EU citizens will soon see their payment details and passwords sucked up into a single digital identity that can be used to access public and private services across the bloc. The ID2020 vision is fast being implemented. The EU Digital COVID Certificate will no doubt be rolled up into this one master digital identity platform.
“We want to offer Europeans a new digital identity. An identity that ensures trust and protects users online. We are about to present our proposal,” Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, has said.
The European Union (EU) is set to unveil plans for a bloc-wide digital Identity wallet. Following requests from member states to find a safe way for citizens to access public and private services online. The new app will allow citizens across the EU to securely access a range of private and public services with a single online digital ID.
Specifically it’s to allow citizens from the 27 countries to log onto local government websites or pay their utility bills using a single recognized digital identity. The EU-wide app can be accessed by biometric fingerprints or retina scanning among other methods, and will also serve as a digital vault where users can store official documents like driver’s licenses.
The EU has actually renamed its Vaccine Passport offering. The EU Digital COVID Certificate (formerly called Digital Green Certificate) which will facilitate safe free movement during the COVID-19 pandemic within the EU.
The EU Digital COVID Certificate is looking like the pre-cursor step to a fully flexed digital identity system for Industry 4.0, president, Ursula von der Leyen, said the current COVID Certificate system will only be in place for one year — presumably, that’s assuming the pandemic is actually over by summer 2022. But this new digital identity system, is set to launch in 2022, its possible that the covid health certificates will be rolled up, and be encapsulated into the new digital ID app.
President von der Leyen’s speech at the high-level opening session of the 2021 Digital Assembly, “Leading the Digital Decade” – Here is what she said:

“Three months ago, we presented our vision for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030. It is about where we want to go. And who we want to be. We call it our Digital Compass. By 2030, we want gigabit connectivity for all households, and 5G in all cities and villages.”
“Today is an important day for our Digital COVID Certificate. Our EU gateway goes live. Everyone who has received a COVID-19 vaccine, a negative test result, or has recovered from the virus can get the European certificate. It is for free and it must be recognised everywhere in the EU. It is a tangible example of how people benefit from digital progress in the EU.”
“Let me give you another example: We want to offer to Europeans a new digital identity. An identity that ensures trust and protects users online. The EU certificate is a prime example of digital tools that represent our values. We are about to present our proposal. It will allow everyone to control their identity online, and to interact with governments and businesses, across the EU.”
She said this new Digital Identity would provide Europeans with a trusted online ID platform that they could use to interact with regional governments and businesses without being forced to hand over more data than is strictly necessary. The new digital ID wallet will securely store payment details and secure passwords. The EU is set to unveil its digital ID wallet fit for post-Covid life by 2022. The App will allow citizens across bloc to securely access a range of private and public services with a single online digital ID.
The EU-wide app would also can store official documents such as a driver’s licences. A person hiring a car, for example, could use their digital wallet to do so remotely through an application that will verify their identity and issue an electronic key so they can take the car immediately without the need to wait in line at the airport.

EU officials hope increased digital literacy and an increased use of digital tools during the pandemic will help boost the new system. “The new digital ID will give every European the keys to their digital twin,” Thierry Breton the EU commissioner in charge of digital policy has said.
On the Covid Certificate: “The EU Digital COVID Certificate shows the value added of effective e-health solutions for our citizens, It is important that during the coming weeks, all Member States fully finalise their national systems to issue, store and verify certificates, so the system is functioning in time for the holiday season. EU citizens are looking forward to travelling again, and they want to do so safely. Having an EU certificate is a crucial step on the way.” – Stella Kyriakides, the EU’s commissioner for health and food safety.
The EU is implementing the Chinese system, transforming Europe, from a place of liberty and prosperity to a huge concentration camp ran by eurocrats, using Big Brother and centralised Chinese style systems, to micro-manage and control every aspect of human life of the Europeans.
Besides huge risks for security, the creation of a digital ID of every European under a single EU authority, which wants to ‘take care’ of passwords, digital IDs, credit cards and other financial and personal data, is another step towards more control and less freedom in EU.