“They Are Not Vaccines, They Are Poisons” – Luc Montagnier
“These vaccines are poisons. They are not real vaccines. The mRNA allows its message to be transcribed throughout the body, uncontrollably. No one can say for each of us where these messages will go. This is therefore a terrible unknown.”
This was Nobel laureate Professor Luc Montagnier’s plea when he was invited to the Luxembourg Parliament to accompany petitioners speaking out against compulsory Covid vaccination. His plea was made on the 12th of January 2022. By February 8th, he was dead.
Anyone who asked questions like this has been systematically discredited and silenced. People think that now, because they are allowed to ask questions on Twitter, that they have their freedom back and their voices are being heard. The reality is that over the past three years, the authorities have managed to put everyone into separate boxes where alternative voice are allowed to spout off their ‘nonsense” without it ever getting anywhere beyond an echo chamber.
But in the big, wide world out there, the propaganda is just warming up. The photo below shows McDonalds promoting the Covid vaccine. What vaccine will be next on the agenda, I wonder.

This week saw the 41st annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. Not a big glitzy affair like the World Economic Forum’s Davos conference will surely be in a few days, from January 16-20.
For the drugs companies in attendance, they can move forward with a lot of confidence into the future. No one is protesting outside the conference grounds. No one is being rounded up and put in jail.
The Covid-19 pandemic was the most successful propaganda campaign in history.
It blanketed the entire world, with almost every world leader on board with the protocol. There were those few African leaders who didn’t bow to pressure, for example, but please don’t suggest their deaths were anything other than coincidences, because it’s been fact-checked. Maybe those leaders were assassinated, maybe they weren’t. But we will never know because questions like this are equal to dangerous disinformation. By writing this, I’m making myself worthy of reeducation, just like they are threatening to do to psychologist Jordan Peterson.

If I look up “covid-19 pandemic was the most successful propaganda campaign by Big Pharma in history” not a single result comes up relating to this topic. A lot of articles come up related to China’s propaganda campaign or articles comparing the Trump administration’s misinformation to China’s.
I’ve noticed that it is harder and harder to find alternative voices when I search on the internet. Most people who look at alternative media will not realize this because by now, they know where to go and they don’t need to search. But for some neutral person who wanted to research different points of view, they will never see anything except the state sanctioned narrative.
The propaganda campaign has worked, and it will continue to work as people become more dependent on drugs. It isn’t a conspiracy theory to surmise that as people are given more and more of these ‘vaccines’, they will lose their natural immunity and become ever more dependent on drugs for their survival. That survival won’t be pleasant.
Excluding the pandemic, the UK is seeing in excess of one thousand deaths a week, the worst figures since 1951.
“There were 1,600 more deaths than usual during Christmas week as long waits for ambulances, cold weather and surging flu infections increased mortality rates by a fifth.”
In the United States, an explosive increase in Cardiac Symptoms can be seen in high school students after the Second Covid Injection.

Conducted by Chiu SN, Chen YS, Hsu CC, Hua YC, Tseng WC, Lu CW, Lin MT, Chen CA, Wu MH, Chen YT, Chien TH, Tseng CL, Wang JK. Changes of ECG parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students. Eur J Pediatr. 2023 Jan 5:1–8. doi: 10.1007/s00431-022-04786-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36602621; PMCID: PMC9813456.
Above is a report published on Dr. Peter A. McCullough’s Substack, where “both cardiac symptoms and ECG changes were recorded after the first and second injections. The results are alarming. After the second injection of mRNA 17.1% of students reported cardiovascular symptoms.”
But guess what? Dr. McCullough lives in the same echo chamber other discredited doctors and scientists live and his voice will never be heard except in derision by those outside the echo chamber.
On Twitter, Elon Musk has made sure that dissenters feel empowered in ways they didn’t before—as if their voices are actually being heard. (I am still permanently banned from Twitter, by the way.)
Another discredited doctor, Mike Yeadon, recently had over 200K views of this shared video, along with this statement:
‘We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Jansen, AstraZeneca & their enablers withheld and willfully omitted crucial safety & effectiveness information from patients & physicians & should be immediately indicted for fraud.’
They will be waiting a long time if they think their comments on Twitter will lead to indictments.
