Initially marketed to the public to “slow the spread,” vaccine passports now represent one of the most draconian aspects of the perverse digital new normal that has metastasized amid an atmosphere of seemingly endless emergency.
Everyone wants to get back to normal, but spoiler alert: Vaccine passports and their digital ID offspring are the opposite of normal, it’s their digital slavery abnormal. Vaccine mandates along with passports are a test run on our compliance; just wait, they will be coming for all of us next, vaccinated or not.
The UN agenda 2030 sustainable development goal 16.9, is what this is all about, digital ID for all. Vaccine passports are the precursor to fully fledged digital ID wallets. These biometric digital ID systems will give unelected globalists and technocrats, the richest of the rich, the power to cut your access to funds, health care, travel, food, or anything else whenever they please.
Once the vaccine passport box is fully opened, the masks disguising the totalitarians as democrats and liberals will finally be off, emerging though from a chrysalis as a fully-fledged totalitarian global world order.
catchup on events:
For a long time, health authorities were promising us that if we did exactly what they asked for, the pandemic would come to an end. Unfortunately, they are now admitting that COVID is going to be with us permanently. Sir Jeremy Farrar, a WEF contributor and director of the Welcome Trust, recently said that “The Omicron’s emergence shows that the world is closer to the start of the pandemic than the end.”
It seems all this doom and gloom is never meant to end and we hear similar warnings by Sarah Gilbert that the next pandemic could be more lethal than that of Covid as she echoes Bill Gates. This new pandemic will threaten human lives and could be “more contagious” and “more lethal”, the Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid vaccine inventor warned.
And with recent news that there will be two more rounds of boosters to come, that’s right the 4th and 5th doses at 3-month intervals, the Government claims its ordered new ‘variant-proof’ Covid vaccines. “A new deal for 114m more jabs from Pfizer and Moderna will futureproof the country against coronavirus beyond the winter” Sajid Javid said.

The more we learn, the more we realise that this new variant is being used to further the Covid agenda. “The Omicron variant may have picked up pieces of the common-cold virus and that these genetic sequences do not appear in any earlier versions of the coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, but is ubiquitous in many other viruses including those that cause the common cold.” – All this for a common cold virus?

Italy is bringing in their new Super Green Pass. There is nothing super about it, its more restrictive than the standard pass. The Super Green Pass cannot be obtained via a negative PCR test anymore, meaning the unvaccinated will not be able to access restaurants, bars, cinemas, theatres, concerts, night clubs or sports stadiums after the 6th of December 2021.

In Germany, there are plans for vaccine passports to expire six months after people have received their second jabs. Olaf Scholz, the incoming German chancellor said that he wants to treat everyone who fails to get a booster as unvaccinated. The new policy threatens to plunge millions of people back into effective lockdown through no fault of their own.

In Germany, Police have been checking and verifying people’s COVID vaccine on their local commutes. Is this the beginning of the new health dictatorship abnormal? It certainly looks that way.
Von der Leyan the European president has gone much further, she decreed: “It’s time to think about mandatory vaccination across the entire EU, the EU should consider mandatory vaccination.”
Watch: “It’s time to think about mandatory vaccination across the entire EU, the EU should consider mandatory vaccination.” – @vonderleyen
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) December 1, 2021
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for all Greeks above 60 years. Those who refuse to get vaccinated will have to pay a monthly fine of 100 euros ($114) for each month they don’t get jabbed, starting on Jan. 16.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) November 30, 2021
If that wasn’t bad enough, the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced that mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for all Greeks above 60 years of age and those who refuse to get vaccinated would have to pay a monthly fine of 100 euros ($114) for each month they don’t get jabbed, starting Jan. 16, 2022.
People are repeatedly snubbing Covid-19 vaccination summons in Austria too, after immunization becomes compulsory they may face fines of up to $8,100 or several weeks behind bars. Those resisting vaccination in Austria will face stiff punishments, according to the draft of the ‘Covid-19 Vaccination Protection Act’ seen by the Austrian Die Presse daily. If passed, the legislation, which is set to take effect in February 2022, would apply both to the Alpine nation’s citizens and its permanent residents.

