What if they knew something. That something happens, and things as we know them now become different.
Imagine, if a veil were to cover the earth, bringing with it a different atmosphere. A tropical, misty composite enveloping the world around us. And within that, what if it also created an environment where the rules and laws of physics, nature and reality as are not as we know them now. People in charge would start acting rather strangely if they knew wouldn’t they? Almost as if they might throw caution to the wind, and do things that seemed outrageous and made no sense. If you didn’t know.
And on that premise, of the laws of nature being suspended as we know them, I wondered. Could this be why there are many tales, legends and myths about armies of the dead rising from the earth? I’ll go on one of my wild speculations here, using the medium of movies to get my point across in brief.
The Mummy – the army of anubis, and of the mummy itself, being reanimated under the right conditions. For that they chose spells and words, also seemingly quite powerful in this realm. But that crosses over into witchery, which may be another post.
Lotr 3 – The Return of the King – it never sat well with me, the ending of the third lord of the rings film. I didn’t read the books. How it looked all lost in battle, they were grossly outnumbered with evil about to take the land, but then right at the last minute, an army of the dead (bound by words again!), swoop in and save everything.
Ghostbusters (the new one) – Interesting storyline for this one too as with the originals, but an evil is coming, on a clock, a predicted time that comes around and brings something dark with it. Also with the power to reanimate the dead as it gets to the surface.
But that’s just crazy talk right? There’s no way that could happen. Even though they have speculated through many a film about zombies, I cover a few films in my post The Zombie Thing. But those films always look at it from an infection point of view, and that they die and become the undead. Not the same thing as dying, starting to decay and being reanimated, in my mind anyway. They paint a picture of stumbling rotting undead, hungry for brains and mayhem. But I have given it another thought from a different angle now. What if you weren’t only reanimated, but also you regenerated, back to your former healthy self and would actually have a longer life span now. That would change the game slightly wouldn’t it? But like I said, that’s just crazy talk and wild speculation. Would make a good short story though, so maybe i’ll see what I can pull together from it while wondering where it all leads…