It’s funny really, when I think of the last few years and the overwhelming push online, to show that everything will be digital. Including people and lives. As I’ve said before, and this should not be overlooked in its implications, but we are no longer consumers in the old sense, we are becoming products to be consumed by the corporations. My piece Consumerism goes into that a bit more.
But what amused me, is while telling us how it’s all going to be great, a technical revolution in fact, everything digital and electric, and you will just be a set of data codes to run along inside that. We are also being told how unsafe and perilous it all is. Cyber-attacks, power cuts, supply chain issues, financial collapse, even of the crypto currencies it would seem. Your accounts can be hacked and you can be frozen out if they don’t like you, or there is a simple glitch. Like saying come and live in this straw house, it’s totally safe. Oh, but now it’s moving day, I need to let you know it is prone to catching fire. You would think again, wouldn’t you? Or someone advising you to get married, telling you that person is great, oh, but hang on, by the way they’ve cheated on you and you’ll have to get divorced pretty quickly after. Again, you wouldn’t do it. Well, I like to think people wouldn’t.
Unfortunately, while some of the above is being implemented whether we like it or not, that is not to say it will work, because we are still required to perform a function. Monopoly doesn’t play itself, and it can’t only work with just a banker, so it needs the ‘players’ to make it work, that’s us. And some of them obviously, but they make sure they have Mayfair and Park Lane sewn up, and we get a small piece of Whitechapel and Old Kent Road, if you get my meaning. And when you see a representation of when someone gets really pissed off, playing forever and losing all the time, and they suddenly stand up and flip the board to ruin the whole thing and storm off, it ends the game doesn’t it? Obviously, I know we can’t just tip the board upside down, life is slightly more complex, but you can make it so that you are not such an integral part of making all these new systems they want permanent, if you really don’t like them. As with much past and present, they like to create and maintain an illusion of something, and if the mind should choose not to delve of think beyond the facade, then it works just fine. But like those fake house frontages in Leinster Gardens in London, sometimes it really does appear as it should, fitting in to the normal eye, but behind it is something far different. Also think Truman Show, when he breaks from his routine and enters a building, and the actors then scramble to remove him and hide from view what gives it away. Kind of like how it seems when something revealing and often has a thread of truth gets posted online, and there is a sudden rush to declare it ‘misinformation’, or to discredit it. But to be honest, if it is a dead end and not true, then what does it matter if someone gives it time and thought? It’s their choice to, and if it goes nowhere and shows nothing, then what’s the harm? But if it does go somewhere, and there is something to reveal, well, there would be a reason to want to derail or halt someone’s line of questioning or thought, wouldn’t there?
So, while some people may think everything is as it seems, and those pushing new products and social changes just want better for everyone, there are others who do and will continue to think differently. To look at the overall purpose or financial gain that might be achieved by such a move, or how it could be used for nefarious purposes, and given what we have seen already, I believe that is the best way to think…