Senator Ron Johnson is questioning the CDC as to why it denied the fact that it expected hundreds of safety signals for COVID-19 Vaccines.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), claimed in 2022 that safety monitoring revealed no “unexpected safety signals” for the vaccines.
But the results to which she was referring showed hundreds of safety signals, or adverse events potentially linked to the shots.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is now wondering why the CDC expected so many signals after vaccination.
In a Jan. 10 letter citing The Epoch Times article on the results, Johnson demanded the CDC explain how it determined what is and is not an “unexpected safety signal.”
“The American people have a right to know the extent to which your agency was aware of and tracked COVID-19 vaccine adverse events. Your lack of transparency is unacceptable. Without immediately providing complete and reliable information about COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, you are obstructing Congressional oversight and leaving the public in the dark,” added Johnson, who was stonewalled when he requested the monitoring results.
Search for Senator Ron Johnson and you will find article after article about his irresponsible spreading of misinformation online. In June of 2021 he dared to hold an event on the adverse reactions to Covid vaccines. As a result, he was accused of “promoting dangerous and unfounded claims” about the vaccine that contradict medical research and analysis.
Asking questions is not allowed. And yet, isn’t this what doctors are supposed to do? Apparently not. I’m still appalled that my own state of California approved a bill to punish doctors who spread false information.
The billions of dollars in earnings from Covid are likely to lessen, but the illnesses will never go away. In fact, they will increase exponentially as the drugs to treat them hit the market.
CEOs like Albert Bourla of Pfizer would be fools if they didn’t take advantage of this successful propaganda campaign to expand their repertoire and see how many more billions they can make from marketing drugs, drugs, and more drugs on an increasingly vulnerable population.
Speaking at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, Bourla “laid out scenarios that could take the drugmaker to $84 billion” from a slew of new drugs for burgeoning ailments. Pfizer’s earnings of $41 billion from their Covid jab in 2020 seemed staggering at the time. But now, they intend to double that amount.
Pfizer is entering the “18 most important months in its history,” says Bourla. The company is planning nineteen drug launches or label expansions over the next year and a half.
Some of those products include an RSV vaccine, elranatamab in multiple myeloma, ritlecitinib in alopecia areata and a much-anticipated oral GLP-1 drug, a gene therapy portfolio and several vaccines.
Nobody can match Moderna in exciting new mRNA products.
To offset the slow-down in Covid vaccines, Moderna is considering raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine by over 400 percent—from $26 per dose to between $110 and $130 per dose. This is in line with Pfizer’s 400% price rise. Bourla claims that the vaccines will be “free.” All this means is that insurance companies will pay—for those who have insurance— and premiums will go up.
Of course, the answer is, don’t take the vaccines. And many people aren’t. But what happens when more and more people find themselves ill with cancer, or autoimmune diseases like HIV, and new miraculous mRNA vaccines are provided? People will take them. Relentless marketing has already gone a long way toward normalizing it all.
Moderna’s Covid-19 jab was the first drug the company ever got approved by the FDA after years of getting nowhere. They now have their updated booster shot. However, even CNN felt obligated to report that Moderna failed to present important infection data to the FDA when its booster was up for approval.
The data in question indicated that “1.9% of the study participants who received the original booster became infected,” while “among those who got the updated bivalent vaccine – the one that scientists hoped would work better – a higher percentage, 3.2%, became infected.”
Philip Krause, the former deputy director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccine Research and Review, told CNN that “The company’s failure to present this information at the [FDA advisers meeting] and the omission of discussion about the data at that meeting raises questions about the ability of the process to provide a full and transparent review of the data.”
What did the advisors do? They shrugged, oh well. Even if the data had been included, it wouldn’t have changed our minds, they said.
Of course, it wouldn’t. These approvals are decided well before the actual votes. There is too much money at stake for these drugs not to be approved.
Watch this deeply disturbing video of vaccine-injured Olivia Teseniar being gaslit when she tries to be heard:
Olivia Teseniar was part of Moderna’s trial. After 2 years of serious adverse reactions, she now has T-cell lymphoma and leukemia. Her issues were omitted from Moderna’s submission to the FDA. She recorded her last meeting with the Principal Investigator of the trial.