Wales is set to extend their vaccine passports to pubs and restaurants this Friday. A decision on whether to extend Covid passes to pubs and restaurants will be made at the “last minute”, First Minister Mark Drakeford said. Mr Drakeford said the emergence of the Omicron variant has led to knowledge and circumstances developing “so fast”. Mr Drakeford said he could not claim the Covid pass scheme was making a slight bit of difference “above the fact that it makes that extra marginal difference alongside everything else you do”.

In Scotland, Scottish families should adopt an informal version of the SNP Government’s vaccine passport scheme to decide who can attend Christmas dinner, the country’s national clinical director said. Prof Jason Leitch said they should adopt a “version of Covid certification” by ensuring everyone sitting around the dinner table on Dec 25th has been double jabbed. Pure insanity.

And it gets worse folks, in Canada, a province will allow grocery stores to ban the unvaccinated. The Canadian province of New Brunswick will allow grocery stores to ban unvaccinated clients who wish to buy food. Starting Saturday, December 4, 2021. The plan will allow businesses to ban unvaccinated individuals if they wish to do so. In Canada the unvaccinated are already barred from boarding planes and trains.
The Rise of Technocratic Biosecurity Surveillance Regime.
Vaccine mandates and passports are an early and opportunistic step toward new modes of governance and authoritarian social control. Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that vaccine passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in the new digital biometric check point society. And she’s not wrong. This is worth a watch.
Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that vaccine passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) November 28, 2021
To bring in a Central Bank Digital Currency, you first need a Digital ID. To bring in a Digital ID, you need COVID passports, all under the guise of health and safety, it’s all political drama. In fact vaccine passports are akin to Digital Identity frameworks in New Zealand: “More than a million digital vaccine passes have been created. For the people using them, this is likely to be their first experience with a ‘digital identity system'” Wrote James Ting-Edwards a senior policy advisor at Internet NZ.
“In the post-pandemic business world, ‘digital identities’ have become even more important in the context of remote interactions, including registration and medical data access in healthcare“ – Hsin Hau Hanna Identity and Biometrics Solutions, Thales said recently.
“All these concerns about digital passports, we should remember that if it can be made secure on an international scale, this kind of ‘digital identity technology’ has significant potential upside for citizens and not just for vaccination certificates.” Writes Mat Napo at the Conversation.
Not just for vaccination certificates, meaning their are more use cases and restrictions to come.
It's only a mask, they said.
It's only three weeks to flatten the curve, they said.
It’s only a patch they say.“Making vaccines just a little patch you put on your arm” – Bill Gates
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) December 4, 2021
So what’s next? It’s only a mask, they said. it’s only three weeks to flatten the curve, they said, it’s only a patch they say now. “Making vaccines just a little patch you put on your arm.” – Bill Gates
Its just a little patch? This reminds me of “Oh its just a mask while you shop, put it on”!
The future of vaccines
We have mRNA, and “we” are progressing into pain free “patches” to stick on your arm. The cells in the skin pick up the vaccine material and perform remarkably well to induce strong, protective responses. No actual needles!
— Michael Mina (@michaelmina_lab) September 24, 2021
You can read more on the smart vaccine patches here:

