The Brief History – Get up To Speed:
In 2016 Dakota Gruener the Executive Director of ID2020, a global public-private partnership, which brings together technologists, advocates, implementers, and funders were working towards a common vision: “A global digital ID for all based on blockchain”.
The ID2020 plan believes that ethically implemented, privacy-protecting, user-managed, and portable digital ID solutions offer an opportunity to put the ownership of personal data back in the hands of the individual.
Dakota launched ID2020 in 2016, following her work at Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, where she served as an aide-de-camp to the CEO, Seth Berkley. ID2020 also enlisted the UN and some of the world’s most powerful tech companies and dozens of start-ups to see whether a new blockchain type technology, could help solve the digital identity problem.

ID2020 was actually started by a pioneer of financial technology, John Edge, who said “The trading system we built, trades trillions of derivatives, stocks, bonds, and options. And there are systems that manage lots and lots of individual identities and transactions.”
“Inexpensive mobile devices and then this notion of establishing secure identity not just for individuals, but for everything, to be able to track and transact securely. The challenge is not necessarily the technology or the organisation, it’s bringing it all together.”
ID2020 was not trying to put forward one solution, rather, it convened a group including development agencies, think tanks and companies such as Microsoft, PwC, Cisco, Accenture and Deloitte to spend the years to 2020 figuring out what a solution might look like.
Attempts to free identity from pieces of paper and bring it into the digital age were proliferating around the world. India’s Aadhaar (“The Foundation” in Hindi) program has scanned the irises and taken the fingerprints of 1.07 billion people and issued them with a unique ID number.
Dakota Gruener came to ID2020 from GAVI, a public-private partnership that vaccinates children in poor countries. GAVI has a vaccine distribution network in which an ID scheme like ID2020 could piggyback onto. As Edge puts it, “You’ve got the kid’s arm in your hand, you’re injecting them, and you want to capture their identity or medical records.”
The World Bank also has a program called ID4D which is examining the policy dimensions to this. The people involved with ID2020 believe that the answer will come from bringing governments and organisations together with tech companies and start-ups.
The idea of digital and biometric vaccine passports has been proposed before, in this in paper from 2016: Automated Identification: ‘Bar codes on screen of a device can permit rapid data transfer, as seen in airport ticketing systems. This would enable rapid validation of one’s record at a border crossing.’ Where Travel Vaccines Enter the Digital Age:
It describes a potential course for the development and implementation of a digital ICVP record.

In 2017: How big a task is giving everyone on earth a digital identity and is blockchain the answer? “By the end of the decade, its (ID2020’s) goal is to work on the blockchain technologies for digital identity with governments in particular”. They have been preparing for this moment for years.

ID2020 believes collaboration and global partnerships are the keys to success in accessing digital identity adoption. Dakota Gruener, has said “Digital identity will be a powerful force multiplier to enhance social and economic opportunities for all.” ID2020 actually launched a program to provide digital ID with vaccines in 2018, combining the power of biometrics with blockchain to provide a global identity solution for all.

And they had Accenture on Board with it too.

To understand vaccine passport element and their eventual convergence into digital identities, a good place to start is April 2020. In the article, Immunity Certificates: If We Must Have Them, We Must Do It Right by Dakota Gruener.

The white paper, published by the Harvard University, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, the ID2020 executive director Dakota Gruener urged policy makers, technology providers, and civil society organizations to collaborate to ensure that digital health credentials or “Immunity Certificates”, if implemented, are intentionally designed to protect privacy and civil liberties.

At the same moment, on April 13, 2020, the COVID Credentials initiative (CCI) unveiled it’s plan to use digital identity to address the spread of COVID-19 using blockchain self-sovereign digital identity. This group included Evernym, ID2020, Sovrin, Microsoft and Transmute.
Also worth noting that on 2nd April 2020 – The UK Government was ‘looking at’ introducing immunity passports, Matt Hancock confirmed that an ‘ Digital Immunity Certificate’ would allow those who have already had the disease to return to work.

The digital identies were needed for Digital Verification and Authentication in the Age of Industry 4.0.

To understand the need for these new ID’s the above April 2020 article writes: “Identity is the first major step of every transaction between two or more parties. As ERP systems gather various information from machines for scheduling, long term planning, predictive maintenance, and more, a unique digital ID for the machines is required by default in Industry 4.0.”
And then on April 28, 2020, Digital IDs, the Miracle Cure for a Lockdown Exit Strategy? Digital ID’s were hailed as the cure to exit lockdowns.
The game was given away much earler than expected.

