Samuel García Sepúlveda, the current Governor of the Mexican state of Nuevo León, recently attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Is he tapped to be the next President of Mexico?
Over the last 3 years, thousands of Americans, Canadians, Australians, and Europeans have come to Mexico, seeking to avoid COVID-19 measures. This is because throughout the COVID panic, Mexico was one of a handful of places that did not enact quarantines, travel restrictions, or shot mandates.
Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was very outspoken over the last 3 years, often speaking out against lockdowns, masks, mandatory shots, and in favor of not living in fear. Mexico City doctors also enacted a (short lived) program of disseminating Ivermectin, before the international Fact Checkers shamed them into stopping. A few Mexican towns even chose to outright reject the COVID-19 shots and refuse to allow them into their communities.
Some tourists coming to Mexico also appreciate the fact that many small towns have either overthrown corrupt politicians, or voted to abandon the current government paradigm altogether.
Additionally, many of those avoiding COVID measures also look to Mexico as a potential safe haven against the rise of Technocracy and digital surveillance. However, as I reported in April 2021, there are, indeed, attempts to bring various technocratic programs to Mexico, including biometric for cellphone use, and a national ID card, to name a few. As of February 2023, these programs are not in existence, but clearly we can see there are efforts to turn Mexico into an all-pervasive surveillance state, similar to many modern Western nations.
With all that said, it is clear that the architects of the Technocratic-Agenda 2030-Great Reset vision have not forgotten Mexico.
Samuel García Sepúlveda: Agent of the WEF?
This brings us to Samuel García Sepúlveda, the current Governor of one of Mexico’s northern states, Nuevo León. At only age 35, García Sepúlveda is quickly becoming one of the youngest rising political stars in Mexico.
This is why it is not surprising that he was invited to participate in the World Economic Forum’s 2023 gathering in Davos, Switzerland. Although there were other Mexican citizens representing banks and oil companies like PEMEX, García Sepúlveda was the only Mexican politician in attendance at Davos. The invitation of García Sepúlveda should not come as a surprise given that Nuevo León is near the U.S.-Mexico border and is home to Monterrey, the second largest city in Mexico.
Following the conclusion of the WEF annual meeting, García Sepúlveda posted several photos on his Facebook page, including a photo of him and the WEF founder, Klaus Schwab.
“We had three intense days of work at the World Economic Forum, we had meetings with presidents of Latin American countries, world leaders and first-level entrepreneurs,” Samuel García Sepúlveda wrote. “We show off our state to keep attracting investments, because opportunities don’t come alone, you have to go and look for them. In the #NuevoNuevoLeón we will continue to work to be the first in everything and the economic engine of Mexico.”

Within days of the conclusions of Davos 2023, Mexican media reported that García Sepúlveda had invited Klaus Schwab to come visit Mexico. Schwab has apparently accepted the invitation.
“Many important businessmen from Nuevo León come to Davos, and I invited him (Schwab) and he agreed to go soon,” García Sepúlveda told La Razon.
The date of Schwab’s visit has not been announced.
Future President of Mexico?
Now that he has been selected to rub elbows with the Davos elite at the WEF, one might wonder if there are bigger plans ahead for García Sepúlveda. Despite currently facing a call for impeachment, he appears to be under consideration as a possible replacement for AMLO in 2025.
In April 2022, The Baker Institute for Public Policy held an event titled “Mexico 2025 and Beyond” focused on what comes after AMLO’s administration ends. The Baker Institute is centered in Houston at Rice University.
The event was described as “an effort to envision the post-López Obrador era and to address these many challenges, the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico has launched the Mexico 2025 and Beyond initiative”.
The Baker Institute invited García Sepúlveda so he could share “his vision for the post-López Obrador era and the role of his state in building Mexico’s future”. Again, the geopolitical importance of Monterrey is likely one of the reasons the current Governor is being courted.
In the first few moments of the event, Tony Payan, Director for the Baker Institute Center for United States and Mexico, made it clear that the focus of the gathering was to “think about Mexico’s future, the Mexico we want to see beginning in the next admin, at the end of 2024”. Payan went on to state that media, academia, and civil society have “spent time reacting to the current government and its current policy choices and failures. Hardly anyone is talking about the alternatives of the future”.
Payan went on to describe how the Baker Institute plans to host future events mapping out a post-AMLO future for Mexico. Indeed, only months later, in December 2022, the Baker Institute held a similar event titled “Mexico Country Outlook 2023“, focused on the coming challenges for Mexico.
With Mexico’s history of colonization by outside forces, it should come as no surprise that these events are being organized by non Mexicans who have their own agenda and reasons for wanting to shape Mexico into a western friendly nation. In fact, these types of events only feed into the narrative that AMLO has promoted, specifically, the idea that the U.S. government and other influences are plotting to get him out of the way.
What does the presence of Samuel García Sepúlveda at the World Economic Forum mean for the Mexican people? Should we be surprised if we hear his name mentioning as a potential Presidential candidate in the coming year or two? How will his relationships with globalist organizations factor into his decision making as a Governor and potential presidential candidate?