At this moment, we are passing into a period of great social unrest, political, corporate and where governments are enabling and exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to justify the suppression of civil rights. Our most basic of freedoms. We became prone to thinking that by merely reciting the human rights acts, the constitution etc, that our future liberties were forever secured, because we inherited them by default and that we lived in free democratic country, but that is not to be true. This is not about whether if we should be taking vaccines from illness, but rather the dangers of the health crisis becoming the vehicle where totalitarianism has invoked a state of emergency and where vaccine passports are compulsory to quell global and national threats.
We are going over the cliff where governments target their shock doctrines, release police goon squads and with big tech’s oversights to control and remove opposing medical opinions and science on their platforms and subvert the rule of law to crush representative forms of truth. Robust democracies have seen this unfold very rapidly and systematically where vaccines, vaccine passports, executive orders, corporate policy, and the swift erosion of our privacy and freedoms to assemble have been acceptable trade-offs.
‘The Great Reset’ and Vaccine Passports weren’t ‘crackpot conspiracy theories’ were they?
— Neil Clark (@NeilClark66) October 7, 2021
Many people believe that vaccine passports are part of the larger Great Reset programme which wants to enslave every person in the world into a Chinese Communist Party style digital identity and social credit control system. Remember when they first lied saying there weren’t going to be any vaccine passports? Then they tried to justify them by saying it would reduce transmission, but when that lie failed, they said its to increase vaccine uptake, but the real agenda as we all know is the ID2020 blockchain biometric digital ID project, more of that below.
The Welsh Government has refused to allow another vote on the introduction of vaccine passports despite winning simply because of a Zoom error.
— Toby Young (@toadmeister) October 6, 2021
In Wales Gareth Davies MS, who represents the Vale of Clwyd, suffered technology problems ahead of Tuesday’s vote in the Welsh Senedd and was unable to register his opposition to the NHS Covid Pass. Instead, the Labour Government won 28-27 and the Covid NHS Pass is set to become compulsory for entry to nightclubs and other large-scale events from next week.
My statement regarding last nights vote on Covid passports.
— Gareth Davies MS (@GarethDaviesVoC) October 6, 2021
In a statement, Mr Davies said he was “angry” he had been unable to access the Senedd’s remote voting system. “I’m deeply upset, frustrated and angry at last night’s events and my inability to cast a vote against vaccine passports,” he said. “Yesterday evening, IT challenges meant that I was unable to access the voting system”. “Throughout the voting period, I was speaking with the chief whip and Welsh Conservative staff members to solve the IT issues.” “The Senate currently operates under a hybrid system that means only half of our representatives can vote in the chamber, with others voting remotely from elsewhere.” “I was working and representing the group at the Conservative Party conference, and I would have been able to vote remotely if I had been able to access the remote voting tools.” “Concerns have been raised with the Senedd’s ICT department.”
🏴 Presiding Officer Elin Jones said she had given her personal phone number to @GarethDaviesVoC so he could have lodged his vote orally.
So it wasn't the technology or incomptence. Once again, it was lies. #NoVaccinePassports
— STOPCOMMONPASS ❌ (@org_scp) October 7, 2021
Had the vote been tied the llywydd would have voted against a change to the law or for further debate. While questions will now be asked of how the vote occurred, the Welsh Government will be aware it’s legislation only passed due to a technical glitch. It really is very suspicious behaviour on what went down with Gareth on such a high-profile vote which will affect every person in Wales. Bought off?
The Wales Technical Advisory Group on its own advice on vaccine passports document states that. “Even with careful planning and application there may not be a net benefit to the introduction of immunity certification.”

And the Scottish Government said the same thing, it admitted there was no evidence the vaccine passports would actually work: “There is limited evidence to date that vaccine certificates alone result in a reduction in transmission at events given the difficulties in linking specific cases to specific venues.”

And because of this, seasonal events like these can no longer go ahead and perhaps never to again. Organisers of the annual Cowbridge Reindeer Festival said that the cancellation this year was necessary due to the “impossibility of being able to police attendees’ vaccine passports as the festival will attract over 4000.”

