By Lily
A quick and comprehensive look at the past decades that led to what we now call “The Great Reset”.
For centuries, powerful egomaniacs and psychopaths have wanted a world government. Countless movies, TV shows and video games have been made depicting villains trying to control the world in one way or the other. Yet so many have never even remotely considered that this could, in fact, be real life.
Naturally, there are, have been, and will always be people who want to run a world government by themselves. For many, it is easy to depict these people as crazy or psychopathic Bond villains who are completely unfamiliar with reality, which is why they would never succeed in their endeavors. After all, the majority of the world is run by completely sane people, right? People that would step up and put an end to all of this. The unfortunate reality, however, is that the world is run by psychopaths and no one is stepping up to end any of this because everyone is too busy with their own daily problems, constant streams of distractions, and their ignorance towards these issues. And should you, at one point, stop and think about it for a second, you will not see anything of concern because everything has been carefully sugarcoated.
They have never admitted their ambitions. For the public, their dreams, and conspiracies have always been covered in a confection of selfless yearning to make the world a better place for all to live in, all those less fortunate, less gifted, less powerful and less wealthy than themselves. In private, their dreams and conspiracies are completely selfish and dangerous. These people may have appeared to have the interests of the people at heart, while actually, they were acting in accordance with a hidden sinister agenda.
We could trace these power hungry parasites back through history. We could drink wine with Caesar in Ancient Rome, look at ordinary human beings orchestrating themselves as Gods in Ancient Egypt, or strategize together with Napoleon. This whole process has been in motion for centuries, if not for millennia. I sometimes think we could go back to the Stone Age and look at a group of cavemen drawing out their plans for domination over the world they knew in the sand next to their fireplace.
But for now, we shall start at the beginning of the 20th century. It is, after all, a Short History of the Great Reset. The evil plan for the Great Reset first enters the stage in 1909 when it was suggested that it is far easier to control people if you have a good, long war going on. What followed was “The War to End all Wars”, WWI, along with the creation of the Federal Reserve. If you are interested in how the Federal Reserve plays a key-role in the conspiracy, please read about it here.
Fast-forward to 1932 when people at Columbia University first had the idea of introducing energy as a new currency. In the same article, they came up with the term ‘technocracy’ and the idea that the world would be a much better place if it were run by scientists. Along with it, they jotted down their ideas to abolish private property and change education so that students were only prepared for the work that was selected for them by people who knew better. Throughout all this and other nonsense that followed, they diligently reiterated that it was “not like communism.” It was this garbage that gave Aldous Huxley the idea for his novel Brave New World.
After World War II, the United Nations was founded under the premise to help avoid another terrible war. A pivotal moment for the globalists and the beginning of almost everything that is now happening.
In 1961, multiple Kennedy Administration insiders, most of them Bilderbergers, unearthed the old idea of using war to keep people under control. However, they came up with a little twist to the otherwise dusty idea. After some fancy gatherings, they thought it would be a damn good trick to orchestrate massive, worldwide pollution and then blame the citizens of the world for the mess and, having blamed them for making the mess, to force them to clear it up.
The next giant leap came in 1968 with the formation of the Club of Rome. Currently, the Club of Rome consists of a variety of UN administrators, top politicians, rich business-men and government officials.
In 1971, my personal nemesis, the World Economic Forum, joined the world stage. Though originally called the European Management Forum, its founder Klaus Schwab, often credited with having thought up what he calls “The Great Reset”, elevated it to one of the most publicly known, influential globalist think tanks in 1987 when it officially became the WEF.
In 1976, the United Nations decided to take control of the world’s land and to control the world’s population. This was all to be done for the good of the planet and mankind, of course. The plan was created by a bunch of unelected, interfering greedy, power-hungry individuals and sought to put the rights of the community over the rights of the individual. In a world that is not completely idiotic nonsense like this used to be called communism, but the would-be new world rulers came up with a clever neologism: communitarianism.
Subsequently, the groundwork for the New World Order had been successfully laid, and the self-proclaimed “elite” set course to sail away on an exuberant cruise towards resetting the world. All while you were busy carrying a torch for Tom Cruise in Top Gun or worrying about the Soviet Communism while the Western Communism was already brewing behind closed doors.
