“We must remember. We are here to remember. Not just the people who died from medical experimentation. We are here to remember the people today.” Dr. Daniel Nagase
In Bangladesh, they call it “the People’s Medicine.”
In the United States, they call it horse paste.
In Lucknow, the largest city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, they set up Kiosks to distribute it free to treat COVID-19.
In the United States, it’s been maligned as a dangerous drug that will more likely kill you than help you.
In May, 2021, at the height of India’s Delta surge…
Wait. Let’s pause for one moment. I need to clarify a few things about buzz words/phrases that have become indispensable additions of our everyday vocabulary.
In the COVID propaganda campaign these words/phrases have been weaponized to push fear and hysteria.
“Delta variant” and “surge” and “super spreaders” are three examples. When the Delta variant burst upon the scene, first identified in India in April 2021, we heard worrying reports about how easily it spread.
The next big wave, bigger than the first, is coming to your neighborhood!
Articles such as one in February 2020 in Nature magazine assuring us that “We shouldn’t worry when a virus mutates during disease outbreaks,” or that “Ill-informed discussions of mutations thrive during virus outbreaks, including the ongoing spread of SARS-CoV-2. In reality, mutations are a natural part of the virus life cycle and rarely impact outbreaks dramatically” were not encouraged.
Calming the public down would not stoke fear and hysteria. It would not induce people to comply with government orders to roll up their sleeves and take an experimental drug, violating their rights over their own bodies and those of their children.
The rise of the Delta variant was blamed on a series of pilgrimages in India in April of 2021. These pilgrimages were described as “super-spreaders,” a phrase we had already been familiarized with. Churches were super-spreaders, the Sturgis motorcycle rally was a super-spreader, Donald Trump rallies were super-spreaders. But BLM protests and riots were not. Nor are the hundreds of thousands of migrants pouring across our southern borders.
As for “surge,” I recall Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez going ballistic over the word when used to describe the border crisis. Apparently, in that context, “Anyone who’s using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame.” Furthermore, “And that’s a problem because this is not a surge, these are children and they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded, which by the way is a White supremacist idea-philosophy, the idea that if another is coming in the population that this is an invasion of who we are.” Doing our best to follow AOC’s irrational train of thought, we can only assume she’s thinking that the word “surge” means the same as “insurgent,” only shorter, perhaps?? Those who religiously follow her every tweet, will gladly make that leap of faith.
Accusations like “He’s a White supremacist” or “She’s an anti-vaxxer” are magical in their effect, like some sort of incantation. Millions of citizens who hear such accusations are sure to respond with hatred, just as they have been programmed to do.
So now, back to this Delta surge—which is not White supremacist, militaristic, or insurgent—however, the people who question anything about the government’s response to it are.
In May, 2021, at the height of India’s Delta surge, government teams went house-to-house in Uttar Pradesh, reaching 97,941 villages in 75 districts in roughly five days. Those who displayed symptoms were tested and given medicines. But what were those medicines? A media blackout made it impossible to find out. By July 2, 2021, cases were down a full 99%.
On August 6, 2021, the blackout ended with MSM reporting what was contained in those Uttar Pradesh medicine kits. Among the medicines were Ivermectin.
This is why India calls ivermectin the People’s Medicine. It is cheap and it is easily accessible.
The differences between the United States and India are astounding. Bangladesh has a 99% lower per capita death rate from COVID-19 than the US. With 160 million inhabitants, it has half the US population. To date, it has experienced only 27,614 COVID-19 deaths. Contrast that to the 722,470 deaths in the United States and the comparison is staggering.
But wait, doesn’t the United States have superior health care? Don’t we have superior hygiene? Education? Aren’t we the ones who rely on the “science” and the “experts?”
Apparently not.
What we do rely on is a corrupt government making back door deals so they can get richer while ordinary people die.
On October 6, 2021 it was confirmed that Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, died of thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a rare form of vaccine-induced blood clot.

Her obituary said Jessica had been “vehemently opposed to taking the [mRNA] vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat.”
