The Big Pharma / Banker technocrats and their political puppets are in the process of actively creating a new digital system, and western society is already well on its way towards complete adoption and implementation of this Orwellian ‘New Normal’. The technology behind digital IDs is inevitably not dissimilar to the tech behind vaccine passports. They are one of the same, vaccine passports are the basic building blocks for a broader digital ID concept.
Like so many other aspects of this Plandemic, digital vaccine passports were considered a crazy ‘conspiracy theory’ by the establishment until the day they were first rolled out, and this is extremely relevant when it comes to all of the potential uses of these experimental injections. As history has shown time and time again, that the media will continually deem even those things which it is publicly acknowledged or are currently being developed a ‘crazy conspiracy’ until that development is complete and the establishment is prepared to publicly announce their implementation. This was not only the case with vaccine passports, but also with mandatory vaccinations and so many other biosecurity measures.
Davos Group proposes global Vaccine Passports and the Great Reset.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 20, 2021
The World Economic Forum, also known as the Davos Group, is proposing everybody be issued with a vaccine passport. And it is the next step of a global world order. The titans of global capitalism are exploiting the Covid-19 crisis to institute social credit-style digital ID systems across the West. The Davos Group is pushing a UN plan to use worldwide “vaccine passports” to enforce global carbon taxes, which would make the cost of travel even more expensive. The WEF claims that a worldwide vaccine passport would lead to a “harmonization of varying national laws,” a necessary step to enforcing a global carbon tax. It’s quite apparent that a vaccine passport required to travel across counties would provide the necessary tech infrastructure to pass the costs of carbon taxes onto individual travellers, which is likely one of their intended goals. After all the first WEF Covid Pass Prototype “commits to mandatory carbon offsetting for each flight passenger, to preserve the environmental benefits of reduced air travel during the crisis.”
Travelling with confidence.
📕 Read more:
— World Economic Forum (@wef) July 30, 2020
At the same time The WEF wants to replace paper passports with vaccine passports. The globalist forum has proposed a digital “vaccine passport” which presumably would be included in the paper passport’s replacement. “The standard template for passports was created more than a century ago—and many argue that it’s due for a major rethink,” reads a WEF article.
A digital passport would also be less private in comparison to a paper one given that it could tie into medical and tax records while conceivably tracking a person’s movements.
Digital Identity:
Citizens “need to get used to being vaccinated with COVID vaccines for the future… it will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination.” – Australia’s New South Wales Ministry of Health Dr. Kerry Chant.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 20, 2021
The primary purpose of these digital passports in many domestic places is to permit users entry into public spaces and regulate the privilege of receiving basic societal services which are or will be denied to the unvaccinated and anyone who refuses to accept this Orwellian digital passport, becoming the primary means of enforcing tyrannical and discriminatory medical apartheid policies.
These passports will eventually be linked to social credit scores, as is already the case in China, as well as social media accounts, and just about every aspect of the Orwellian digital system being built around us, including a digital currency, can then be used to reward or punish both good and bad nudged behaviours, entirely unrelated to pandemic measures, like disconnecting a user from their social media account for engaging in politically incorrect or otherwise prohibited speech, is just one example, and central banks already calling for programmable digital currency to be implemented. With the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, Bill Gates, and other connoisseurs of the digital ID and ID2020 industry have an unprecedented opportunity to introduce their programs into the wealthy countries of the West.

On March 19th 2020, Bill Gates said that the Coronavirus Means We Would Need ‘Digital Certificates’ to Prove Who Received Vaccine. He said “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,”.
For those yearning for an end to pandemic-related restrictions, credential programs certifying their vaccination against Covid-19 have been marketed as the key to reopening the economy and restoring their personal freedoms. We know this because in April 2020, digital immunity ID cards were being explored as part of the UK’s exit strategy from lockdown.

And on April 10th 2020: In the article titled ‘The world is accelerating towards digital IDs for all, the coronavirus pandemic has triggered a new focus on a global ID system. But if we are unlucky, it could be an Orwellian nightmare.’ It said that Microsoft is already a founding member of a platform designed to create a global digital identity system, which could be used to track the spread of outbreaks, called ID2020.
ID2020 launched an identity alliance, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and consulting firm Accenture, in 2017. The alliance’s main goals were defined that year: To develop and test technological solutions for digital identity, and to work with governments and “existing, established agencies to implement these solutions.”