In Sweden you can now get your vaccine passports in a chip in your hand or elsewhere under the skin. It’s becoming increasingly popular to insert these #IoB chips into the body with different types of data and now you can insert your covid certificates in the chip too.
Sweden: Get your vaccine passports in a chip in your hand or elsewhere under the skin.
It is increasingly popular to insert an #IoB chip into the body with different types of data and now you can insert your covid certificates in the chip.
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) November 29, 2021
Over the last few years Swedish workers have volunteered to have microchips implanted in their hands, so they no longer must carry cash, ID, keys, gym passes etc. I can now see this is going to be a walk in the park for the globalists.
Do Vaccine Passports Work?
The introduction of the Covid Safe Ticket (CST) in Belgium did not necessarily increase the vaccination rate, but instead it resulted in more coronavirus infections, says microbiologist Emmanuel André. “The CST did not do what was expected of it. It did not so much increase the vaccination rate, but it did lead to more contacts, and thus indirectly to more infections – the two are connected,” André told De Morgen.
When it was introduced, events required a CST so people could prove that they are fully vaccinated, recently tested negative or recovered from an infection were allowed to drop the measures for face masks and social distance. But “The CST led to the opposite of what was expected, also because other measures were phased out when it was introduced,” André added.
In an investigation by experts in Spain, they concluded that vaccine passports have no significant impact on reducing COVID-19 infection rates. Details of the study, carried out by Spain’s inter-regional Covid committee, were obtained by El Pais and reported on by the Telegraph. They wrote: “Covid passports are ineffective at reducing infection and may even be sending out false messages that being vaccinated means a person cannot spread the virus, experts advising Spain’s government have found.”
Looking at how the scheme has been implemented in other European countries, the experts found that mandating people show proof of vaccination to enter venues like bars, restaurants, and cinemas “is not reducing levels of transmission.”
“In European countries where [the system] is being used, cases are rising significantly, although it is true that their level of vaccination is much lower than in Spain,” the report states.
In other words, although vaccine passports have no discernible impact on their stated goal – reducing the spread of COVID-19 – they do succeed in keeping people fearful and compliant with vaccine mandates. And perhaps that’s the primary goal. “The findings are similar to evidence found by the UK government – that vaccine passports could increase Covid rates in the country,” writes Ken Macon.
The government in Wales, UK, also found that, despite introducing vaccine passports, they could not find any evidence that they were working.
In Israel: Vaccine passports that exempt vaccinated people from regular COVID-19 testing could allow many infections to be missed, the Israeli data suggests. Researchers analysed infection rates in citizens returning to Israel through Ben-Gurion airport, for whom PCR tests upon arrival are required regardless of vaccination status. “Surprisingly,” in August 2021, the rate of positive tests among vaccinated travellers was more than double the rate among the unvaccinated” – Retsef Levi of the MIT Sloan School of Management.

And finally in Denmark, an infected person supposedly caught the new Omicron variant after attending a concert where 2000 were asked to show a valid coronavirus pass proving vaccination, recovery from Covid, or a negative PCR test to attend. We have read similar stories before proving that vaccinated people are still able to spread the disease.

Some positive news: A court has ruled that the use of the so-called Covid Safe Ticket (CST) in Wallonia (Belgium) is illegal and has ordered the local government to pay a fine of €5,000 (US$5,660) per day if it does not stop enforcing its use. The judgment was handed down by the Namur Court of First Instance, in favour of the non-profit organization ‘Notre bon droit’ (NBD), which also operates in France and Quebec (Canada), in connection with its summary proceedings against the use of the covid pass in the region.
“The court has ruled in our favour by admitting that the CST does not respect the principle of proportionality,” said the organization’s founder, Isabelle Duchateau.
Week of Action:
Vaccine passports have no place in a free society, they divide, discriminate, they cost livelihoods and jobs. There is no evidence that they can curtail the spread or make anyone any safer with actual rates spiked in many countries with vaccine passports, see Germany and Ireland.
Now little dictator Mark Drakeford is trying to get vaccine passports extended in Wales, they already have them in Scotland and Ireland, in England, Plan B hangs in the winter reserve, many suspect it will be implemented within a weeks’ notice during the Winter of 2022.
The truth is, we don’t want vaccine passports anywhere, they are unnecessary, burdensome, its nobody’s business to know our vaccination history full stop. We don’t want to end up in 2-tier society with division. This week is the #Together group’s week of action, Its time to get mobilised and send our message of discontent to our MP’s and representatives. We must do this now and do this together.
“The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants”
“You need to understand its not about breaking the 4th wave, it is all about breaking people”
“Australia doesn’t need a no covid strategy, it needs a no oppression strategy.” – @AndersonAfDMdEP #sosfromaustralia
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) December 4, 2021
Finally, some brave words by Christine Anderson MEP on Austrailia’s Covid SOS. “The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants, you need to understand it is not about breaking the 4th wave, it is all about breaking people, Australia doesn’t need a no covid strategy, it needs a no oppression strategy”.