Yet, she felt she had no choice but to comply if she wanted to continue being a room-mom at her community school.
Here we have a good woman. A good mom. A good wife. Yet, if she had not taken this experimental treatment, she would have no longer been considered any of those things. She would have joined the ranks of the unclean, ignorant, selfish anti-vaxxers. She would have been ostracized from the classrooms of her own children.
And so, she submitted to this invasion that she believed was wrong. As a result, she died. But God forbid the truth should be told. Twitter flagged her obituary as “misinformation.” I cannot even image the outrage her husband must have felt.
Despite the experts insisting everyone must submit to this Russian roulette and despite Twitter trying to debunk the truth, we know how Jessica died.
And it is our government leaders like Biden, Walensky, Fauci and Collins (conveniently set to retire) who are responsible for killing her.
If ivermectin had been readily available, it would have destroyed the lie that Jessica needed to take this vaccine. How many lives besides hers could have been saved? How many more will still die?
There was a time when doctors used everything in their arsenal to fight disease and were encouraged to do so. Doctors in the trenches, treating their patients, were respected and listened to. Now they are afraid to speak.
Even if there was only a slight possibility of success, surely it would make sense to prescribe ivermectin to ill patients. Surely, this would be better than forcing a vaccine on healthy young people who could potentially die from the jab?
Even if Jessica was the only person the vaccine ever killed, surely that would be good enough cause to introduce ivermectin as a treatment for others. And surely her death and others like hers deserves attention. An honest investigation needs to be done into how and why the reputation of ivermectin (and hydroxychloroquine, although I don’t go into it here) was purposely suppressed.
In a study conducted by Satoshi Ōmura, Ph.D, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which he won jointly with William C. Campbell for their role in the discovery of avermectins and ivermectin, it was concluded that since ivermectin has been used so extensively, pharmaceutical companies cannot expect to earn enough money to recover invested funds, even if further development is conducted to obtain an indication for COVID-19.
And herein lies the horror of it all. Merck is the manufacturer of ivermectin, a safe, effective and cheap drug. You can buy it for around $29.72. In fact, the drug is so cheap that in 1987, Merck donated it free of charge to combat river blindness in Africa.
Because Merck cannot make enough money off of ivermectin, it waged war on its own drug to destroy its credibility.
Here is Merck’s Statement on Ivermectin use During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
- No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
- No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
- A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
The FDA went along with the lies, making ivermectin sound as deadly as cyanide, using language such as “serious harm,” “hospitalized,” “dangerous,” “very dangerous,” “seizures,” “coma and even death” and “highly toxic.”
On the FDA’s ivermectin page, we find a photo of a veterinary doctor and a horse. I am sure the FDA knows very well the impression such a photo gives the general public who have swallowed the massive smear campaign against ivermectin. Jokes on social media about the “unvaxxed” raiding veterinary clinics and sticking horse paste up their asses come to mind.
Instead of debunking the jokes, the FDA joined in with a Tweet: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
Rolling Stone magazine continued the hype, claiming that Oklahoma hospitals were being overwhelmed by patients who had overdosed on ivermectin. This was a lie. The mainstream media picked up on it, everyone from Newsweek to Rachel Maddow. When Rolling Stone was forced to admit the story was fake, it was too late. The damage had been done. To this day, the narrative remains that the unvaccinated are causing all the problems with backlogs in hospitals. As a result, your hear more and more of an outcry about how the unvaxxed should be denied care. Just recently, an unvaccinated Colorado woman is being denied a kidney transplant.
Ivermectin has been safely used by humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered world-wide. Here are some facts collected by Henderson and Hooper on the benefits of Ivermectin:
– Ivermectin is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines.
– Ivermectin fights 21 viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours, according to a June 2020 study published in the journal Antiviral Research.
– Some 70 clinical trials are evaluating the use of ivermectin for treating Covid-19. The statistically significant evidence suggests that it is safe and works for both treating and preventing the disease.
