A further look at the way our digital prison is trying to encircle us. Covered already in previous articles, but as it continues, so does the observation of it.
This is an updated look, seen as things are still moving along at quite a pace. New staffless shops being revealed, robots in place of people in factories, robotic dogs shown marching in formation, some with weapons loaded on them. You know, all totally normal for a harmonious ordinary functioning society. But today I have read through a few comments of the reality for some starting to hit home, women in particular after a certain move by a certain social media company a few weeks ago in the states. Showing people what the consequences are of sharing very personal information online, and giving rise to finally understanding that ‘private messages’ are only so to a point. Imagine someone being able to eavesdrop on every conversation you have ever had, and were ever going to have, omnipotence of a godly nature hanging over you. Many are close to it, as they share most of their lives online, publicly and privately, but when it’s all online, maybe there is no difference in the two.
With microphones in telephones and TV’s, they don’t even need to bug people’s homes anymore. We invited the devil in ourselves, paid for it, gave our time to it, and still do. The saying ‘you have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide’ is apt here, or would have been if the game was fair. Alas, it isn’t. Or they would have cracked down and stopped all the nefarious online activities that flourished as they were given free reign. Now being used as a weapon against normality to monitor everyone, while still not curbing anything.
The latest move bringing charges in a home abortion case, using messages between a mother and daughter to prove something. Women have rightly pricked up their ears on this and have started to think it through. Whether the girl was right or wrong isn’t the issue, it’s about privacy. Why people had apps to monitor their cycle is beyond me, I didn’t even like have a calorie app for a day for the idea that it was then recorded somewhere. By who? For what? No need. Population, pregnancy and the future of humanity have featured in many a storyline and I wonder sometimes if it’s a head up, speculated upon in They Tell Us.
But it really does seem as though they want to know what you think, what you eat, what you feel, where you go, when you travel, where you travel, who you talk to, what you say. They have access to most of that with lots of people, freely given to them on a daily basis, and that wouldn’t be an issue ordinarily. Like people said, ‘I’m very boring, why would they want to monitor me?’. And that is right, and monitoring all by itself wasn’t important, yet the overall point of what it leads to was for me. Why do they want all that info? In my mind, it would lead to being able to control those things. And here we are. Because while it wasn’t so much an issue before, now it is. Because they want to decide things about you and for you (and those around you), based on that monitoring.
There is also a big push and lots of restructuring going on around medicine. They want that all online too. Monitored appointments, checked and reviewed, doctors and patients alike will feel the scrutiny. This is where the idea that they are implanting digital tracers in people would come into play. They could monitor your heartbeat, circulation, location, intake of calories etc all from an internal sensor. They keep saying they want to integrate people with their phones, and they are already a beacon on us. Once fully integrated, we will be the data. They make no secret of that being a goal. To augment humans and machine to create something weird and seemingly not necessary. But as history and the present shows us, just because we can, does not mean we should…