It writes: “The key to ensuring digitalization is a ‘digital ID’, to prove that you are, in fact, you. It may also be the key to provide for a secure exit strategy out of the lockdowns. Through the powerhouse marriage of biometrics and blockchain, the new era of global digital identity is now dawning.”
And on April 28, 2020 an article written by Connor Hays a digital identity, privacy, and economics writer, wrote: – Digital Identity Can Help the Economy Safely Recover from the Coronavirus Pandemic’ – Testing providers and public health agencies to issue ‘verifiable credentials’.

He wrote: “Public health agencies issue verifiable credentials to people who test positive for antibodies according to a certification standard. Verifiable credentials are stored by individuals in digital identity wallets that they control, which can be easily downloaded on any mobile phone.”
“Individuals can then privately share their credentials with employers or government officials with the quick scan of a QR code to prove their immunity.”
Finally, from our friends at the WEF in this digital id white paper: “Our identity is literally who we are, and as technologies of Industry 4.0 advances, our identity is increasingly becoming digital. This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access or, conversely, what is closed off to us.” – World Economic Forum

Now let’s fast-forward to 2021:
COVID19 has galvanised the ID2020 objectives, and its offshoot the Good Health Pass Organisation was created to provide an open, inclusive, cross-sector initiative, bringing together today’s leading companies and organizations from the technology, digital id, health, and travel sectors.
Their members are creating a blueprint for an interoperable world digital health-pass system and building a safe path to restore international travel and restart the global economy. Among those developing are the UK vaccine passports biometric company iProov and the cyber security firm Mvine, which have been building a vaccine pass which was being tested within NHS, NHSX after receiving UK government funding.
“iProov wholeheartedly supports the objectives of the Good Health Pass, with its focus on data security and privacy, inclusivity and interoperability, and its alignment with the work of the WHO.” “As the world’s leading provider of face verification services, used by public and private bodies globally, iProov endorses this initiative’s goal of averting fragmentation and confusion for citizens and enterprises worldwide.” – Andrew Bud Founder and CEO iProov.
And “As director at Mvine, I’m happy to endorse the principles outlined in the Good Health Pass: This is because a concerted and collaborative effort is needed, and the Good Health Pass provides exactly that. It’s timeliness and relevance are evidenced in the growing number of people who support it. I’m happy to stand up and be counted as one of them.” Frank Joshi, Director of Mvine Limited.
Digital Identity has also being advocated by Institute GC, even from the start of the pandemic. It says: “the UK has long struggled with its digital identity problem and the lack of inclusive, authoritative identity has been stark during this pandemic.” In the White Paper titled Digital Identity: Where Are We, and Where Are We Going? Posted on: 14th August 2020.

They propose solutions for a “User-centric model of digital identity which would help exit lockdowns completely and safely by using immunity passports as the unlocking key.”
When this was eventually picked up by the media in late 2020, Big Brother Watches’ Silkie Carlo puts it:
“The war against Coronavirus, we risk emerging like some sort of China-adjunct – a high-tech dystopia where citizens flash vaccine IDs and biological risk scores to buy a pint of milk, or facial recognition for a pint of beer” A type of Blade Runner.
Are interoperable digital and biometric dystopian identity systems the real solution to COVID19? or a long running agenda to implement such systems no matter what? slowly momving towards the SDG 2030 vision?
“The evolution of ‘Vaccine Certificates’ will ‘actually’ drive the whole field of ‘digital identity’ in the future. So, therefore, this is not just about Covid, this is about something even bigger.” – Andrew Bud, iProov.
In a live Webinar he gave the game away again:

“I think this Covid Certificate thing will drive the whole, its actually going to hammer home the next generation of digital credentials, digital Identity (Call it what you like). This Infrastructure once it’s been adopted for Covid will rapidly be used for ‘everything else’ according to the DCMS Digital ID & Attributes framework.” – Andrew Bud.
We are now seeing the global ID2020 agenda playing out, pretty much in every continent and in every country at the same time, India, China, Canada, England, Scotland, EU, Austrailia, India etc.
‘EU Announces Biometric Digital Identity Platform’ by @SikhForTruth & @TruthTalkUK
EU citizens will soon see their payment details & passwords sucked up into a single digital identity that can be used to access public services across the bloc.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) June 2, 2021
It’s simple; the globalists are pushing for a ‘One World Digital Identity’ under the cover of COVID and Vaccine Passes, it’s their race to the finishing line, which will potentially mean techno-slavery forever. The solution? Let these be the warnings be a wakeup, let them implement it, we see them doing so, and we are hot on their heels uncovering this agenda, but we will defeat them eventually with truth and dignity, let this be the time we get truly enlightened and organised.