They say when one door closes, another one opens. And visa versa. And it seems to be used in relation to opportunity and describing being at a turning point, or crossroads in your life. Pick a road. Pick a door. But as a concept for a mental layout, I believe it also works well for some people.
Thinking of your thoughts as corridors and each decision you made or life event has a room added to the house of your life. Sometimes accessible as a memory, as if you can pop by and open the door. To glance in on what once was, for nostalgia. Or for purpose to learn from. But sometimes it is speculated, that we aren’t the only ones with access to those doors. And just sometimes, things can find their way through those doors from the other side. Either waiting for you to go back into that room, or may stray from the confines and be found wandering the hallways.
This is all talking of a waking conscious mind, there would be another layer of potential sinister when you factor in sleep and the subconscious. My article, A quantum leap in dreams may go into that more. But I am reminded of a couple of films around the above idea.
Monsters Inc – a film with very odd and creepy overtones, the doorways being a feature of how they travel to a child’s room. To scare them and steal their screams. Awake, and facing something terrifying appearing through a doorway.
Poltergeist – great films, and suitability terrifying. But appeared to have a problem with their walk-in closet I seem to remember, being the portal to another dimension.
Time bandits – it started in the wardrobe, they came out of it into Kevin’s room. Better than getting frightened for screams, he got to go on a super weird adventure.
Beetlejuice – the strange corridor they had to go down for their first meeting with Juno. Passing the caretaker, observing the room of ‘lost souls’. But this film also had the doorway to ‘Saturn’ where they were transported to when they tried to leave the house.
Coraline – a small doorway leads to an altered version of reality. Not dreaming, but while awake.
And then makes me wonder, if thoughts are perhaps portals to other places. They say you think things into existence, but maybe we just aren’t privy to all the different levels of where things exist or know where they are created. So what we believe might be random thoughts and ideas, really do create and destroy worlds, and all sorts in between. As well as there being a conscious realm, and a subconscious realm. Dreams are a strange subject too and it’s possible they could connect us to different thought dimensions, where we create worlds within them or can get sucked into them. Or all of the above, or none of them. We may never know for sure. But like I said, I do like to wonder…