In the same year, the World Economic Forum stated, in a report called Digital Borders, that its goals, including for a global digital ID technology “should be prioritized because of threats such as pandemics.”
The smart city will become our playground – “Therefore, the digital ID will represent the ‘virtual umbilical cord’ that continuously links each individual to their public and social life” – Thales Digital
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) August 13, 2021
The implementation of vaccine passports is accelerating the establishment of a global Digital ID infrastructure. As the military surveillance firm and NATO contractor Thales recently put it, the vaccine passports “are a precursor to digital ID wallets.”
Covid-19 is the biggest tech shift to a complete self-sovereign digital identity. With boarding passes, passports, loyalty cards, vaccine certificates, visas, all rolled up into a single biometric blockchain global ID2020 digital identity wallet.
The CEO of iProov, a UK biometric digital ID company and Department for Homeland Security contractor, last year said that “The evolution of vaccine certificates will actually drive the whole field of digital ID in the future. So therefore, this is not just about Covid, this is about something even bigger.”
Digital immunity passports will promise unprecedented controls over populations wherever such systems are implemented. Ann Cavoukian, the former privacy commissioner of Ontario, Canada has described the vaccine passport system already active in her province as “A new, inescapable web of surveillance with geolocation data being tracked everywhere.”
How are they going to check everyone’s vaccine passport? By biometrically screening your face.
When vaccine passports go touchless and merge with your digital identities.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) July 27, 2021
These systems will naturally and organically expand into using biometrics: “Transacting with your face, you want the gate to recognize that your biometric is known as you approach the bag drop area, you’re known that you have a vaccine, you have been COVID tested, you are a credible person to fly.” – said Corsight, another Biometric and digital ID company.

As I have been warning since the start, our faces will become our covid credential. “Health Pass uses facial recognition to match someone to the image on an identity document during registration.”
Watch: Linking our health data to our identities. When digital identity, vaccine passports and biometrics collide. BBC hit piece.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) July 25, 2021
In Australia, Woolworths, Coles and Commonwealth Bank have joined forces to roll out new QR codes for payments to help pay for groceries and other retail products. Australia’s biggest supermarkets and banks want QR codes to be the biggest change in the way shoppers pay for things since ‘tap and go’ was introduced in 2007. They said that EFTPOS QR codes could dethrone regular tap and go as the preferred method of contactless payments in stores and check this: “It could even eventually be integrated into COVID-19 check-ins for an all-in-one solution to COVID-safe requirements and paying” Eftpos Mr Barr said.

Closer to home in Jersey UK: To get a Digital COVID Vaccination Status Certificate. I.e., a Vaccine Passport. You first must activate your ‘Onegov account’, which includes according to their website “setting up your Digital ID before you can get your digital certificate.”
In the US: The Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Public Safety Commissioner Sean Tindell said the department is continuing to work on other projects that will expand access to Drivers Licenses. He says, they are developing a mobile digital ID app that can be used as a virtual driver’s license and a coronavirus vaccination card all in one.
“We anticipate after a meeting with ITS last week that we will be offering a Mississippi ID Wallet whereby not only will your driver’s license and your COVID vaccine card, but you can also have your hunting license, fishing license and others.” Precisely the ID2020 alliance plan.
New Zealand has a new Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill before their parliament which will address many of their vaccination passport issues and opens more digital identity services, including opening the biometric data held by DIA to private providers.

With grassroots protests building up against an exclusionary regime of vaccine passports, the captains of global capitalism are campaigning with more urgency than ever to bring digital ID to the West. For these elite interests, the digitization of immunity passports represents a critical tool in a long-planned economic and political transformation, their great reset project.
Apartheid may have officially ended in South Africa 30 years ago, but it is back big-time in many countries that pride themselves on their commitment to ‘human rights.’ Only, this time, it’s not the people’s colour that will determine what they can and cannot do, but their vaccine status.
In Germany a state is already allowing its businesses to ban unvaccinated customers, even for groceries and other essentials. The German state of Hesse has become the first to allow businesses to deny the unvaccinated access to necessities based on their vaccine status, setting a troubling precedent as its neighbour’s wrestle with protests vaccination mandates.

If you require proof that vaccine passports have failed, then from 21st Oct 2021 to 15th Nov 2021, Latvia will go under a strict hard lockdown. This means tight Covid-19 restrictions and curfews. Latvia’s Prime minister announced this after a meeting of the Crisis Management Council. It was on September 23rd, 2021, where the Latvian authorities fully integrated the Latvia COVID pass (Green Pass) into the European Union’s COVID Certificate verification system, the EU Gateway. They have been using it for a while now and for them to go into a full lockdown proves the fact that they just don’t work.
And recently the Tony Blair Institute has come out [again], pushing vaccine passports: In its latest white paper titled ‘Boosting the UK’s Covid Measures: How to Go Further, Faster and Protect the NHS’. It writes, we should “Urgently explore the option of introducing a Covid Pass to ensure everyone attending mass events have been fully vaccinated or at least received a recent negative test.”