In 1991, the Club of Rome, which you may remember from earlier or other articles on this blog, decided that they needed to find a way to motivate and distract the masses. Like a joke that was writing itself, they came up with global warming, while a few years earlier, The University of Rhode Island expressed concern over a new ice age.
That same year, the Club of Rome published a book called, The First Global Revolution. This publication was the spiritual forefather of Klaus Schwab’s The Fourth Industrial Revolution and marked the beginning of the United Nations taking real control.
The book noted that history shows that individual countries have always been motivated, and given strength, by having an enemy. Throughout history, it is common for leaders to start wars (usually small, localized ones) to divert attention from problems at home and to unite the electorate. Popular examples here are Bill Clinton when he was troubled with allegations of sexual impropriety, or Margaret Thatcher’s somewhat exaggerated response when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands at a low point in her electoral popularity.
The Club of Rome concluded that these so-called leaders always like scapegoating an enemy of some kind as a distraction when shit hits the fan in their own countries. And if there is no enemy available, they typically like to invent one. The existence of enemies is what gives politicians power and authority and which, as a nice side effect, provides arms manufacturers, and many other industries, with their reason d’etre and their profits.
‘In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like, would fit the bill.’
So let’s look at the enemy they invented: Global warming.
Global warming had been regarded as an issue since the 19th century, but only by a handful of comical figures no one would ever take seriously. It was a cranky sort of thing to worry about, so the Club of Rome realized they needed to change people’s attitudes and behavior if they were to meet their goals. Straightforward, they concluded that ‘the real enemy is humanity itself’. Back in the days, most people who noticed this was absolute nonsense dismissed it as absolute nonsense, but that was back when people still used their brains.
The Club of Rome remained unimpressed by criticism and ramped up the propaganda: global warming together with pollution, with food and water shortages as a side dish. We (the useless eaters) were designated as the cause of all these problems. This new policy gave the main conspirators, the promoters of the fake scares, an opportunity to move towards a world government. Sounds familiar to recent developments? Good. Since we are now our own enemies, a world government would be necessary to take control of us and to manage every aspect of our lives—for our own good, of course.
Geohistorically, the earth does, in fact, become warmer. Anyone being capable of realizing that we are still living through the aftermath of the latest ice age will quickly come to the conclusion that the climate getting warmer is a pretty natural thing. One could even go back and look at the Cretaceous period, when half of proto-North America (Laurentia) was flooded. Our only concern is therefore not that Earth’s climate is not static and follows cycles, our problem is that the dinosaurs didn’t care much that Florida or the Netherlands were flooded, while we do. And trying to influence the climate will probably not result in quick solutions to the threat of rising sea levels.
With all of this said, we can confidently say that global warming is of no more a global threat than it had been in Queen Victoria’s Day, but because it is now our fault we are clearly responsible for accepting the necessary changes.
In 1992, the United Nations held a conference in Brazil and Agenda 21 was finally born. After decades in the making, the plutocratic lovechild to ‘save humanity’ finally crawled out of its mother’s womb and immediately started screaming for being fed your personal rights and freedoms. It was the start of communitarianism and the beginning of the end for individualism.
Before you could even once watch An Inconvenient Truth once the world was set to change. Almost inevitably, 178 world leaders immediately signed up to the Agenda 21 plan. The aims appeared laudable, and no one dared to say ‘No’. Together, the world decided to join the fight against imaginary threats to its existence. The people, who had consumed that much oil, gas, and coal were the new foe, the phrase ‘sustainable development’ was used like a never-ending retarded prayer to describe the world’s wonderful transition into ‘communitarianism’. And thus began the nightmare.
With astonishing speed, and a good deal of behind-the-scenes political fuckery, the plan was put into action. The United Nations transformed from being a peace keeping organization with utopian goals and high standards to an organization with a steadily growing iron grip around every aspect of our lives.
