When Nightmare on Elm Street was all the rage, I was too young to watch it, but went out of my way to as with many films of the 80’s and 90’s.
In equal measure I was impressed and mortified (and slightly affected). A simple function we have to succumb to, and is a requirement in our daily lives. Sleep. I thought Wes Craven was a genius, taking something so normal and so necessary you can’t escape it, and turning it into something sinister and well, nightmarish. Of course, there was the twist of what happened when you fell asleep, but the concept of just making someone fear normal daily life was something different. Usually, a horror film or scary concept has an atmosphere to go with it. It’s night, or dark, or there is a basement, or ghosts. But this was just an average daily routine turned into a terrifying idea.
I can’t help noticing, as many have, the strange number of deaths that appear to be occurring, and are being reported on, of people of all ages just suddenly dying in their sleep. I think most of us in the know, know what seems to be the contributing factor to that, but what is the mental effect of that on others? What are the psychological repercussions of fearing to go to sleep, to have a heavy weight constantly on your mind, wondering, not knowing if you have been marked.
I imagine it could lead to all sorts of thoughts, fears and worries. Especially as many don’t want to talk about it or brush it off as having always happened. And maybe it always did, but no-one noticed? Not so sure myself, but either way, we are all on a clock. Time keeps ticking for us all and one day will be our day, but as with all who get older, I guess you just hope it isn’t today…