The World Economic Forum has also released their findings from its three-year ‘Known Traveller Digital Identity’ pilot for paperless, cross-border travel. It writes that the “COVID-19 has underscored the need for verifiable digital credentials in cross-border travel.” And that “COVID-19 has heightened the need for digital travel credentials, such as vaccination or COVID test certificates, that can be verified across borders”

The WEF has already made it clear that the “end goal” of its global agenda is expanding the digital ID model it established in India until every person in the world holds a unique digital ID. “Digital identity can help advance inclusive financial services, India’s Aadhaar system increases inclusion for over 1.2 billion Indians. World Bank Chief Economist Paul Romer calls it the most sophisticated digital ID system in the world.”
Vaccine passports will not be temporary: Last year ID2020 and the USAID-partnered biometric ID firm Simprints leveraged funding from Gates Foundation to publish an article entitled, “COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery: An Opportunity to Set Up Systems for the Future.” Here the authors argued that COVID-19 vaccines in the Global South could be used as a “potential lever to deliver digital biometric IDs”. They went on to admit that such digital biometric systems would stay in place long after the COVID-19 pandemic was over and would be exploited for an array of purposes after the rollout: “Biometrics have the advantage of being agnostic to use case,” the co-authors wrote, “meaning they can connect different systems during or even after rollout.”
Regarding the expanded use case of Digital ID’s: A September 2021 report by BankservAfrica, the largest digital payments clearing house in Africa, which is headed by former executives at MasterCard, VISA, and IBM, urged South Africa to adopt a biometric digital ID system. The report said: “The time has come for consumers, investors, and the private and public sectors to work collectively to achieve the common goal of enabling a robust, secure, and trusted digital identity for South Africa.” BankServAfrica’s digital payment platform is currently being tested in Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania with financial support from the World Bank, USAID, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “The COVID-19 pandemic has shown just how critical a digital ID is,” BankServAfrica’s Chief Business Officer said.
Gates’ ID2020 campaign has also collaborated with the forces advancing a system that registers Americans’ vaccination status with the same corporation that calculates their financial credit scores. In Illinois, residents are required to verify that they have received COVID-19 vaccines through an online portal Vax Verify. To register their proof of vaccination, Illinois residents must turn to Experian, the world’s leading credit score service.

The online portal requires that any resident with a freeze on their credit must unfreeze it with Experian before registering a vaccination.
After Illinois became the first US state to forge a relationship between vaccine certifications and Experian. Illinois Congressman and financial industry darling Bill Foster introduced new legislation that would foist a digital biometric ID onto the entire American population. The Improving Digital Identity Act 2021 introduced by foster calls for the public sector and particularly the Department of Homeland Security, to work with the private sector to develop a new biometric digital ID infrastructure for the United States.
In Nov 2020 Gates ID2020 provided an online forum for Foster to promote his bill. During the event, the congressman advocated for a “trusted biometric digital immunity certificate system” while explaining that his bill would obtain biometrics from every citizen. So private corporations could then “leverage” it to generate enormous profits. Banking and credit card companies are among the many “commercial sectors” that foster’s bill will benefit through digital biometric IDs. The bill plainly states that the corporate ID system will give “under-banked and unbanked individuals better access to digital financial services,” cloaking the opening of markets for finance giants in the same woke language that ID2020 employ.

This is just a taster of what is being planned for the digital journey of vaccine passports and the broader digital ID agenda. Rather than a tool for inclusivity for all, it’s a system based on exclusion and eventual digital servitude, surveillance, and tyranny.
The vaccine passport momentum is the precursor of digital biometric ID and towards total social control, the state will eventually require us all to sacrifice our independence and free will to participate in society. The lockdown zealots want a total return of all Covid curbs to protect the NHS from the consequences of the previous lockdowns, the last 20 months have all been about developing and implementing Davos Man’s digital-ID-dependent ‘Great Reset’ under the guise of fighting a virus.
So this only ends, when a critical mass of individuals and businesses say: “That’s enough of this now. We will not comply with any more restrictions. We won’t divide the people’s and we won’t implement vaccine passports or digital ID which excludes people”. And once this happens, the narrative will and should collapse.