There appears to be a system of robbery that occurs, from top to bottom. Criminals steal from ordinary people and the upper levels, the law enforcement and upper levels steal from the criminals and the ordinary people, and the upper levels steal from each other too. A well-oiled machine of thievery. With the squeeze being on the ordinary person who took what some would call ‘the honest route’. But within that, honesty can also be a matter of perspective I guess, and rather than calling it the honest route, maybe it should be renamed as the naive route. To believe that hard work and honesty paid off, got you somewhere as they say. Well, that has been well and truly thrown in everyone’s face hasn’t it? Work hard equals having more taken off you, including your entire life now. With the hoisting of prices from rent, council tax, energy prices, food, fuel and travel, and anything and everything they can think of in between to charge you for. Charges, taxes, tolls and fees. Different words for the same thing. Thievery. The gatekeepers of goods and services, where a simple cost for the goods was not enough, and greed takes over. My article Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge, went into that from a slightly different angle. And I have talked about the corporate structure for it in Consumerism and Mark of the Beast, where it ties into them being able to dictate what you buy and own eventually, but it starts with the overcharging here.
And being honest, they already did dictate what we buy and own, because industry and commerce has been the decider of what makes it onto the shelves and in stores for quite some time. They set up the hood, so they could rob you. And by the hood, I mean all of society, with its different pockets and areas they name. Deprived, affluent, run-down, well-to-do, rich, poor and so on. They shaped the way we were allowed to shop by way of licenses, regulations, standards and procedures. Under the guise of safety, we got controlled. As you can see the method has worked before. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all for safe products and do understand the need to not just have any old Tom, Dick or Harry going around selling whatever, calling it whatever. But doesn’t it work well towards any smaller competition you may want to eliminate in a legal manner? So, in the end it just looks like they simply couldn’t compete, and the ‘better product’ won out. And in some instances, that will be the case. But sadly in many I believe not. A witch, how convenient goes into that a bit, but also highlights how if there is Opposition or resistance to something, then it is very easy to simply have a tool at your disposal to shout ‘Witch’ or whatever word or concept you have conditioned people to be afraid or wary of, and sit back and watch the fallout. People are people, and over time with all their experiments and observations have noted how easily a group of people can be spooked into a reaction, or steered in a certain direction with some carefully placed events, or ideas, or suggestions. All then strategically nurtured thereafter usually.
We are led to believe, that for decades they have been trying to improve areas and living conditions. Using stats and charts about ‘poor and deprived’ areas in the country needing attention and money invested to ‘bring them up to standard’. And even though we all knew they had created the low standard in the first place, blaming the people who lived in it seemed easier. It’s their own fault they live there, why don’t they work harder? Why don’t they just move? Well, quite possibly, all the barriers that people of good earnings now face, were the same for them back then. Allocated and judged by postcode, by accent, by education, by background. Not enough to pay rent, deposits, moving costs, don’t have a car, can’t afford your bills and food so you start borrowing money. And after only one or two months or that, extra charges and fines start rolling in, issues and more problems follow. That’s how easy it is for it to fall apart, if not quicker for some. Because as soon as you get in the shit, the system is designed to swallow you up, and keep you there as long as possible and take as much of you and from you as it can unless you have a close personal network to help you. Debt is big business, and a whole industry surrounds it, and a huge amount of money is made from it, despite the fact that technically it doesn’t exist. So, if society really wanted everyone to succeed and have the same opportunities available to everyone, then it wouldn’t try and make it worse when you find yourself in a tough time in your life. And quite possibly try and have ways to genuinely help people get back on track, where profits aren’t the main motive. Because once you start profiting from someone’s misery, what incentive would there be to try and end said misery, if profit is your main objective? I understand that not everyone may want to succeed in the ways of business, but success for some is just being able to afford to live and pay your way, and is measured by being able to have time to relax and take some enjoyment from life. We are all on the clock, I guess we just need to know who’s clock we are on, theirs? Or ours?