Thanks to COVID, Big Pharma is on the verge of ruling the world.
“Never get high on your own supply.” — Biggy Smalls
You’d be surprised how many respectable millionaires and billionaires made their fortunes thanks to drug smuggling.
It’s become quite convenient to blame China for every evil. But as I have pointed out in essays like The Chinafication of the Western World, this is the height of hypocrisy. Western nations, the United States chief among them, pretend to care about human rights and the environment while reaping the rewards of doing business in China where the rules are laxer.
If we truly believed in human rights, honest scientific research and clean energy, we would stop the lies and corruption. But we don’t believe in these things. We believe in the almighty dollar. Success means Big, Bold, and Beautiful. Success means getting rich any way you can. The only crime is getting caught.
Those who do get caught threaten the stability of the empire and an example is made of them. They become scapegoats, giving the appearance of justice when there is none.
It wasn’t until 2019 that Rochester Drug Co-Operative became the first major drug distribution company, along with two former executives, Laurence Doud III and William Pietruszewski, to be criminally charged in the opioid crisis.
“In a first of its kind prosecution,” Damian Williams, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said, “Laurence Doud was held responsible for contributing to the opioid epidemic in the country by conspiring with others in his company to ship massive amounts of dangerous and highly-addictive oxycodone and fentanyl to pharmacies that he knew were illegally dispensing those controlled substances to drug dealers and addicts.”
DEA Special Agent in Charge Ray Donovan said: “Today’s charges should send shock waves throughout the pharmaceutical industry reminding them of their role as gatekeepers of prescription medication. The distribution of life-saving medication is paramount to public health; similarly, so is identifying rogue members of the pharmaceutical and medical fields whose diversion contributes to the record-breaking drug overdoses in America.”
Yes, it surely sent shock waves throughout the pharmaceutical industry. It let everyone know they better not be as stupid as these guys. Get caught and you will get thrown overboard. The ship will keep on sailing.
We lament the fact that fentanyl flows to the United States from China through Mexico. China is the primary global source of fentanyl for the world and the United States is its main consumer. But what, really, has the United States government done to stop that flow? Our government is just another bunch of drug pushers under the control of the Big Pharma drug cartel.
Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of our government officials. Support was bipartisan, everybody praised her for standing up to China. NBC’s headline had this to say:
Pelosi’s defiant Taiwan trip cements her legacy on human rights, women and China.
No, actually, it proves that all she really cares about is a photo op. Cementing her ‘legacy’ is more important than the aftershocks her visit caused, such as China’s decision to suspend counternarcotics cooperation with the United States to protest her visit, fueling fears of a sharp increase in overdose deaths from Chinese-supplied stocks of fentanyl.
Doesn’t anyone get it? There is a real drug war in America. It isn’t just a slogan. They make these slogans—War on Drugs—and then act as if that means they are fighting, when all they are doing is making deals within a vast empire so that everyone, from lowly street dealers and government health employees to the CEOs of the biggest companies, like Pfizer’s Albert Bourla, can put more money in their pockets.
Fentanyl doesn’t cause a big explosion, but it is a weapon of mass destruction. You could say it’s a stealth bioweapon, being spread across the world, infecting an unsuspecting public in every nation.
“The Chinese Communist Party is involved in just about everything economically, business-wise, coming out of China, and you have Chinese scientists that have partnered up with the cartels,” observed Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.
Jaime Puerta, the father of a teenager who died of a fentanyl overdose asks the question, “Is this a way of China attacking our democracy? I would think so. There’s so much fentanyl right now in this country that it’s enough to kill every single man, woman and child in the United States.”

Brightly colored “rainbow” fentanyl pills and powder looking like sidewalk chalk are being marketed to kids. The new form is “a deliberate effort by drug traffickers to drive addiction amongst kids and young adults,” said Anne Milgram, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Administrator. “Fentanyl is the single deadliest drug threat our nation has ever encountered.”
It’s all bad and it would be great if we could find a solution. In fact, why can’t we find a solution?
There are a few complex reasons, but let’s stick to 2 factors.
First, our general acceptance of drugs as a way to solve everything from mental health issues like depression and anxiety to physical ailments like heart disease and diabetes. Most people believe they MUST take drugs of some kind in order to function. Children see their parents’ taking all sorts of pills. Parents set this example so why shouldn’t kids take pills too—the ones their peers think are cool.