All 178 governments which signed up to the principle of sustainability set up their own groups, think tanks, psyops and organizations to beat us all into submission that global warming was life-threatening. In a single swift of genius, everything could now be blamed on global warming; the planet was now being endangered by our use of fossil fuels and our reckless plundering of the world’s resources. Gullible celebrities and idiotic mainstream politicians were recruited to join the rhythm of the world marching together towards the new invisible enemy. Fancy graphs and fake statistics were glued together to give the “threat” credibility and shroud it in some pseudo-sciences. Researchers were equipped with fancy instruments and sent to the Arctic where they were followed by camera teams to document nothing besides the not at all concerning receding glaciers of the past ice age—on a funny side-note, they seemed to have had completely forgotten about Antarctica for quite a few years.
Loads of big hitters came to help. Leonardo DiCaprio, who is probably concerned to hit an iceberg with his private jet at some point, Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth (in case you’ve forgotten) and famous for having a valet to put toothpaste on his toothbrush or wanting to be a tampon, were just two of many who saw this as a quick way to become terribly important. These two world-class hypocrites have spent most of the past decades flying around the world in private jets telling people that they must not fly around in any sort of plane.
And there wasn’t just power and attention. There was money too. Tons of it was to be made from carbon trading—a completely idiotic piece of annoyance that changed absolutely nothing except for the size of the bank balances of the people running the whole shitshow.
All of this worked (and still works) so wonderfully because deep down Agenda 21 there’s a plan to dumb down education, close all small companies, empty rural areas, force people to live in smart cities and shut down farms.
It was also agreed that it was necessary to force the simple-minded citizen to learn how to take orders and to become compliant. Something most people absolutely excelled at during the past two years. It does not matter that all your freshly washed out, carefully separated plastic garbage is being transported to Third World countries thousands of miles away to be burned or buried. It was never about recycling. Just how Covid-19 was never about the virus itself. It was and is all about compliance.
The refugee crisis and the crime it brought to our lands were wonderful opportunities to scare people even more. There’s not a single day I don’t hear or read from someone worrying about the rising crimes in Europe or California, stating that he or she would rather stay at home for the rest of his or her life.There’s not much difference between “staying at home” to “staying in ze podz”. No wonder, authorities are more concerned with fighting people who took some pictures at the US Capitol than the “culture-rich” people who cause most of the crimes.
In America, the ‘accidental’ events of 9/11 led to a plethora of incredible new oppressive laws, and the specter of terrorism in countries around the world put fear into their citizens like nothing had done before. Weapons of mass destruction enabled politicians to take away whatever privacy they had left.
AIDS and all those funny influenzas were apparently such a threat that we were told to change our lives and accept orders from those who had decided they were better than us.
In another swift stroke of genius, regionalization was brought up to usher in globalization. Lovely, well-built old 19th century houses were destroyed because they did not fit into 21st century building regulations. Many big, well-built, single family houses were replaced with crappy apartment buildings and tacky little houses seemingly made from cardboard to satisfy the “building regulations”.
Cars were targeted as being one of the main causes for the decaying environment, and we were brainwashed into believing that living of sunshine and wind would be the future. Since neither of these provides enough power to give everyone a warm and bright home, governments started chopping down trees, chopping them up, calling the result ‘biomass’, burning it and labelling it as ‘sustainable’. Amazing.
Anyone who watched all of this pointing out that it is a giant scam was dismissed as a conspiracy theorist, a denier of science, and the appendix of society.
Everywhere we look (or don’t look) the Agenda 21 disciples are working hard to create a world that suits their purposes. The banks joined the frenzy by deciding that it is now time to abolish traditional cash and replace it with a digital system, while the WEF and its billionaire friends worked overtime to find ways to change the temperature, control the weather and force us to eat laboratory made food, calling it “progress in an interconnected world”. Law enforcement was pushed into demonizing itself as well as us. The very people we should rely on protecting our rights were destroyed from within to be rebuilt as some brainwashed Star Wars-like Empire Storm Trooper force. There is much talk about depopulating the world, and ID cards with microchips were promoted as ‘something really amazing and convenient’. (I still don’t know why I would find it convenient to swipe my ID card to verify that I am old enough to find comfort in some 18-year-old’s Onlyfans alone at night in my pod, but hey, what do I know?)
And with that, we arrived in 2020, and the Short History of the Great Reset concludes. At the beginning of 2020, they still needed something they could use to terrify us. They tried AIDS before and various types of flus, but nothing worked. And then, they found the holy grail of Malthusianism: “asymptomatic spread”.