– In 115 patients with Covid-19 who received a single dose of ivermectin, none developed pneumonia or cardiovascular complications, while 11.4% of those in the control group did.
– Ivermectin can help prevent Covid-19. One 2020 article in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications looked at what happened after the drug was given to family members of confirmed Covid-19 patients. Less than 8% became infected, versus 58.4% of those untreated.
– Out of four billion doses administered since 1998, there have been only 28 cases of serious neurological adverse events, according to an article published this year in the American Journal of Therapeutics. The same study found that ivermectin has been used safely in pregnant women, children and infants.
Of course, Merck had a bigger goal in mind by destroying ivermectin’s credibility. They got busy producing another drug. One they could make money from.
That new drug is in the form of a little pill and it’s called molnupiravir. It promises to halve the chances of hospitalization in COVID-19 patients with mild or moderate disease.

Merck got what it wanted: a staggering $1.2 billion government contract for Molnupiravir, with the promise of $355 million for between 60,000 and 100,000 doses.
Where ivermectin costs $26 per treatment plan, the Biden administration will pay $700 for a five day course of molnupiravir pills, even though it costs a mere $17.74 to produce.
One might ask the obvious question of what is in molnupiravir? Well, interestingly, it is described as having first been investigated as a possible treatment for Venezuelan equine encephalitis. Yes, you guessed it, equine encephalitis is a sleeping sickness that infects mammals and, uh, horses.
Dr. Pierre Kory, the president of Frontline Covid19 Critical Care Alliance and one of the most prominent advocates of ivermectin, has stated that molnupiravir acts in a similar way to ivermectin.
I’m not a doctor. I’m not an expert. But I’d bet my own horse, if I had one—with or without horse paste—that Dr. Kory is correct.
The minute word got out about the pill, Merck shares shot up more than 9%.
In contrast, a global vaccine stock sell-off was triggered by the news. Pfizer shares fell 4%; BioNTech 15%; Moderna 14%; and Novavax more than 22%.
Can’t you just see the CEOs of the other drug companies stamping their feet nd yelling obscenities while the Merck guys puff up their chests with pride? Yeah, we beat you this time, haha.
Do you ever feel like you’re on a conveyor belt being prodded and examined, prescribed and injected, while the guys in lab coats and the corporate elite watch from the sidelines, discussing amongst themselves how much they can get out of you for what they put in? The only way you make it off the conveyor belt is if the profits made off of you begin to slide. Then, they just toss you in the trash. There are millions more where you came from.

I know one person in particular who will not want to see profits go down on his precious vaccines: Dr. Fauci.
We can always count on Dr. Fauci to tell us the “truth.” A Change.org petition signed by more than 28,000 people asking People Magazine to name him the Sexiest Man Alive reads: “His comforting and intelligent demeanor has helped to lessen our national anxiety. He speaks truth to power, a strength few have at this time. His kind face and manner of speaking bring calm during the storm.”
Watch out, Fauci. That Cuomo brother was good, too, he even won an Emmy and look what happened to him.
I have to hand it to Fauci, though. He can turn any bit of information on its head, twist words, contradict himself and somehow still sound believable. There’s a new pill, you say?
In his rational voice, with its increasingly menacing undertone, he tells us:
“You know the way to decrease the risk 100%? Don’t get infected in the first place.”
Ah ha! We should take the pills and the shot. Okay, actually, yearly shots, maybe twice yearly. Plus your flu shot. Let’s make that a two in one deal.
Oh, but there will be more pandemics. And more shots. And more pills.
Dr. Fauci threw us a bone, though, as he sometimes does. “We certainly are turning a corner on this particular surge,” he said during an interview on “This Week” on ABC News.
Remember! Pay attention to words and phrases—pay attention to this particular surge.