I don’t write much about myocarditis or sudden death syndrome. There are so many others who cover this topic. The thing is the drug companies have been so clever. Despite what you hear in alternative media, there is no way to prove one way or the other that the vaccines are causing this kind of harm. Perhaps it will become apparent in a few years’ time, when it will be too late, as it so often is with the latest scientific “miracle cure”. But of one thing we can be sure. People are getting sicker. Their immune systems are being compromised.
Big Pharma is there with new products to “kill you with kindness”.
Moderna, for example, has quickly created a “program that involves injecting messenger RNA (mRNA) into people’s hearts following a heart attack.”
To quote Stephane Bancel, Moderna’s CEO, in a recent Sky News interview:
“We are now in a super exciting program where we inject mRNA in people’s hearts after a heart attack to grow back new blood vessels and re-vascularize the heart.”
When the reporter suggested that there is an “irony” within the Covid-19 pandemic that it allowed companies like Moderna to “develop these other areas because of the revenues that came through the door,” Bancel agreed. “You’re 100 percent right,” he said.
Here are some of the new mRNA gene therapies (what they call vaccines) that we have to look forward to. Notice the company Moderna is everywhere.
Influenza vaccines:
Sanofi/Translate Bio: These two companies are researching an mRNA flu vaccine that targets one strain of the flu virus.
Pfizer: Pfizer is researching a single-dose mRNA flu vaccine that targets four strains of the flu virus.
Moderna: Moderna is also studying an mRNA flu vaccine that targets four strains of the flu virus.
Moderna is also researching a combination mRNA COVID-19/flu vaccine.
Moderna is studying the only Zika vaccine that uses mRNA. The company is currently recruiting adults ages 18 to 65 for a phase 2 clinical trial. Volunteers, anyone?
Respiratory syncytial virus RSV
Moderna is currently studying an mRNA RSV vaccine in younger adults, older adults, and children.
Moderna is researching two different mRNA HIV vaccines. The first vaccine is being developed in collaboration with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Of all the mRNA vaccines being researched, Moderna’s CMV vaccine may be the furthest along.
Moderna is studying at least three cancer vaccines in clinical trials. Its personalized mRNA cancer vaccine was shown to reduce the risk of recurrence in patients with stage 3 or 4 melanoma .
The Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research is collaborating with Boehringer Ingelheim and CureVac on an mRNA cancer vaccine for non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC).
The University Medical Center Groningen is collaborating with BioNTech on an mRNA cancer vaccine for ovarian cancer.
BioNTech is also collaborating with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals on an mRNA cancer vaccine for advanced melanoma.
We need to also mention that mRNA vaccines are being created for animals and insects as well. I was disturbed to read about vaccines being created for honeybees.

As bees have been “commercialized, transported and pressed into agricultural service, honeybees have been exposed to a cocktail of different diseases that typically lay waste to large numbers of colonies and require major interventions by beekeepers to keep numbers up.”
In clinical trials it’s said that there is a 50 percent increase in disease resistance among offspring of honeybees. Previously, as with many animals, beekeepers relied on antibiotics to control disease, but now that resistance has been built up, instead of realizing they are doing damage to the natural balance of our planet, they decide to turn to vaccines.
It’s the same with humans. Instead of correcting the mistake, they move on to the next horror.
Here’s what the World Health Organization has to say on the matter:
The global increase in disease caused by drug-resistant bacteria, due to overuse and misuse of antibiotics, is a major public health concern. It is more difficult and costly to treat antibiotic-resistant infections and people do not always recover.
Vaccinating humans and animals is a very effective way to stop them from getting infected and thereby preventing the need for antibiotics.
Making better use of existing vaccines and developing new vaccines are important ways to tackle antibiotic resistance and reduce preventable illness and deaths.
The WHO sites as an example an alarming spread of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The answer?
“The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”
Except that the history books will never show this.
Why would those involved ever admit that they had colluded in the biggest propaganda campaign in history in exchange for blood money? All while the people they had given a Hippocratic Oath to serve saw their natural immunity waste away as they became more and more dependent on the drugs that were pushed upon them.
Think about it. Perhaps hundreds of new mRNA vaccines will be produced over the next ten years or so. If Montagnier is right about the Covid jab—and it makes perfect sense that he is—it is terrifying to think what the consequences will be on the billions of people, not to mention animals and insects who are repeatedly injected with this poison over time.