There have been two articles around this subject already, discussing what seems to be here and what may be coming our way –
An overview of things as I have observed them, taking into account small areas of concern which appear to be part of the bigger picture. Of which not everyone seems to be bothered by, but I wonder if they are unable to consider the consequences of where it leads. There is an article around that as well if interested.
But this one is to speculate on the things that are here now and approaching. The things that have been openly discussed, reported and seem to be coming our way whether we want them or not.
Social credit score system – do as they say or you will be punished
No car ownership – limits your travel options and ability to mobilise
Regulations on heating and food – keep you cold and hungry
End of life care – they get to decide if you are ‘past your prime’ by their standard
Drone surveillance – to watch and restrict what you do and where you go
Digital Currency – so they can monitor your money, and then ultimately control it for you
All of this is being swept in under the initial guise of a ‘pandemic’ and is neatly intertwined with their ‘climate change’ agenda. How convenient. But make no mistake, it is a complete overreach and is beyond anything I genuinely thought I would see in my lifetime. Yet, here we are, witnessing what can only be described as a takeover. Of our lives and our future. An interference on a whole new level that some are unable to fathom, are unwilling to see or worst still, are on board with the new regime.
It appears they are not content with disrupting everyone’s current life, causing issue and instability for families, friends, workplaces and taking over leisure, education, religion, travel and more. They want to go further. It appears to be a very sterile, controlled, joyless environment and society that is on the cards. Minimal contact with others, information only provided by authorised groups, your choices made for you, experiences controlled and restricted as with everything else. How more people aren’t concerned by that is a concern by itself. The reaction has not been proportionate to the event, at all.
Finally though, some people are showing the level of public concern we need to see in an organised and calm way. Canada. Also this shows me very clearly why they might like to take away vehicles from people, or make them electric, or add a kill switch. Very sure way to eliminate anything like this in the future. It does appear to be escalating though as the people in charge are starting to appear anything but calm. As if they are on the clock or something.
We also have a distraction and money maker looming with war being talked about, again. It’s hard to keep up with their created doom sometimes, there has been so much throughout my life already, but manufactured doom isn’t the same as an unforeseen event. We hear much talk of things being reset, and it has made me think of all the other events throughout history. The ones they chose to glorify and put the prefix of Great in front of it. When you start to really look at their version of the past, and how cleverly they fooled everyone into thinking it was true, you can see why they might think the future is in the bag.
As the old saying goes “whoever controls the past, controls the future”, and there are many other sayings, old wives tales and myths that should be reviewed and looked at from a different viewpoint. All is not as it seems.