I wrote an article about Living in Fear before this pandemic debacle, but feel I should revisit the subject as a number of the things mentioned have come up again.
A quick brief of that article was that I had observed throughout my childhood and into adult life, a theme and overtone of fear running through society. Which has only increased in the last few years as many have noticed. The MSM and money making governing bodies want you to be scared of everything, including breathing the very air around you. A sinister thing to instil in people, that their fellow human being is infected and the very air you breath can kill you. Makes for a good movie though, doesn’t it? There have been quite a few over the recent years, of viruses, infections, unseen monsters that are there somewhere, but with a fear and tension that builds. Don’t make noise, don’t breath, Don’t fall asleep. Normal everyday things turned against you psychologically, so that then you in turn sabotage yourself by way of imagination and over thinking. Following on from the hooks and lures that were placed over the years, and through various mediums to trigger a response.
Now it’s back to relentless doom and catastrophic predictions. The ice caps will melt, the ozone layer, climate change is coming, war, collapse of money, food shortages etc. Like I said, relentless. But if you happen to glance at the predictions since 1970, none have actually come true, although certain people and industries have made an awful lot of money from them. And continue to do so. With this current generation being pummelled mentally from every angle. And while all that doom is being filtered through to each aspect of people’s lives, they are also tipping society upside down. As they have in various countries over the years, the rise and fall of empires, temporary enemies and alliances, all moving and changing behind the scenes mostly. But we get to see the continuing campaign against how things are, and how they would like them to be. Keep in mind though, how things were had been set up by them too. So, it’s probably best that we don’t try and go back, because that place was still with fear as an invisible hook. With familiar, calming faces to talk you round, then alarming, in your face presentations by other familiar faces, placed for purpose.
We would do well to try and undo the landscape of fear, hate and anger that has been allowed to fester. And not carry it forward as they would like, instead find a new way to move into the future. Because if we don’t, then theirs will continue to herd us along…