How can we get back to normal when these passes stop us from doing so? Vaccine passports are not the silver bullet that some in government pretend they are otherwise they would have got round to releasing the evidence in support of them. In England there is currently no good reason to introduce vaccine passports. “If we’re going to pretty much take away people’s freedom, you’ve got to have a really good reason to do it and I don’t think we have that reason at this point.” Sajid Javid has said, but that could all change in a few weeks’ time, will the Government execute their Plan B operation?
On Scotland’s vaccine passport infrastructure which the Government have spent 600K to Netcompany: Vaccine passports are part of a permanent digital id infrastructure it was revealed. “This was our big chance in Scotland to show that we really are a digitally focused country and to build a trusted identity infrastructure for the future.” – Professor Bill Buchanan OBE wrote.

A trusted digital identity framework? I have heard that before, yes from ID2020.
“Why would any Government want to create a database, that connects your health records, with your transport records, with your DWP records, with your treasury records, why at this point is it seeking to create effectively a cross departmental government database?” – @CGreenUK
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 4, 2021
The vaccine passports and digital IDs are linked to alleged orchestrated plots by pharmaceutical and tech companies with governments to surveillance and control populations and we are two to three years away from a full digital identity existence in the UK. “The pandemic has been a springboard for digital identity. Momentum has been accelerated by increased availability of digitally presentable credentials and acceptance of biometrics.” – Nick Mothershaw from OIX writes.

Joe Biden’s claim that the pandemic is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” where selfish humans are a threat to those already vaccinated is the most potent force of evil. This slander has now put a premium on the cult to attack those unwilling to insert RNA into their bodies. The hysterical exaggeration to assail with such divisiveness is exacerbating social divisions and creating a much greater epidemic of indiscriminate assault of the character with calls to arrest them, lock them out of society and even calling them murderers.
Australian Deputy Premier of New South Wales, John Barilard, also spouted to the unvaccinated that if you choose not to be vaccinated, you will lose your freedoms, your jobs, and your homes. Harsh words.
In Austrailia, police are now physically taking down their own citizens and arresting them if you happen to walk through the neighbourhood while not wearing a mask or ascertaining if they have been vaccinated. Anything dangerous to the cult is not allowed. We do wonder what is really going on with this crackdown, reminiscent of the Chinese Communist response in the early days of the pandemic when there have been only 1,300 COVID-related deaths in Australia from a population of nearly 26 million.
The globalist elites have been orchestrating the Covid-19 lockdowns and digital biometric identity passports to usher in this ‘Great Digital Reset’ from the start, and it should alarm everybody. All the restrictions, vaccines, and school and business closures now lead us to the most dangerous tool in their great reset digital repertoire and once accepted and in popular use, there is no more choice remaining to participate in a free society. Created on the same platform as the Communist Chinese Party’s surveillance QR health codes, the vaccine passport and its future use is the linchpin to government approvals in the New World Order.
Dakota Gruener Oct 23, 2020:
"This moment demands a coordinated global effort, the decisions we make today about digital immunisation records for the #COVID19 response will shape the trajectory for digital ID for generations or more and we just have one chance to get it right.”
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 3, 2021
Dakota Gruener Oct 23, 2020: “This moment demands a coordinated global effort, the decisions we make today about digital immunisation records for the COVID19 response will shape the trajectory for digital ID for generations or more and we just have one chance to get it right.”
Large corporations and smaller businesses are not only following suit with the passport path made clear, but they also became the front door fascist arbitrators in checking one’s vaccine papers to assimilate into the global technocracy. People need to have their passports readily available when required by the authorities. Organizations such as the CDC, UN and WHO now determine the required digital health documents that must be contained within the apps.
Additionally, more than One billion people globally cannot prove their identity with no issued birth certificate or access to smartphones. ID2020 is the name of the digital game, it has been from the very beginning, aligning closely with the UN SDG 2030 goals and the WEF. This was outlined on April 2020: In The Blueprint: Immunity Certificates: If We Must Have Them, We Must Do It Right – Dakota Gruener wrote: “We believe that ongoing work on decentralized credentialing provides the foundation for a secure, privacy-protecting model”.