7 out of 10 Americans are addicted to at least one prescription pill. The average American spent $1,376 on pharmaceuticals in 2019, a figure 47 percent higher than Germany, the second-most drug addicted country in the world. The vast majority of America’s drug habit is spent on prescription drugs that require a doctor “dealer” to prescribe.
A report recently issued by the National Research Council (NRC) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) reveals that the U.S. spends up to “250 percent more on healthcare than most other developed nations, and yet has the lowest life expectancy rate among all these same nations. Insurance companies are a big component of the drug cartel. In Germany and France, both socialist nations, upwards of 80 percent of pharmaceutical spending occurs via insurance and / or the government. In the U.S., it’s closer to 70 percent.”
We are well aware of the most infamous drug cartels, El Chapo’s Sinaloa Cartel, a Mexico-based cartel and Pablo Escobar’s Colombian Medellin Cartel. Movies and TV series, such as Queen of the South have romanticized the underground drug world.
With the shift to ever more potent and dangerous synthetic drugs, Chinese cartels are taking a front seat. The mega-cartel known as “Sam Gor” is believed by the UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to be Asia’s biggest crime syndicate. It is estimated that Sam Gor generated between $8 billion and $17.7 billion in revenue from meth in 2018 and has “expanded at least fourfold in the past five years”. The syndicate is led by a Chinese-born Canadian citizen named Tse Chi Lop, known as the “Asian El Chapo.”

The crime network is also less prone to uncontrolled outbreaks of internecine violence than the Latin cartels, police say. The money is so big that long-standing, blood-soaked rivalries among Asian crime groups have been set aside in a united pursuit of gargantuan profits.
“The crime groups in Southeast Asia and the Far East operate with seamless efficiency,” says one veteran Western anti-drugs official. “They function like a global corporation.”
Yes, a global corporation. No drug cartel could be bigger or badder than the Big Pharma syndicate. And no drug lord is bigger or badder than top-dog, Albert Bourla.

Men like Bourla care for your health and safety about as much as Tse Chi Lop, El Chapo or Pablo Escobar do. But unlike those criminals, Bourla will never be pursued by law enforcement or imprisoned. He is lauded as a hero. He is above the law. The law obeys HIM.
It’s an assault on every front. Drugs are pushed down our throats and pumped into our veins on the street and in the doctor’s office—whatever works. First, they capture parents in the doctor’s office, then they capture their kids both on the street corner and in the doctor’s office. The rebellious kids get it from the streets. The compliant kids get it from a doctor or a psychiatrist. All of them get hooked in by seeing their parents consuming pills every day. They think nothing of sampling the pills in the medicine cabinet.
Everyone is being told they are mentally ill—and they are believing it. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1 in 5 U.S. children ages 3–17 has a mental, emotional, behavioral, or developmental disorder. Of course, the only way these disorders can be solved is by drugs.
The 2 biggest “drug cartels” in the world are:
- Pfizer, thanks to COVID.Pfizer has reported an incredible “92% operational growth in revenue to $81.3bn for the full year 2021, compared with $41.7bn for the full year 2020, driven by its successful Covid-19 vaccine (Cominarty) and treatment (Paxlovid), which together accounted for nearly half of its operational revenue. Not satisfied, the company is aiming to become the first one to break the USD 100 billion barrier in yearly revenue in 2022.”
- Roche, again, thanks to COVID.“Following Pfizer’s path, Roche took a boost from Covid-19 solutions but mostly in diagnostics.”
6 out of the 10 top drug companies gained such huge profits in 2021 thanks to COVID.
How could so many people have been so blind as to fall for this obvious manipulation? Because it didn’t happen overnight. The groundwork has been laid for years. Do you know how far back it goes? All the way to the early 1800s and John Jacob Astor, the first American millionaire to make his fortune off of drug smuggling, creating the 19th century opioid addiction crisis.
And to go back to the way Westerners virtuously condemn China for pushing all that fentanyl on us, it was actually Astor who started it all. Astor had the great idea to sneak opium into China against imperial orders. The resulting riches made him one of the world’s most powerful merchants—and also helped create the world’s first widespread opioid epidemic. By the time he died in 1848 he had amassed an estimated $20 million, an astounding fortune for the time.
“The China trade was an early engine of American investment,” notes Eric Jay Dolin for The Daily Beast. The merchants who became millionaires thanks to commerce with China also became philanthropists—but there was a downside. “These American fortunes, and all their good works…must be weighed against the damage that was done in acquiring them.”
