“The brain created science and now it will be subordinate to it.” ~ Edward Hunter
We are on the verge of a new world empire, ruled by health & safety Czars who are finalizing their plan to control the populace through the consistent administration of drugs, most specifically, of mRNA “vaccines”.
In order to accept this truth, we must start with the harsh reality that the United States is a drug culture and that is the example we have set for the world. This isn’t the first time I’ve said this, and it won’t be the last. It is this attachment to drugs, this faith in the lie that they can somehow save us, that is proving to be our downfall.
The first step to recovery is admitting the problem. But this is difficult to do when so many millions of people genuinely believe they cannot survive without drugs. The tragedy is many cannot survive because they have been medicated for so long that going off the drugs would, literally, kill them. I don’t say this lightly. I have loved ones like this, and it is very hard to bear.
This is how the drug Czars want us all to be. So addicted to medications that we will submit to anything, just to keep that stream of drugs flowing through our bodies. The state will not need high walls or locks. The populace will be prisoners inside their own bodies. This is the kind of hell on earth we are heading towards.
(And yes, I must add that there are times when drugs can be lifesaving. That is not what I’m talking about here.)
When I read about BioNTech’s BioNTainers, I knew I had to write this update to mRNA Madness.
The photo above shows one of BioNTech’s BioNTainer portable, shippable, modular and turnkey mRNA manufacturing facilities. Each one of these containers can produce 50 million doses of mRNA shots per year. These portable facilities can be set up to reach people living anywhere, even the most remote stretches of the Amazon Forest, or the Gobi Desert. The Atlas and the Andes mountains. The furthest reaches of the African savannah.
The first BioNTainer arrived in Kigali, Rwanda in March 2023. As described on BioNTech’s website:
Each BioNTainer is intended to become a node in a decentralized and robust African end-to-end manufacturing network, aiming to offer greater independence and faster vaccine supply within the African Union. They will be equipped to manufacture a range of mRNA-based vaccines targeted to the needs of the African Union member states, for example, our COVID-19 vaccine and our investigational malaria and tuberculosis vaccines….
In partnership with Pfizer, BioNTech is building factories in Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa. They also plan to set up BioNTainer-based manufacturing facilities in Australia and Israel.
At Davos 2023, Moderna chief executive Stephane Bancel said he would like to build mRNA factories on every continent.
“For the next pandemic, we’ll have gigantic mRNA factories in India,” says Bill Gates.
People are under the impression that Bill Gates has been thrown out of India. Not so. His foundation has invested billions of dollars into global, regional, and country-level integrated disease surveillance, particularly in low and middle-income countries, like India, to ensure response can be faster and more effective come the next pandemic.
A monolithic interconnected structure is being put in place to ensure that no one escapes their “individualized” health screenings and drug injections—all for our health and safety.
But most people are no longer taking the Covid boosters, you say. The vaccines are over! The reason people are no longer taking the shots isn’t because they think they were a failure. It’s because they think they were a success! In this regard, far from being the catastrophe alternative media has told us it was, Covid-19 shots have been a phenomenal success.
More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population. More than 2.72 billion additional doses have been administered worldwide.
Yesterday, I saw a video of Dr. Naomi Wolf talking about the revelations of the Pfizer documents. Knowing I was about to start writing this essay, I felt frustrated and angry. I thought about the lies upon lies we had been fed about the success of the mRNA vaccines and how billions of people had accepted those lies because they believed the experts— and why wouldn’t they? The entire marketing machine that we in the West had listened to for all of our lives, selling us drugs that had made millions of people slaves of the pharmaceutical industry, where now telling us to take this shot and, like those millions of people had been doing for as long as they could remember, they complied.
And then on the sidelines were these warriors who were doing all they could to tell the other side of the story; a story that contradicted the years of conditioning people had been subjected to. I am no kind of expert, that’s for sure. But the experts haven’t proven to be very honest with us. I am a writer with common sense who can see through the BS. I do the best that I can, like these other warriors. Sometimes, it’s like being in a nightmare where I’m screaming but no sounds come out. No one is paying attention anyways. Especially not the people who really needed to hear it since they were already too drugged and too distracted to care. But we can’t stop. I, for one, have no intention of stopping.