There will never be an end to this nightmare. Indeed, Fauci and his co-conspirators’ power only becomes more entrenched. Who would have ever thought just two years ago that a corrupt, greedy little scientist with a Napoleon complex would be dictating every aspect of our lives. Haranguing the American people with balderdash like this:
“As a member of society, reaping all the benefits of being a member of society you have a responsibility. And I think each of us, particularly in the context of a pandemic that is killing millions of people you have got to look at it and say there comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society.”
Your individual rights. Not his
Fauci continued with his lecture:
“I mean this idea about ‘we have a drug, don’t get vaccinated,’ just doesn’t make any sense. If you look at the people who get hospitalized and the people who die, it is overwhelmingly weighted toward the people who are unvaccinated.”
Doesn’t make any sense he says?
No, you don’t make any sense, Fauci!
No matter that Israel became worried about increases in death among the vaccinated—that didn’t look good when they had put all their eggs into the one basket of Pfizer. All they had to do was shift the definition of “unvaccinated” to mean those who haven’t yet received their booster shots and those who get sick during the first two weeks after receiving the vaccine. Then, poof! It becomes the unvaccinated again who are getting sick, clogging up the hospitals, dying.
People are quick to shrug off the VAERS data as unreliable. After all, the people reporting those incidents aren’t experts. They’re just ordinary citizens. What do they know? We trust the scientists in their ivory towers. Not the people who are living the experiences. Just like we don’t trust the doctors in the trenches.
We need to remind ourselves of the uncomfortable truth that before COVID ever took over our lives, the United States outspends every other country in the world combined when it comes to the top-selling 20 pharmaceutical drugs.
Put another way, U.S. sales of the top 20 medications totaled $101.1 billion in 2020, while sales of the same drugs totaled $57 billion in the rest of the world.
No wonder we turn up our noses at the People’s Medicine or VAERS data. We are the biggest part of the problem. We put ourselves on that conveyor belt and it’s our own fault we now can’t get off.
Give us our drugs! We demand our miracle cures! Now!

In the recently released season 4 of the TV series, Goliath, Billy (Billy Bob Thornton) takes on one of America’s most insidious Goliaths and sources of big bucks: the opioid industry.
In Episode 3 we see a woman in a lab testing a new drug and the numbers aren’t satisfactory. She keeps testing, to no avail. We next see her at dinner with the CEO of the drug company, George Zax. Turns out, she is his niece. They are having a nice dinner when George says it’s time to talk business.
She tells him: “Uncle George I know you don’t want to hear this—”
George: “Do I want to hear what I don’t want to hear?”
Kate: “I know but—”
George: “What do I want to hear? Tread lightly. Wisely.”
You can feel the shift in atmosphere from friendly to sinister.
Kate tries again: “But what if the long term effects aren’t compliant with FDA regulations?”
George, in an even voice, but the sinister undertones growing: “I don’t think I heard you correctly. Try again.”
Kate: “If I had the time—”
George: “Okay, now we’re talking past each other. Now is the time, Kate. Now is the perfect time. You want to try one more time?”
Kate knows she can’t hold out any longer.
In the monotone voice of someone reciting a memorized script, she gives him the answer he wants to hear: “Amurzyn is a nonaddictive, effective pain-relieving opioid. FDA approved and ready for market.”
George: “Well, that’s good news. How’s your steak?
And just like that, everything shifts back to normal. We could all be Kate. In that situation, what would any of us do? Kate has a conscience, she feels bad about it. But who is she—who are any of us? Nobodies, compared to this man who has no conscience. That’s why he’s at the top and she isn’t. That’s what it takes. With a snap of his fingers, he can bestow fame and fortune on his underlings, or send them to the depths of hell.
One of the darkest drug tales is that of Merck and Vioxx, a prescription medication used to relieve signs and symptoms of arthritis. Before it was withdrawn, it is estimated that Vioxx could have prematurely killed up to 500,000 people, far beyond the 3,468 that were named in Merck’s class action settlement for $4.85 billion in 2007.
In a Vioxx class action case in Australia a list was presented to the court, emailed between Merck employees, containing doctors’ names with the labels “neutralize,” “neutralized” or “discredit” next to them.
