We’ve heard much of late about synthetic meat being pushed on society. They try to paint a terrible picture of real meat, and how apparently damaging farming is to the environment. But instead they want to build factories and give you a processed synthetic version, which also needs resources, but also lots of chemicals, and has less nutrition.
Suddenly some of the previously well organised and placed ‘protests’ against meat make sense. The school friday walk outs, extinction rebellion, and the current ones against milk or oil. They want to influence a certain impressionable section of society, through very well funded groups. Funded by the very industries often they claim to be trying to bring down, like the oil one.
But they want farmers out of the way and being in control of our own food gone. I covered this in If you control the food, but with every move they now make a further attack on our way of life, it needs to be connected for people. Sales aren’t looking good already for beyond meat, people say it tastes horrible. Which then makes me wonder about all those protein based vegetarian products they have touted for years as being healthy. Why isn’t that being pushed more? Why try and design a more complicated, costly, not as good version of something we already have that is just fine? Forcing through quotas and culls for healthy animals, cutting the lifeline off for many with one action. Taking a life, a livelihood, and food for many as well as the genetic lineage from the stock pool.
This isn’t about animal or people welfare to them, it’s about stats, charts, projections, profits and control. You would do well to start using your local farm shops, grocery shops and paying in cash. Learning about nutrition and growing, take responsibility for your own life and food a bit more if you can. It’s all tied in together, as we all are in the bigger picture that unfolds at a frightening pace. They talk of destroying the economy, industries and society in such a casual manner that we must not forget how serious the implications are for all they are doing. There is nothing casual about this, or accidental and it isn’t incompetence, however much we would like to think it is. Stay sharp, there are some more strange times coming our way…