Yesterday the media reported the tragic deaths of two young athletes. Both “died suddenly’“. Let’s take a look at how this subject is being reported. Because, I mean, really…

Here’s one headline:
UA swimmer Ty Wells passes away at age 23.
Kyle Smaine, Pro Freestyle Skier, Dead at 31.
Followers of mainstream media will think, wow, how sad. Further articles will reassure MSM followers that, although these deaths are tragic, they are quite normal—or rather, they are the “new normal”, a phrase we have become quite familiar with over the past three years.
Alternative Media is defined as “media sources that differ from established or dominant types of media (such as mainstream media or mass media) in terms of their content, production, or distribution.”
Mainstream Media refers to “the various large mass news media that influence many people and both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought. The term is used to contrast with alternative media.”
So, let’s look further at these two articles. Both of which are in the mainstream media.
Kyle Smaine:
Kyle Smaine, a freestyle skier who won gold at the Kreischberg 2015 FIS Freestyle Ski and Snowboard World Championships, has died. The athlete was 31 years old.
Kyle was killed in an avalanche while skiing in Japan.
The cause of death is very clear. He died as the result of an avalanche.
Ty Wells
A member of Arizona’s men’s swim team has unexpectedly passed away. 23-year-old Ty Wells died earlier this week. No cause of death was given.
The article is very short, and no cause of death is given. Up until a year or so ago, did we ever read articles like this, I mean, ever? No, we didn’t. This is a new thing and it’s everywhere.
Of course, people started speculating about Ty Wells, fueled by tweet like this one by @MattPurdyOLC:
This past weekend the @ArizonaSwimDive program lost an amazing young man in Ty Wells. He passed away suddenly on Friday. Please consider assisting his family by donating to the RIP in Ty.
Many responses followed, similar to this:
The media and those who believe the media are pretending not to notice. The rest of us know and there’s nothing we can do about it. The damage is done and we have to watch the aftermath.
The above comment might not mention the vaxx, but everyone reading it knows what it refers to.
If you search “why are so many athletes dying suddenly” you get a long list of answers like this:
The large majority of these sudden deaths are related to underlying cardiac conditions that were undiagnosed beforehand. The sudden death is usually caused by a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia—either ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation.
Very rarely in the mainstream media do you find even the SUGGESTION that the mRNA jabs could be a possible cause. On the other side, it’s all over the place that vaccines are causing these deaths.
Young Americans Are Dying At Higher Rates Than In Any Other Wealthy Country.
The researchers found that people aged between 15 to 24 in the U.S. are twice as likely to die than people in the same age range in countries such as Germany and France and mortality rates for infants are up to three times higher than in other high-income nations.
Sorry, America, you aren’t necessarily winning this macabre race. In Israel they are questioning why all-cause mortality is increasing—that means everyone. Swiss Policy Research at least asked the question as to why it was increasing after the vaccination campaign:
By early March 2021, Israel had vaccinated about 90% of its 65+ population and about 50% of its entire population.
Concerningly, however, Israel has seen a renewed and continued increase in all-cause mortality since mid-February; in fact, by March 21, Israel reported the highest excess mortality of all countries participating in Euromomo.
Many articles seem to be hellbent on normalizing the condition, such as this Daily Mail article, published today:
Sudden death mystery of ‘healthy people’