The plaintiffs’ lawyer gave this assessment:
“It gives you the dark side of the use of key opinion leaders and thought leaders … if (they) say things you don’t like to hear, you have to neutralize them … It does suggest a certain culture within the organization about how to deal with your opponents and those who disagree with you.”
What had Merck done to get into this situation? They simply refused to allow Vioxx to fail, despite knowing there were serious problems. So, when Merck submitted the results to the FDA, like George Zax in the series Goliath, they simply presented the data in a different way. Deaths occurring after patients completed their course of Vioxx were removed from the results, even though the drug could cause problems after a patient stopped taking it. That change significantly reduced the risk attributed to Vioxx.
The Merck wordsmiths worked hard on their statement. It said that the company analyzed the trial and ‘found that there was no pattern suggesting the deaths had any connection to Vioxx; some of the deaths were caused by car accidents, poisonings, infections and other causes that are not related to Vioxx’.”
What does that sound like? It sounds exactly like how COVID data is fiddled with, first, when they wanted to push a scary pandemic, every type of death was counted as a COVID death. Then, when they wanted to show successful results of the vaccines, they reversed it, making it look as if it was mainly the unvaccinated who were dying or filling hospitals.
In President Joe Biden’s inaugural address he spoke these inspiring words:
On September 26, 2021, he started again with these words in a tweet: “I give you my word as Biden…” and then some balderdash about not raising taxes.
This was one of the most important lessons my parents taught me: Your word is your bond.
But since lies have become truth, words don’t matter anymore. It doesn’t really matter what Biden or anyone else in power promises. Biden and his cronies have now set the standard as low as it can ever go, for every single person beneath them, all the way down the food chain to you and me. The example he sets is that lies are okay as long as they work. And they do work when the people listening to them are willing to bow to the lies out of fear.
As I am closing this essay, I just saw the moving story of Dr. Daniel Nagase, a Canadian doctor who concluded that “something malicious is going on” after he was punished for treating patients with ivermectin.
Dr. Nagase had three patients who were on oxygen and short of breath. “The only medication these patients were on were steroids,” wrote Dr. Nagase on his blog. “—a medication that will decrease inflammation but increase the chances of a bacterial infection by suppressing the immune system. That’s right, the only medication the COVID patients at this hospital were on were immune suppressants.”
One of the three patients, a woman, said she felt as if they had been put in a corner and left to die. Dr. Nagase was determined to help them and offered ivermectin. All three patients said they wanted to try it. Dr. Nagase goes on to relate how difficult it was to find the medicine but eventually he was able to do so and administered the correct dose to all three patients.
Here I will continue with his speech. It was hard for me to read this without becoming so angry I had to go outside and punch my boxing bag.
Within hours of getting Ivermectin, I got a call from the Central Zone medical director, Dr. Jennifer Bestard. She called me to tell me I was forbidden from giving Ivermectin to patients. I told her she’s never met the patients, she’s not their doctor, and had no right to be changing the care of my patients without the patient’s permission.
She said Ivermectin was forbidden from the hospital. Even if the patients had their own Ivermectin. (Which I would have happily given to a relative so they could to hand it over to them), Patients would not be allowed to take their own ivermectin. She said it was a violation of Alberta Health Services Policy to give Ivermectin for COVID.
But that wasn’t good enough. The next day she called the hospital and gave me 15 minutes notice that I would be relieved of my duties. I told her that it was unreasonable. I had an emergency department full of patients who can’t be sorted out in 15 minutes. An hour later another local doctor came to replace me. They didn’t even want me to check up on the patients who I gave Ivermectin to.
Not even 24 hours after getting Ivermectin, two out of my three patients were almost completely better. They were out of bed walking around and all the crackles I heard in their lungs from the day before were gone. All it took was about 18 hours and one dose of Ivermectin. The third patient who was 95 years old, stayed the same. She didn’t get any worse like she had done the night previous.
