The great and powerful wizard of Oz. That particular story is interesting for a variety of reasons, but with a big reveal at the end of it all just being a man with a machine hiding behind a curtain. An illusion created and maintained for purpose.
Makes me think of the ancients, the ones who apparently used the timing of the eclipses happening to show they were powerful, or in control by claiming they did it. Keeping the masses enthralled and terrified in equal measure. Building a belief system in people’s minds of it, wanting them to believe you have the power to block out the sun. In fact, we have that very talk about us currently too when they say they would literally like to cover the sun. Convenient if there were to be an event which made it appear so.
Another variation perhaps of the same theme for today’s modern times too. Well, I can’t help thinking the talk of earthquakes being manufactured seems awfully similar in a way. Fuelled by the ‘people on the ground’ quickly trying to unravel every event and action, speculating on if it’s not natural, and an orchestrated event. And that could be the case, but as I always do, will look at the advantage it would serve for people to think that. Having the fear that something could shake the very ground from under you, might make you a more subservient pawn, perhaps. And there is the purpose it serves. Fear and compliance.
Given that so many things, events, news stories, laws and technology seem to be fear and compliance these days, I thought it was an obvious one to consider. Same with the alien invasion theory, that it’s a blue-beam project and will be a faked invasion, or simulated one. And some won’t know, some will, and some won’t be sure. Confusing when and if the time comes for that illusion to roll out, same with all the others.
But having the ability to create an illusion that appears so real that people adjust their thinking, feeling and desires towards it, is a powerful thing. As we know through the ‘entertainment’ industry and all forms of media. Yet, many have noticed it’s all taken a rather weird turn of late, with imagery and symbolism of a much darker nature. Making me think we are indeed stuck in a level of hell as Dante in the Inferno, working our way through the horrors and demons that exist alongside us. I’ve said it before and no doubt will any it again, these are some strange times we are living in…