Aha! It isn’t that more people are dying of this mysterious cause now, it’s that nobody was paying attention before. Got it.
Once again, state propaganda validates the beliefs of those who follow it while alternative media reaffirms the belief that the state propaganda is covering up the truth.
But here’s the really important part of the Daily Mail article:
Giving the condition a name, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), would lead to greater understanding of the scale of the problem.
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is a new term that’s been added to all the other terrifying terms already implanted into our abused brains over the past three years.
Like all abusers, the media pummels us with fear followed by reassurance. Don’t worry about it. Whether you subscribe to the left or the right, the pundits you follow will take care of you. This is the “New Normal”.
Here’s an article from all the way back in June 2022, in the World Tribune. This article validates alternative narratives, while at the same time doing its part to normalize “new normal” by planting it into readers’ consciousness:
The new normal: Healthy young people dying ‘suddenly’.
Comedian Nick Nemeroff, 32.
Dani Hampson, 34, fiancée of UK X Factor star Tom Mann.
The 20-year-old nephew of actor Josh Gad.
All young. All healthy. All died “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” in the past few days.
“Fortunately for the vaccine makers, no health authority in the world is investigating these deaths because healthy young people dying in their sleep is the new normal,” Steve Kirsch wrote in a June 21 analysis on
Steve Kirsch is a hero of the alternative media scene. I read him and gain a lot of valuable insights. However, I try to read everything with as unbiased an approach as possible (recognizing it’s impossible to be completely impartial). In his Substack article he talks about the “high-profile vaccine-related death of a healthy 34-year-old who also apparently died in her sleep on June 20, 2022.”
He goes on to say:
IMPORTANT NOTE: The cause of Dani Hampson’s death has not been revealed but how does someone die in the very early hours of the morning you are going to be married? It’s most likely she died in her sleep.
Notice that, first, he calls it a “vaccine-related death” and then he says, “The cause of Dani Hampson’s death has not been revealed”.
This is simply confusing. What does he mean by this obvious contradiction? We don’t know.
The thing is all of this media attention—on both sides—is getting people used to the idea of sudden death without explanation. These deaths are normal. Come up with your theories if you must, but they are now with us to stay. Get used to it.
Over and over, we hear this from both sides, just in different ways.
Go back and read COVID and the “Greater Good” that I wrote in September 2021.
Here I must note that some readers do not believe viruses exist, while others do. The way I see it is, to argue about this is energy wasted when we can all agree that something is invading our bodies. Call it what you will.
Milfiesky likens the virus invading our bodies to a virus invading our computers. Viruses travel in computer networks in a similar way to how they travel through our bodies. Create a virus, whether within a computer or a human body, and then create a way to combat it. Use the fear of the virus and the offering of an antidote as a way to make people amenable to having their freedoms taken away.
It was on June 13, 2013 that the Supreme Court published “their ruling in an important lawsuit case, unanimously finding that isolated but otherwise unmodified genes were products of nature and therefore not patent eligible subject matter. However, cDNA, or synthetic DNA molecules that contain only the exons of a gene, do involve an inventive step, and thus remain patent eligible.”
Again, for those who subscribe to state propaganda, these are all conspiracy theories. If you subscribe to alternative media, however, you will not hear much about this topic any longer. Both sides must continually move on to ever more urgent news stories.

One thing I learned as a martial artist is that you never forget the basics. You go back and practice the simplest katas you learned in the beginning. If you do not continually remind yourself of your firm foundation, you will eventually lose sight of everything, following one tangent one day and another one the next. It’s extremely important to not forget these basic facts and the reasons behind why these so-called vaccines must be injected into every single person on the planet—the masses.
And why Moderna and Pfizer are now in a race to see who can monopolize the mRNA vaccine market. Yes, it’s about money. But on a deeper level, it’s about ownership and power.
When the state media of the Biden Totalitarian Regime (BTR) refuses to explore the possibility that ANY OF THESE DEATHS MAY BE RELATED TO THE MRNA VACCINES it doesn’t make people feel better about the vaccines. It makes everyone feel worse.
It’s like if your best friend tells you that your husband has been “acting strange lately” and when you press her on details, she laughs it off and says, oh, forget it, I must have just imagined it—what happens?
You begin to watch him, looking for signs. And the more you look, the more you see the signs of whatever scenario you think must be happening—whether the signs are really there or not. Reality becomes irrelevant to what you are determined to believe.
This is how it is in everyday life now. On one side, people are suppressing the questions they may have. On the other side, people are magnifying the answers they are sure they have. The result is more division, chaos, fear, and confusion.
At some point, it will be impossible to tell which causes more illness and death, mental stress or the drugs that are being fed to us—in everything, not just the vaccines. We just won’t know anything, but we will keep telling ourselves that we do.
Increasingly, this is making us think that there is no objective truth. The important thing is to pick a side and stick with it. Like your favorite soccer team. All you end up wanting is to win so you can turn around to the other side and say, see? We are better than you. We know and you don’t. We are smart and you are stupid.
But no one ever wins. Not when it’s the people giving out the information who lost sight of the facts in the first place. They are manipulating their followers’ minds and emotions, dulling their critical thinking skills. “Journalists” know that whatever they report, it must be for the team, or they will lose followers and eventually, their jobs. If they do not say what they are supposed to say, they will cease to be “relevant” and as Dr. Yuval Noah Harari has so accurately warned us in 2020 at the World Economic Forum’s Annual meeting, this is the kiss of death in the 21st century: irrelevance.
Whereas in the past humans had to struggle against exploitation, in the twenty-first century the really big struggle will be against irrelevance. And it is much worse to be irrelevant than exploited.
This frantic fear of irrelevancy has created an imbalance in all of our brains. But it is especially destructive when those who supply us with the news are more concerned about maintaining their relevancy at any cost than about sharing unbiased information.