The FDA has now agreed to release approximately 23,751 pages related to Moderna’s emergency use authorization application. The FDA acknowledges approximately 13,685 pages are adverse event documents. I suppose this will start a whole new investigation, just as happened with the Pfizer documents.
What has come of Pfizer’s release of documents? Sadly, it has not brought down this empire. Nor will the revelations from the Moderna documents. But this should not surprise us.
Inspiring stories were purposely built around the vaccines by marketing experts and the majority of people willingly invested their faith into those stories. They rolled up their sleeves and took the shots. They allowed their children to take the shots. Pregnant women took the shots. What all of these people genuinely believed to be true cannot be dismantled by new stories told by people they have been led to believe are psychotic liars. Even if the alternative stories make more sense. There is no sense. Nonsense is now the norm. It had to be that way, up had to be down and right had to be left, or people would never have fallen for the lies that the mRNA “vaccines” were such a success.
The proof that these lies succeeded is all around us.
Besides the usual workspace, Pfizer’s modern office also includes seven rooms for relaxation, including four for entertainment and gaming, as well as coffee bars, cafes, a two-story fitness center, a wellness studio and mothers’ rooms.
The HQ also includes nearly 9,000 square feet of terrace space, a living green wall in the lobby and indoor planters.
Who wouldn’t dream of working in such a paradisal setting? Life Sciences is what everyone wants to study nowadays. It’s where the good jobs are and where a person can feel like they are “changing the world.” Pfizer’s new offices show that. We are all expected to celebrate that success. Thanks to Pfizer, we can all breathe easier, knowing they are working on the vaccines of the future.
And that future has never looked brighter for the makers of mRNA vaccines.
It is thanks to two companies, Moderna and BioNTech, and their research into mRNA technology, that we are in this situation today. Before Covid-19 came along, neither company had ever had a product on the market. However, billions of dollars had been invested into these companies over the years, just waiting for the right moment to arrive.
“BioNTech has been a loss-making company since our inception 12 years ago and we’ve invested over $1 billion to develop our mRNA technology platform,” said Ryan Richardson, head of strategy at BioNTech, at a Financial Times conference.
In 2018, BioNTech started a timely relationship with Pfizer, when the U.S. drug giant agreed to pay the German company up to $425 million in an alliance to develop mRNA-based vaccines for the prevention of influenza.
The plan was never just Covid shots. Covid became the test to see if people would submit to experimental injections. To see if they would rely with religious fervor on the promises of experts who were given almost God-like authority over their lives.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General says they “welcome BioNTech’s initiative to increase vaccine production in Africa, as a complement to WHO’s mRNA technology transfer hub in South Africa and its network of ‘spokes’ around the world.”
A 2019 CNN article titled President Kagame and Bill Gates: Every vaccine is a shot of adrenaline into the heart of the African economy—actually written by the ruthless Rwandan dictator and the equally ruthless “philanthropist”—talks about Africa being the perfect testing ground for vaccines. As it has always been.
“According to United Nations projections, by the end of this century, Africa will be home to one of every three people on the planet and to five of the world’s 10 largest cities, including the largest – Lagos, Nigeria.”
To understand the scale of this global vaccination plan, here are some of the places where mRNA facilities are being built.
- In February 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Republic of Korea and the WHO Academy announced the establishment of a global biomanufacturing training hub, after the successful establishment of a global mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub in South Africa. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Serbia and Viet Nam will receive mRNA technology from the technology transfer hub.
- BioNTech to build mRNA vaccine manufacturing site in Singapore. Once it is operational, it will have an annual capacity of several hundred million doses of its mRNA vaccines per year.
- Moderna to build mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility in Kenya where it will supply as many as 500 million doses of mRNA vaccines to the continent each year.
- Japan is building its first mRNA manufacturing plant, capable of producing 20 million doses per year by 2024, with another wing to be added by 2027.
- Moderna to open vaccine research and manufacturing centre in UK. The company intends to “establish a global clinical trials base, endorsing UK as a science superpower”. Our investment will guarantee jabs in arms against some of the toughest viruses out there”.
- All the way back in November 2020, Elon Musk announced “Tesla’s mRNA microfactories for CureVac’s COVID vaccine development” in Germany. At the time, Musk talked about the potential of synthetic RNA and DNA and referred to diseases as a “software problem.”
- Moderna is building a vaccine facility in Canada’s Quebec province as part of a 10-year partnership with the Canadian government.