The epidemic spread across continents.
In 1859, Harper’s Magazine wrote of “glassy eyes in Fifth Avenue drawing-rooms and opera-stalls” and “permanently stupefied” babies—all people who took or were given opium in prescription or over-the-counter form.
There have been plenty of aspiring merchants since Astor who followed his example and who made enough money that they were then accepted in high society. Take the current rappers and hip hop artists, such as Dr. Dre and Jay Z. How many deaths are they responsible for? How many lives ruined with drug addiction? How many young people shot and killed because it was cool to be a gang member?
All of those crimes’ fad into nothingness if the murdering criminal pays enough dues to be allowed into the upper echelons of society. Of course, they pay a price for membership. They must bow in obeisance to whomever is above them. Jay Z is now a respectable billionaire proved by the fact that Obama invites him to his parties.
Instead of street drugs, Jay Z sells products like Oatly, which is “totally vegan.”

Except there’s nothing natural about Oatly. No matter how much these kingpins claim to love nature, they hate it—at least for you and me. Their products, from drugs to oat milk, are synthetic.
It should be no surprise that companies like Oatly are built on falsehoods.
According to the BBC:
First published in January 2021, Oatly ads compared the carbon footprint of Oatly’s milk with dairy milk.
They also compared vegan to omnivorous diets in general.
But, following 109 separate complaints, the firm failed to provide the evidence to back up many of its claims, the Advertising Standards Authority found.
“It’s clear that we could have been more specific in the way we described some of the scientific data,” Oatly spokesman Tim Knight said.
“We’re a science-based and take pride in being precise, but we could have been clearer.”
“Science-based.” How often have we heard that lately. And because the experts say it, we are supposed to believe it. Or else, you are the problem. You are the science denier. The conspiracy theorist.
Activist short seller Spruce Point Capital Management has accused Oatly of “shady accounting practices and misleading consumers and investors about its sustainability practices.”
Watch out, Jay Z, you were a good street drug dealer. But if you don’t get more sophisticated at fleecing the public from the clouds of virtue where the uber wealthy live, you might lose that invitation to Obama’s next birthday party.
Everything these kingpins say, from Bourla to Jay Z to your local doctor and insurance agent, is built on lies. It doesn’t matter if products they are pushing are bad for you or the environment. They own the scientists who do the research and write the reports, they own the media who advertise the products falsely, and they own the consumers, who eagerly ingest and inject it all.
Take a look at 3 recent examples of fake science exposed:
First: “Depression seems to have nothing to do with a chemical imbalance. All that talk about how depressed people don’t make enough serotonin? It’s not really true—at least according to a new study. Lead author Joanna Moncrieff said: “I think we can safely say that after a vast amount of research conducted over several decades, there is no convincing evidence that depression is caused by serotonin abnormalities.” That’s not to say depression is fake. And SSRIs do indeed seem to work for a lot of people, but now no one is quite sure how.”
Second: “The theory that Alzheimer’s is caused by plaques in brain tissue is based on falsified images. Tens of millions of dollars in research funding—and 16 years of scientists’ time—has been misdirected and relied on possibly fabricated results because of this “shockingly blatant” image tampering. The lead author of the earlier reports, Sylvain Lesné, a neuroscientist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, has stayed really quiet.”
Third: “Puberty blockers absolutely have deep and irreversible effects, including that they can cause brain swelling and loss of vision, which was added to the warning label by the FDA in early July.
We will never know the real numbers of how many people have died and been maimed by the Big Pharma syndicate. The “legitimate” drug empire far outweighs the illegal one in horrors inflicted on humanity. Together, these two halves of the same monster have been allowed to grow so powerful, unchecked, the only way to bring them down is to destroy them completely. The repercussions of this will mean destruction of our entire society.
Naturally, the vast majority of people don’t want to make such a sacrifice. For most people, it’s too late anyway. They have succumbed to the lies, they take all manner of drugs, and they cannot live without them. By the time they start “vaccinating” people for every possible ailment, it really will be too late.
We are all marching, unstopped, toward their “Great Reset.” The best I can do is fight it with my words and with my example of healthy living. Hopefully others will be encouraged, one person at a time, to do the same. Who knows, maybe those who reject the drugs will become a new army, fighting against these weapons of mass destruction. Maybe, just maybe, we can win.