Neoconservative and neoliberal globalists ignore the threat of China, while provoking nuclear holocaust with Russia
All it would take is a final humiliating defeat of Vladimir Putin’s invasion force in Ukraine to trigger a nuclear Armageddon that kills millions, a top military expert has warned in an interview with the Daily Mail.
Ex-British diplomat Tim Willasey-Wilsey outlined how the Russian-Ukraine war could descend into global carnage if Putin’s military should collapse in the face of unrelenting resistance from Kiev’s Western-armed troops, triggering an apocalyptic scenario.
The retired foreign office director’s comments came after a threat from one of Putin’s closest allies, former President Dmitry Medvedev, who warned if Russia was beaten in Ukraine it would trigger a nuclear war with the West.
Medvedev said in a Telegram post:
“It doesn’t occur to any of the wretches to draw the following elementary conclusion: That the loss of a nuclear power in a conventional war could provoke a nuclear war. Nuclear powers have not lost major conflicts on which their fate depends. And this should be obvious to anyone.”
In case Western minds were still in a state of confusion, Vladimir Putin clarified it even further when he said:
“Russia’s nuclear doctrine allows the use of such munitions if weapons of mass destruction are used against it or if the Russian state faces an existential threat from conventional weapons. We will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff.”
In other words, if you are the U.S. and NATO, to win this war in Ukraine is to lose it.
That’s an undeniable fact that no Western politician, military leader, journalist or analyst, no matter how hawkish, can deny.

Russia is a proud nation with a history stretching back more than 500 years that just happens to possess the world’s largest cache of nuclear-tipped ICBMs. What does NATO think Russia purchased those weapons for if not the exact scenario that is starting to look plausible for the first time in the nuclear age? Russia gets decimated on the battlefield and rather than accept a total, unconditional defeat on the West’s terms, Putin decides to unleash the entire nuclear arsenal at his disposal on Western cities. That leaves dozens of cities in smoldering ruins and nuclear fallout for miles upon miles. Period. Full stop. What is so hard to understand about that among the neoconservatives and neoliberals so gung-ho for war with Russia? In military terms, they have a name for this. It’s called a war with no exit strategy.
Keep in mind that war with Russia means war with China. Russia’s role will be one of distraction and depletion, getting the US to focus its attention on Eastern Europe while sending endless armaments to help defend Ukraine. After the Western powers have depleted much of their munitions in Eastern Europe, then the Chinese will strike Taiwan and possibly other targets in the Pacific theater.

Even now, the U.S. military-industrial complex is woefully unprepared for a fight with China, a new report concludes, and cannot fight a war on two fronts.
Defense News, citing a new report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies or CSIS, concludes the U.S. is not ready for a battle over Taiwan, as it would run out of key long-range, precision-guided munitions in less than one week.
U.S. military aid to Ukraine has helped prevent a Russian victory against the neighboring nation, but that assistance has depleted Pentagon stockpiles and shown that the American defense industry cannot surge for a major war, the think tank found.
Seth Jones, senior vice president and director of the international security program at CSIS, wrote:
“As the war in Ukraine illustrates, a war between major powers is likely to be a protracted, industrial-style conflict that needs a robust defense industry able to produce enough munitions and other weapons systems for a protracted war if deterrence fails. Given the lead time for industrial production, it would likely be too late for the defense industry to ramp up production if a war were to occur without major changes.”
The vast number of weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine highlights how difficult it would be to replenish them. For example, the U.S. has committed more than 160 M777 155mm Howitzers to Ukraine, leaving its inventory “low.” Manufacturer BAE Systems would need at least 150 orders over several years to justify restarting production lines.
U.S. military stocks of Javelin anti-tank weapons, Stinger anti-aircraft weapons, counter-artillery radars and 155mm artillery shells are all considered low by the study.
Stocks of the Harpoon coastal defense system, a key capability for Taiwan, are considered medium, though current U.S. inventories might not be sufficient for wartime, Jones wrote.
Meanwhile, there is at least one U.S. general whose head is not buried in the sand.
In a two-page memo dated February 1 Air Force General and head of Air Mobility Command Michael Minihan predicted that by 2025 the U.S. will be at war with China, according to a report by NBC News on Friday. In the memo, General Minihan, orders his troops to prepare for the coming war.
“I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me we will fight in 2025,” Minihan wrote in his first paragraph. “[Chinese President Xi Jinping] secured his third term and set his war council in October 2022. Taiwan’s presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason. United States’ presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a distracted America. Xi’s team, reason, and opportunity are all aligned for 2025.”
A “distracted America.” Did you catch that?
I already see and hear many Americans talking useless politics and getting emotionally and intellectually involved in American political drama. It’s a waste of time. All of that talk on your favorite news channel, no matter how conservative, is sapping your energy and keeping you hooked on hopium. Donald Trump is not going to ride in and save the day in 2024. We need to get our minds off of the fraudulent U.S. political scene and realize we now live in a post-elections era, where all of the most important key elections have a pre-determined outcome. But if they can keep you hoping for an election victory they know you will do nothing to really prepare for what’s coming, which is war, economic collapse and famine. We simply must start preparing ourselves and our families and get them on a war-time footing. That means stocking up on key essentials that will be hard or impossible to find once World War III commences in earnest.
In the memo, General Minihan directed his airmen to “go faster” in their training. “If you are comfortable with your approach to training, then you are not taking enough risk,” he wrote.
Then he ordered that, “All AMC aligned personnel with weapons qualifications will fire a clip into a 7-meter target with the full understanding that unrepentant lethality matters most. Aim for the head.”
All commanders were ordered to submit a report on their “accomplishments preparing for the China fight” by the end of February.
“I alone own the pen on these orders. My expectations are high and these orders are not up for negotiation. Follow them,” he wrote.
In other words, General Minihan was not passing on a command from above to place his men on the highest state of preparedness. No, he is taking full responsibility for this decision. The so-called “president” and the top Pentagon brass are more worried about making sure U.S. soldiers are injected with clot shots and prepared to share their shower stalls with transgendered freaks than they are about making sure they’re prepared to fight the Chinese.
We need to be the General Minihans of our families and communities, doing all we can to wake up our sleeping family members and neighbors, encouraging them to take the latest turn of events seriously and prepare for the worst. If the U.S. sending tanks to the Eastern European war front and a top Air Force general warning his men to “train faster” for a potential Chinese invasion is not enough to wake them up, what will?