- EU approves ramp-up of Pfizer vaccine manufacturing site in Belgium while recommending approval of a new “filling line” at Moderna’s site in Spain. Pfizer’s history in Belgium dates back to 1952, where it owns 4 internationally renowned sites.
- One year ago, Australia signed contracts with Moderna to build Melbourne mRNA manufacturing facility to produce up to 100 million mRNA vaccines a year from 2024 under a 10-year multibillion-dollar deal inked between Moderna and the federal government.
But all of this is nothing compared to what India is doing.
India promises to have ‘gigantic mRNA factories’ ready for the next pandemic:
The Indian government has acquired “a vast patch of arid shrubland the size of about 14,000 football fields” for an ambitious Pharma City project.
“In 2020, farmers protested against giving up their land for the city. One farmer, fighting back tears, described how he sold plates made of lotus leaves to buy his land. ‘It is the blood and sweat of my family,’ he said.”
Naturally, the farmers’ protests failed.
“At the heart of the endeavor is India’s race to wrest control from China, which supplies almost 70% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients. It is expected to attract about $8.4 billion and employ 560,000 people in hundreds of sprawling plants”.
450 Indian and international companies have expressed interest in setting up shop in Pharma City.
Maybe you haven’t heard of India’s ‘Genome Valley’? I hadn’t heard of it either until I started researching this essay.

All of this would not have been possible if the Covid-19 “vaccines’ had not been labeled a success—almost on the scale of a miracle.
Uğur Şahin, the co-founder and CEO of BioNTech “routinely” told people that “immunologically, this is a near-perfect vaccine.”
By November 2020, he was saying things like it was “More than 90 per cent effective. I knew this was a game changer. We have a vaccine.”
“We were overjoyed,” said Dr Ann Falsey, a professor of medicine at the University of Rochester, New York, who ran one of the studies. “It seemed too good to be true. No respiratory vaccine has ever had that kind of efficacy.”
In October 2021, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla, told Fortune’s Maria Aspan, “Pfizer is right now at the peak of its entire history of 173 years.”
These were the stories we were fed, and that Americans loved to hear. The happily-ever-after stories of the entrepreneur overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve success. But there was nothing rosy or inspiring about the true history of vaccine research and development. That true history is encapsulated in the horrific experiments of the pioneers who first tested vaccines, not as independent scientists but under the dominion of the vaccine companies who paid them to reach the conclusions they were expected to reach.
Take Dr. Stanley Plotkin, whose conflicts of interest were discussed when he was questioned by US lawyer Aaron Siri during a deposition for a vaccine court case in January 2018.
I thank Exposing the Darkness for drawing my attention to this shocking video excerpt of Dr. Stanley Plotkin admitting to experimenting on aborted fetal tissues of fetuses beyond three months old, testing vaccines on orphans and on mentally handicapped children, as well as babies from mothers in prisons, and people under colonial rule. In a cold mater-of-fact manner, he admits to having done experimental tests on 1 million people in then colonial Belgian Congo.
Below is the entire deposition.
Dr. Plotkin first says he has only experimented on 2 aborted fetuses. But as the lawyer presses him, handing him an article that Plotkin himself wrote about one study involving fetuses, the good doctor is forced to admit that in this one study alone, 76 aborted fetuses were experimented on. All were three months or older, all normally developed. Tissues from many organs were cut up into little pieces, including pituitary gland, lungs, skin, kidney, spleen, heart, tongue.
When the lawyer mentions the tongue, Plotkin laughs, and says he doesn’t recall doing that.
When it is pointed out that this is just one of many studies he has done and he is asked how many fetuses he has experimented on in his entire career, he cannot recall, but admits that it was quite a few before it was decided to use fetuses to make vaccines.
Plotkin admits to having made statements that it is better to experiment on children and adults who are less likely to contribute to society. Plotkin wrote to the editor of ethics on human experimentation:
The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society or to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential. It may be objected that this implies a Nazi philosophy, but I do not think that it is difficult to distinguish nonfunctioning persons from members of ethnic racial or [normal graphic—couldn’t hear this clearly] groups.
Plotkin says he takes issue with religious beliefs. He has no sympathy for anyone who might object to a vaccine because of their personal faith. He is an avowed atheist.
No, the story of Dr. Plotkin will never be told by state media.
