People are being desensitised, it’s pretty obvious, but just how far has it gone? There is a picture doing the rounds at the moment on social media around the Roe vs Wade ruling, a very pregnant bare stomach with the words “not yet human” across the front. And I thought, is she referring to herself? Obviously, she is not trying to refer to herself, but those words across her stomach made me think they were for her deep down and not for the impending life that hopefully makes it despite the odds.
Not yet human. Look around you, does it seem that there are some, if not many, lacking in what we used to call human qualities and attributes. Those qualities that apparently separated us from the animals, that gave us the potential for enlightenment and knowledge. Seems a long way off now doesn’t it? Certain people are not displaying any of their finer qualities that are apparently present, so I am led to believe that there are some who lack them, completely. Hence that phrase “not yet human” seemed to jump out at me.
There is also an msm article doing the rounds for a “Burger ‘that tastes like human flesh’ despite being vegan”, which is a disturbing headline in itself, but even more so once you unpick it. Firstly, why would you want a burger that tastes like human flesh (unless you would like to get people accustomed to the taste before they are forced to go down that road). Secondly, why the hell would vegans want to eat anything that tastes like flesh (let alone human), what is so appealing about eating something that mimics a dead animal for them? And why do they want to make the idea of cannibalism mainstream, and palatable in more way than one?
And here is where my mind wanders.
There have been times previous to the time we find ourselves in, where there have been underground cities and populations throughout various points in history. We have evidence of this all over the world, complex tunnel systems, actual cities, buried history. And of those underground wonders, there is one (which is actually many), that stands above the rest for me. Catacombs/ossuaries. And the photos below should show you why, if you haven’t come across these macabre subterranean relics before.

The reasons for these are as graveyards and burial sites, and I hear that. But it’s not what I am seeing. So, back to underground, in these multitude of tunnels, caverns, cities and hidden worlds. I have given much thought to why there might be vast numbers of people living underground at any one time, for both just general wondering and fiction storylines. But recently I have started to uncover more to work into my theories, of what it was that drove people down there in the real world, and it’s not sounding good. But from those pictures of countless human remains being used to create alters, did we think it ever was?
This brings a film to mind, The Time Machine (1960). The future is split between human simpletons topside (eloi), and sinister humanoids who dwell underground (morlocks) who sustain the eloi as they are food to them. Hypnotising them to follow a siren to their fate.
Another that didn’t sit well with me when I watched it was The Descent (2005), creepy undergound setting, horrific humanoids, very tense. But it was the overall idea that there are still things living down there that caught my attention and never left, knowing that there could easily be things lurking down below.
All I know is, if there is ever a push to convince people of the need to go underground to be saved, I’m meant to take my chances topside.