoppers are delicious.
Disgusting! Nicole Kidman looks distinctly uncomfortable sampling a variety of bugs doing her best to sell it to the public.
Oregon USA 🇺🇲 Another Food Processing Plant up in Flames 🔥 Firefighters say a small fire started at 3pm and it was completely extinguished, but 𝙈𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙮 it reignited at 4am…And so we have another 𝙐𝙣𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚…🧐
— 𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀 (@riseupandresist) August 13, 2022
While food processing plants across the US continue to mysteriously burn to the ground but giant new factories are quietly being opened that is making future food out of insects.

At the end of May 2022, Aspire Food Group announced that in London, Ontario, Canada had opened the largest “alternative protein” food facility in the world that uses crickets as its main ingredient.
It is now obvious that fuel rationing, climate, and hunger is becoming normalized in the next phase of the “plandemic”. To usher in their financial reset, digital identity and bug eating hubs, they are preparing to starve out the world to roll out there insect agenda.
The globalists’ insect and bug agenda are another aspect of total global control.