I found out later that no sooner had I left Rimbey hospital, the next doctor who came to replace me stopped the antibiotics, stopped all the vitamins, she even stopped the patient’s inhalers. Within hours of my leaving the hospital this doctor even took away the patient’s inhalers, to help her breathe. The patients were not even allowed vitamins.
Thankfully, both my 70 year old patients who had immediate recoveries after a single dose of ivermectin left the hospital that week. I’d like to speak briefly to the healthcare professionals in the crowd: No doctor would take away antibiotics and inhalers for ANY viral pneumonia, never mind COVID. No doctor would do that to ANY patient with a pneumonia. Unless they were… Well I’ll let you think about that. We are remembering Nuremburg after all. And for healthcare professionals, I want us all to think very deeply about that.
But it gets worse, In my brief day and a half in the small town of Rimbey, I saw 2 patients who had recently been discharged from Red Deer Hospital after being on the COVID ward.
They were sent home with NOTHING. Not even an inhaler. These patients ended up in ER at a small hospital wanting help. Just days after being sent home from a tertiary care hospital with nothing.
There is something malicious going on. I hope you can all see the bigger picture. This is more than me having all my assignments to take care of small communities cancelled for the rest of the year. This is more than the medical director, Dr. Fraincois Belanger banning me from hospital practice throughout all of Alberta.
Just a week after giving ivermectin and then filing a complaint against the Alberta Pharmacy Director,
a complaint sent to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, about the Pharmacy director for an entire province denying 11 pages of studies showing 0% mortality for patients given Ivermectin.
In study after study after study, 0% mortality, 0% mortality, 0% mortality… with Ivermectin.
And in “Severe” COVID? A 50% reduction in mortality with Ivermectin.
This is all in the Alberta Health Services own Ivermectin report.
Just a week after I filed a complaint that Dr. Gerald Lazarenko was withholding a life saving medication from an entire province, the Alberta college of physicians and Surgeons forbade doctors and pharmacists from giving patients ivermectin.
We must remember.
We are here to remember.
Not just the people who died from medical experimentation.
We are here to remember the people today.
We are here to remember every single doctor, lawyer, and medical ethicist that sits on the board of the BC college who is investigating Dr. Charles Hoffe for speaking the truth.
We are here to remember every doctor who stopped patients from having a live saving medication.
And what for? To boost mortality? To create an ICU “crisis”? To create a state of emergency?
All to push a vaccine?
We must remember, the people of the past. And the people of today.
History repeats itself.
Nuremburg will happen again.
We must remember.
How will Dr. Gerald Lazarenko respond to Dr. Nagase, that he is “withholding a life saving medication from an entire province, the Alberta college of physicians and Surgeons forbade doctors and pharmacists from giving patients ivermectin?”
Who will be held accountable or will the lies and the deaths continue? The billions in deals continue, the money, the bribes, filtering all the way down the food chain.
Will the day come when the truth is finally told—that this COVID crisis has been one of the worst, perhaps the worst, crimes against humanity in history?
Look back at the Iraq War to see that all we have learned is how to lie better. Bush does not languish in prison. He is heralded as a grandfatherly figure who does lovely paintings in his old age. The stooges Biden and Fauci are treated no differently, no matter how much death and destruction they cause.
War is always an excuse to make more money and build stronger power structures. It’s interesting that President Bush took his opportunity to expand funding for anti-bioterrorism research at the NIH from $53 million in 2001 to more than $1.7 billion annually—these funds used to study threat agents and other novel or emerging pathogens.
The connection should be clear. COVID is the new boggy-man, the new weapon of mass destruction. Do not expect the majority of sleeping citizens to recognize this anytime soon.
It is up to the People, those who understand the meaning of the People’s Medicine and stand by it, to expose the lies of these corrupt leaders to such an extent that there will be no alternative but to have them tried for crimes against humanity.
As Dr. Nagase said:
History repeats itself.
Nuremburg will happen again.
We must remember.
It is happening now.
Thank you for reading. Please share and comment if you so desire.