A follow up piece to Pod life, where the idea of growing babies in external pods, situated in your living room and monitored by a central system. With the ‘parents’ being a strange voyeur to their new offspring’s development.
But the talk has moved on, already. To implants of wombs into men, who want to be women. Removing women altogether from the reproduction process apparently. Odd isn’t it, how on one hand there is a drive to eliminate words, meanings, laws and security for women, at the same time as some people suddenly decide they want to be one, with all the bells and whistles too as one might say. So is it erasure, or replacement? Things being redefined at the drop of a hat to suit a purpose is something we are getting used to. What you thought you knew can be turned upside down in a second, and if you aren’t the type to know their own mind or think critically about information presented to you, then you may struggle to discern what is real or not. And what can be trusted or not, especially if you haven’t yet learnt to trust yourself.
But it sounds like what we once knew as the world of science-fiction, of mad professors and villains, safely tucked away in a film or story that you can put down or switch off. Or ones that end safely with someone shutting down the awfulness, or foiling the plan to expose the hideous outcome that nearly befell everyone, so you can be relieved When someone else saves the day. But no-one does appear to be saving the day in real life, and life, anatomy and meanings are being rewritten and overwritten right in our faces, while people try to say it isn’t. Either way, something is coming. Whether it be the collapse of society, an impending disaster, a split in humanity or just a slow decline from here, who can really say for sure. And it could be all those things, working towards an end goal that just isn’t so obvious yet, throwing caution to the wind and knowing the time is now short, go a bit crazy. Pulling out all the stops to make everything topsy turvy, to destabilise what was and is, to lay the foundations for what will be. If you had a heads up that a world changing were going to take place, would you tell everyone? Or would you do what you needed to make sure you survive and get ahead of everyone else? Maybe causing some issues for other people to slow them down, or side-track them from also knowing. Sometimes that is how it seems, with no care, thought or consideration for the future, only saying the right things to make people believe you are planning for one, when in reality, they know it’s not going to be there in the capacity we know it, so it doesn’t matter what they do. But everything that is being done, looks like it is for the ruin of humanity and the environment, not the betterment of it. So, I am left to wonder. Why would they want to create such a confused, contaminated and possibly sterile landscape and population, with limited options for growing, created weather problems and division and hatred? Why indeed, and one of the conclusions I come to, is that you want to make it as hard as possible for people to regroup and find their feet. By destroying, poisoning, shutting down and filling in things, they are undoing hundreds of years’ worth of work, time and ingenuity and have been at it for quite some time. Under the guise of progress, updating and improving society, when all the while it has been to infiltrate and dismantle it around us. All the while we were too busy trying to keep up with their distractions and standards to really notice the bigger picture, which now seems to be more in view than ever before.
Those things were the fringe services and areas of society though, with small intrusions into the domestic life and family structure, which has also gathered pace in the last few years. And again, those small things start to tie together to form a bigger more insidious picture than could be seen before. Breaking down values, morals, connections and trust between people, strategically introducing social influences and issues to upset the apple cart, and shake things up. And now we are faced with a wide range to contend with, some of them seemingly more sinister than others, with an overtone and undertone of hatred and malice. Personal agendas are one thing, and quite possibly we are bit more skilled at recognising that in people, but group agendas, well, it seems not so much. Understanding that someone can be executing a personal agenda while working for a bigger cause should be an easy leap in mind to me, but not to everyone. Enough can see it though, and perhaps it is because women understand how a certain portion of men view and treat them, so an alarm bell is ringing loud and clear. It reminds me of reading something online, where a man who wanted to be a woman, joined a women’s group, and then complained that the women were talking about periods, and that excluded him, so he didn’t want them to be able to discuss their women’s problems anymore, and kicked up a fuss. You know, because we all want to join chess club, and then complain that they are playing chess which you don’t know how to play, and isn’t it unfair they don’t play connect-4? Normal people would say, hey, just set up your own connect-4 club. Or get stuffed. But those responses would be applicable for the good old days, not anymore. And of that example, I should point out, there are people who don’t want to work for things, or do things themselves, they want others to do the hard work for them, and then just take it, or ruin it so they can’t have it. Some people actually get pleasure out of being that type of person, so I presume they are present in today’s social landscape too, being agitators and corruptors of a cause, sewing more division, mistrust and hatred. Making people feel like they need to fight for their corner as someone tried to take it away or ruin it.
And back to the main point of the article. With one hand they are encouraging women to be sterilised, or to halt their ability to breed, or have abortions, or birth control. Making it super expensive to have and raise children, constantly interfering with the development by way of medical, nutritional and educational means, putting extra strain on what should be a natural and normal thing. Only mere decades ago (and quite possibly still now), they stole lots of children from single mothers and women they deemed unfit for no reason other than social status by their standard. Destroying families and bonds between parents and children, creating generational trauma to hand down. And with the other hand, they are fawning over men wanting to be women, offering them all the things that many women had to fight for, and suffer for. But they aren’t just offering them their own version of it, with all the medical treatment they could want and facilities and recognition in their own right. No, no, they want everything relabelled that is already in place and full access. It does seem rather odd. Especially as until this recent point, we have been happily integrating with men wanting to be women, and making the transition towards that. But not in a manly aggressive way, which seems to be the new style, and some women are like that too, so that approach can be from all quarters, and rather than specify it by gender, I shall call it what it is. Bullying. And trying to get your own way by intimidation tactics. Weird that it is now becoming about getting rid of one, so the other can feel validated, important and ‘seen’. We don’t want you around or known as you, but want to be what you are and replace you. Like an odd Buffalo Bill Stepford Wife kind of scenario. And like the women in that film, who was happily going about her day, and happy to help someone in need, she gets clobbered and used for purpose. Which is how many feel in this, possibly on both sides, because there is something going on here which is not just about people being themselves, or identity, or acceptance, it seems to be something far more sinister. Which has yet to be fully revealed…