By Lily
While a whole series of otherwise quite critical Twitter accounts are in the process of mourning the long-foreseeable death of an old monarch, one of the biggest proponents of the Great Reset, ascends the throne.
I won’t pass judgment here on whether the Queen was meant to be an inspiration, a remarkable personality, or always devoted to the good of her people. She was one thing, at least: A relic of a bygone era, when people seemed to have at least some rudimentary conscience for the position they were in. With the Queen, the last remnant of Old Europe dies.
Regardless of what one might think of her, King Charles is in all respects many times worse than his late mother could ever have been. His life has been riddled with scandal, hypocrisy, and outright corruption; an open misanthrope who is adept at using the guise of climate change to appear as a humanitarian. King Charles, and there is no other way to put it, is the embodiment of the most vicious agendas of Western elites. The undisputed King of the Great Reset.
#TheGreatReset has been launched!
— Clarence House (@ClarenceHouse) June 3, 2020
Charles was and is one of those people who fly in private jets to climate conferences to warn the world in alarmist rhetoric about climate catastrophe and to promote the depopulation agenda, which is of interest not for climate reasons, but simply because a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” will render a sizable percentage of the population simply useless. Very few will be able to hold their own in a high-tech world, learn skills that are needed, or even identify with it. The approach of the elite here is not to enable these people to live a fulfilled life in any other form they choose, no, these people must simply disappear. The useless class, made superfluous by robots and AI, no longer has a place in shareholder communism. And that is what the new English King openly stands for.
Prince Charles: “Prince of Wales calls for population control in developing world.”
— Michael (@HegKong) July 7, 2022
Last year, during the COP26 Climate Change Summit, Charles in a general-like tone demanded (and yes, he demanded, not asked or raised concern) that ‘war-like footing’ was necessary to eliminate fossil fuels and move to renewables. Charles’ advocacy for the destructive Paris Climate Accords and the UN’s Climate Change Conference objectives have brought Britain to the brink of an energy debacle. But, of course, a king cares precious little about that. He will neither sit in the dark, nor freeze, nor starve in winter.

And King Charles not only shares the ideas of the Davos think tank; he is also a welcome and enthusiastic guest at the annual WEF extravaganza and a cornucopia of wonderful globalist garbage ideas that the WEF catalyzes and makes socially acceptable so that the population thinks they have their best interests at heart.
For example, he has been actively involved in the Great Reset idea to “overcome the climate crisis and restore the natural world.” In a podcast with WEF founder Klaus Schwab, he openly advocated “carbon-pricing” for goods and the “Net-Zero” agenda. He is also a big proponent of the ESG agenda, which is nothing more than cartelizing industries to create financial monopolies in the name of the environment.
None of Charles’ remarkable ideas would stop the British Royal Family in the least from continuing to live as they do now. The family that uses German Air Force planes to take a completely unnecessary trip to Düsseldorf at the expense of the German taxpayer. The family whose depraved offspring have 18 times the CO2 emissions of a normal Brit for just a single transatlantic flight—pleasure they will gladly take from you in the near future.
King Charles doesn’t give a damn about the environment. The green agenda he stands for only serves the purpose of accumulating more power. King Charles is a king of the globalists, the caricature of the unworldly monarch who has stopped being concerned about the welfare of his people a long time ago.
As an American, I hate the monarchy and everything it stands for from the bottom of my heart, and I do not know how deep Queen Elizabeth was actually involved in the globalist agenda, but the coronation of a WEF king whose feigned concern for the world, deceives a large part of the population, now makes me look back wistfully to the time when the head of the English noble family at least had a certain sense of style and did not achieve sad fame by wanting to be Camilla’s tampon.