But the story of Katalin Karikó is a far happier one, told in the same Wired article that I mentioned above, titled The mRNA vaccine revolution is just beginning.
And by November 2022, Fauci admitted in a published research paper that COVID-19 vaccines could not have been reasonably expected to get the pandemic under control.
The about-face didn’t matter. By that point, people were used to about-faces on everything from masks to gender identity. It was “The Science” and everyone now understood that “The Science” changes. The only way to keep up with those changes was to rely on figureheads like the saintly Fauci.
Inspiring stories of heroes like Kariko helped cement the narrative.

Katalin Karikó, a Hungarian biochemist, grew up the daughter of a small-town butcher in Hungary. From a young age, Karikó knew she wanted to become a scientist. She started working with mRNA in 1989. It was her research at the University of Pennsylvania in the mid-2000s that laid the foundation for both the BioNTech and Moderna vaccines (Karikó now oversees RNA pharmaceuticals for BioNTech as a senior vice president).
Once the Covid vaccines were rolled out, Kariko raved about “the manufacturing, incredible scale, 200 million people injected already.”
The science always said it would “work like a charm”, she said.
For a long time, Kariko had struggled to get funding, but in his “Notes” of April 2022, Bill Gates gives chilling insight into how Moderna and BioNTech were founded with the select purpose of turning her work into a product that could make massive amounts of money:
As pioneering as this work was, it didn’t lead immediately to new vaccines. Accomplishing that would be the task of companies dedicated to translating the breakthrough into a product that could be approved and sold; the U.S.-based Moderna and Germany-based CureVac and BioNTech were founded to do just that.
Gates ends his Notes entry with this last “inspiring” paragraph:
For all her amazing foresight, I doubt even Dr. Karikó imagined that mRNA vaccines would one day play an essential role in ending a pandemic – and giving us a tool to prevent the next one. And to me, that’s the important lesson of her story: It’s impossible to predict exactly how breakthroughs will shape the future. That’s why it’s critical, if the science makes sense, that we should be willing to bet on crazy sounding ideas and the researchers like Dr. Kariko willing to fight tooth and nail to pursue them. They just might change the world.
And change the world they did. But not in the ways Gates describes. The mRNA vaccines did not work the way they were supposed to. Yet it didn’t matter.
Billions of people were now conditioned to believe any lie they were told. In that regard, the vast experiment that was Covid-19 and the mRNA shots had been a grand success.
“When they write the history of vaccines, this will probably be a turning point,” he added.
The turning point has come and there is no going back.
The field sometimes resembles the early stage of a gold rush, as pharma giants snap up promising researchers for huge contracts – Sanofi recently paid $425 million (£307m) to partner with a small American mRNA biotech called Translate Bio, while GSK paid $294 million (£212m) to work with Germany’s CureVac. (Wired)
Hartaj Singh, an industry analyst with Oppenheimer & Co., predicted that “Lots of older vaccine platforms will be gone – replaced – in a few years, or at least greatly diminished.”
Every illness out there and every future pandemic that they might cause, will have an mRNA vaccine to “protect” against it.
It’s “transformative,” said Singh.
And people believed it. As the world becomes more terrifying, they cling more strongly to these beliefs. Just as the companies producing these vaccines have invested so much into building this narrative that they cannot back down now, so too has the public invested so much into believing them that they cannot back down either. It is the perfect balance of the telling and believing of lies.
Back in 1950, Edward Hunter, who was a journalist and also employed by the CIA (sort of no different from journalists today), wrote articles on the subject of brainwashing and how a man could be “stripped of his humanity” and “turned into a robot or a slave.” I read about Hunter in Annie Jacobson’s brilliant book, The Pentagon’s Brain.
Quoting from her book:
Tactics had been developed, Hunter said, “to put a man’s mind into a fog so that he will mistake what is true for what is untrue, what is right for what is wrong.” Memories could be implanted into a brainwashed man whereby he would “come to believe what did not happen actually had happened, until he ultimately becomes a robot…”
“What the totalitarian state strives for is the ‘insectivization’ of human beings,” Hunter declared. “Brain changing is the culmination of this whole evil process. The brain created science and now it will be subordinate to it.”
Hunter wrote these words in relation to the bogeyman, communism. What nobody could have ever envisioned at the time was that it would be our own government inflicting this brainwashing on its own population today.