There is a growing consensus that the simulation hypothesis may not be as far-fetched as once some may have thought. The way being paved for this through various films and ideas and as we gather more information about the apparent world around us and the construct upon which we base our ‘reality’. So, in my usual way, I shall use a list of films to illustrate how reality can and is determined by what’s around you. And by changing or simulating a different environment, can thereby change your reality and perceptions towards it.
The Matrix – so far this film is kind of heralded as the top spot for simulation theory played out in visual terms. It’s easy to understand, requires very little thought and appears to cover all bases. It’s too slick but a good starting point to get familiar with the idea.
Dark City – for me this film covers all bases and is neatly complex, it’s got psychological, physical, mental, metaphysical aspects and more.
Logans Run – This is a strange film, and has all sorts of overtones and undertones. But their reality is dictated and controlled and is no longer questioned.
Ready player one – an entertaining and fun look at the idea of a metaverse where it caters to your every want. Unless your want is to be able to fit in to normal life. It’s about finding out who you are by thinking you need to be someone else. Done in the classic Spielberg 80’s style, which I can’t fault.
Free guy – a recent film and goes even further into the computer programs running in the simulation touched upon in matrix. The replication of agent Smith, the fear of deletion by others. But this takes it further and goes with AI becoming sentient. An awareness of the system and programming develops leading to an evolution of thought. It’s a fun film though too and I recommend it. Easy viewing with lots of thinking material.
The Truman Show – a simulation of reality to convince one person it is. Meant to be portrayed as a reality TV show, but it’s a pretend sheltered fabricated existence. Until the party subject to the manipulation and lies snaps and realises all is not what it seems.
Star Trek – Next Generation – Many episodes involving the holodeck and varying degrees of simulated reality, but episode 138 of the series is very interesting.
Updated: realised I forgot two that should be in this list. Tron and lawnmower man. Both of those where people become part of the program.
Also, popular now as well as ‘reality tv’ are games simulating things. The Sims being aptly named and encourages people to build their ideal setting and characters. Tying into the metaverse possibly as an end game, who knows.
So, where does the simulation end and reality begin? Or once you believe the simulation is real, does that make it real? Are they just perceptions or absolutes? That will remain to be seen.