Newest Installment of #TwitterFiles reveals central planning for Information Sharing Environments and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s role in greenlighting the infrastructure.
Please try to imagine with me, being the fly on the wall of a Zoom connected Senate Intelligence Committee meeting during the height of the US Covid Pandemic in the transition bridge between 2020 and 2021. These meetings are almost like indoctrination sessions in-and-of themselves. Whatever your privacy hackles might have been for Chinese applications of Zoom technology, these committee meetings typically take place behind closed doors, for 1 – 2 hours. They meet twice weekly with top US Intelligence officials from the sprawling DNI agency tree.
These eight special people, decided all by themselves, with the help of forceful intelligence crisis agency actors, that we should finance an illegal, unconstitutional, emergency psychological operation aimed directly at the American people using part of the $1 trillion COVID pandemic budget.
Of course, the public didn’t know this is what the money was for.

In this week’s #TwitterFiles drop from Matt Taibbi, we learned that it is no longer enough to have a yawning Intelligence Complex, to include: DNI contractors from any number of paramilitary consensuses, intelligence insight gathering agencies, political opposition research firms and data brokerages, like Palantir. They just had to have US social media.
22."STATE… NSA, and CIA" Chan reassured him it would be a “one-way” channel, and “State/GEC, NSA, and CIA have expressed interest in being allowed on in listen mode only.”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 3, 2023
DHS’ Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) grant program pays private NGOs, technology companies and individual organizations to produce actionable intelligence and to take orders from CISA once they are on the grant payroll. CISA produced an elaborate Misinformation, Disinformation & Malinformation How-To-Report-Your-Uncle Guide and purchased a $5 million central repository software for State, local and tribal accounts. This likely included HSIN grant recipients, to produce “tattles”, as they were dubbed at Twitter. CISA was an absolute high maintenance bee in Yoel Roth’s bonnet, as speech purist pests. This included reinvigorated employment of a formerly defunded, and still ineffectual US Fusion Centers.
9.Twitter was also trying to reduce the number of agencies with access to Roth. “If these folks are like House Homeland Committee and DHS, once we give them a direct contact with Yoel, they will want to come back to him again and again,” said policy director Carlos Monje.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 3, 2023
The FBI, a Department of Justice criminal law enforcement agency, was intended to be the centralized node now known as “The Belly Button” to thread through all domestic intelligence gathering from Twitter. It is more than implied that speech violations were being played at very heavily as pre-crime sourcing, profiling non-criminal speech as though it were crime. Even though, there is not a court in this country who could prosecute a US citizen or resident for online speculation about COVID 19, making a joke or vocally refusing a vaccine based on medical history.
23."BELLY BUTTON" “We can give you everything we’re seeing from the FBI and USIC agencies,” Chan explained, but the DHS agency CISA “will know what’s going on in each state.” He went on to ask if industry could “rely on the FBI to be the belly button of the USG."
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 3, 2023
The FBI also asked Twitter to quash satire.
US State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC), emerged as a domestically directed intelligence agency in February of 2020. The GEC wedged a “Russian Disinformation” narrative in order to control US speech online. One of their tools was a kind of shaming coercion at Twitter. To paraphrase, the GEC said they would tell the US public Twitter didn’t go along with their wishes to pull down private American accounts based on COVID. This terrified their simp at Twitter, Yoel Roth. While their presence and agenda was clearly perceptible, it is important to state the American people are not in any way beholden to conform to speech mandates from the US State Department, a foreign service agency to US citizens abroad. They have no enforcement powers over the American person. They were simply paid by our government to terrorize weak, myopic tech workers at social media companies into performative PR for them.
11.The GEC report appeared based on DHS data circulated earlier that week, and included accounts that followed “two or more” Chinese diplomatic accounts. They reportedly ended up with a list “nearly 250,000” names long, and included Canadian officials and a CNN account:
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 3, 2023
Facebook, a competing rival in the social media space, became a point of triangulation for journalists who seemed too close to the source. This became the means for Senator Mark Warner to brand himself right into infamy.
7.“YOU HAVEN’T MADE A RUSSIA ATTRIBUTION IN SOME TIME” When Clemson’s Media Forensics Hub complained Twitter hadn’t “made a Russia attribution” in some time, Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth said it was “revelatory of their motives.”
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 3, 2023
While DHS was being raked over the coals BY THE PUBLIC in late Spring for Nina Jankowicz’ cable news spectacle of her proposed approaches for misinformation and disinformation, Twitter was already working with an entire broad spectrum intelligence demand from DHS, the US State Department, the FBI, the CIA, NSA and relative agencies in the DNI tree.
Decisions like these indicate a leadership that is managing the country’s resources into irrelevancy. To ban Americans from their voluntarily adopted social media accounts at the request of the US government is shameful. There is no way our taxes are paying to represent our interests in these cases. There shall be no taxation without representation. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of US speech.
DHS needs to stop this HSINful behavior. The DHS, DNI and the State Department need to stop paying Americans to report the legal online behavior of other Americans to the government.
Tell them to stop.