The new vaccine passport data model is based entirely on Freedom-As-A-Service (FaaS) and ID2020 are using The Humanised Internet combining decentralised digital identity with social impact investments.

And in a new letter to President Joe Biden: “We are perplexed – and indeed profoundly disappointed – with your administration’s failure to recognize the need for verifiable digital health passes […] as a precursor to large-scale vaccination and testing mandates” — ID2020 Executive Director Gruener writes.
Special interests are pulling the strings and in the same letter our favourite Tony Blair pops up again: “We urgently require an internationally-recognised system of health passes enabling travellers to quickly and easily prove their health status, in a secure and privacy-preserving way” said former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair in a recent New York Times op-ed he said. “The Good Health Pass Collaborative is doing vital work to develop the standards necessary to support this. Political leaders should now get behind this.”
Here’s where things are heading if we don’t apply the brakes soon. Australia: Vaccine Passports to visit the GP? “Dr Sharif thinks the passports could help facilitate face-to-face consultations in areas with high community transmission.”
In Canada, mission creep is the agenda.: The Newfoundland and Labrador government is considering requiring a vaccine passport for religious services.

And in New Zealand; Make vaccine passports mandatory in the workplace says EMA. “You’ll need a vaccine passport at work and if you are visiting a workplace, retail or service outlet or a bar or restaurant you’ll also need a passport to enter.”
The state of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia has also threatened jail time for unvaccinated individuals who attempt to enter businesses without the government-mandated vaccine passports.

And in Canada a Pizzeria loses its license after refusing vaccine passports. This is the future we all face if this nonsense comes to England. “We believe the unvaccinated to have humanity and be afforded the same equity and dignity as all”, stated the owner of the shop.
In Israel. Many warned this would happen, so why didn’t they listen? “Boosters every six months could become a part of life from now on.” Two million Israelis who were vaccinated more than six months ago lost their vaccine passports last Sunday as the new definition of “fully vaccinated” went into effect. Israel has revoked all Green Passes issued to date, with the new guidelines limiting Covid-19 immunity status only to those who naturally recovered or received their latest vaccine shot within the past six months.
“So in essence we’ve got a system which is saying that if you don’t submit to be injected by the state every 6 months you will be denied services and lose your job, and you not creeped out by this?”
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 3, 2021
Once this stuff is brought in, it’s going to be extremely difficult to get rid of it, with COVID being the opportunity to gain a tyrannical foothold. The technologies in the passport will see the systems function creep its way into new purposes, including biometrics and blockchain. The extension of the app beyond the pretext of the pandemic is evident with the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance QR health codes lingering still and being maintained way beyond the pandemic.
“We have seen the biggest shift of control to government over ordinary citizens lives than has taken place in peacetime. Vaccine passports are one of those changes that would lock in that shift in power forever. That is something we must resist.” – @SirGrahamBrady
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 4, 2021
Being against vaccine passports is not because we care about going to gyms or restaurants for ourselves but the point is that we should never have to submit to a social credit system in which the governments, big tech and big pharma get to decide what nudged behaviours especially ones involving injecting experimental foreign agents routinely into our bodies to merit the most basic access to society.
“Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.” – @MorrisseyHelena opens debate quoting Reagan.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) October 4, 2021
We need to avoid the digital ID QR codes at all costs. Make all your friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers aware of the true agenda that it brings with it, which is to put everyone on the blockchain to be traced, tracked, surveyed, and controlled in ways that are yet unimaginable. Will the future of our democracies slide into a system of tech quasi-democratic neo-fascist and hybrid communist alliance where mutual interests win the world over in its quest for political supremacy where freedom has been consumed by social cult conditioning?