“…the grief of stepping over the corpses of history pressed upon my heart.” Yoko Ota
On August 6, 1945, the United States detonated one of two nuclear weapons over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The other was detonated over Nagasaki three days later.
Little Boy was the name given to the bomb that leveled Hiroshima. It was carried in a B-29 plane known as Enola Gay, named after the pilot Paul Tibbets’ mother.
Imagine. A mother sending her little boy off to blow himself up, knowing in the process he would kill an estimated 140,000 of a city’s 350,000 population. No Jihadist could ever achieve such a lofty goal. But really, how can we process such events to make them palatable? There must be ways to do it, even if they make no sense.
And so, we name the most destructive weapon ever unleashed on humanity Little Boy.
At the bomb’s epicenter, people were vaporized. Further away, many survived only to die slow horrible deaths over the coming months. Those who experienced it and lived to tell the tale told how they had no past reference point from which to process what had happened. They thought they had been transported to hell.
A college professor described it as such: “I climbed Hikiyama Hill and looked down. I saw that Hiroshima had disappeared… I was shocked by the sight… What I felt then and still feel now I just can’t explain with words. Of course, I saw many dreadful scenes after that—but that experience, looking down and finding nothing left of Hiroshima—was so shocking that I simply can’t express what I felt… Hiroshima didn’t exist—that was mainly what I saw—Hiroshima just didn’t exist.”
The writer Yoko Ota: “I reached a bridge and saw that the Hiroshima Castle had been completely leveled to the ground, and my heart shook like a great wave… the grief of stepping over the corpses of history pressed upon my heart.”
The United States had shown its might. Who could stand against it? The war ended.
But not the mad scramble between competing nations to create more weapons of “mass destruction.”
There are now nearly 14,000 nuclear warheads around the world held mostly by America, Russia and China. After much struggle, suffering and discoveries, humanity has finally reached the pinnacle where it has the ability to obliterate itself, more than a few times over.
WWII was the deadliest war in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population. 19–28 million of those deaths were from war-related disease and famine.
But it was WWI that started it all. Apart from the violence, at least 2 million died from diseases. About one third of the total military deaths were caused by the 1918 flu pandemic as well as deaths of prisoners of war.
WWI was often called the “chemists war.” The Germans were the first to use gases on a large scale, in an attack in January of 1915, when they dropped 18,000 chemical shells loaded with xylyl bromide on Russian lines near Rawka River west of Warsaw. Thankfully, as so often happened with Russia, the brutal winter rendered the chemical useless as it froze instead of vaporizing.
German chemist Fritz Haber, who received the Nobel Prize in chemistry, developed the chlorine used on April 22nd, 1915, deployed from 5,730 cylinders against allied forces just north of Ypres in Belgium. At first, it looked like nothing would happen, but then the winds shifted and the gas spread, affecting both Germans and Allied troops indiscriminately. It was the first major use of poisonous gas and lead to the research of over 3,000 gases that could be used in war.
Haber’s success earned him the name ‘Father of Chemical Warfare,’ as his adaptation of chlorine led to widespread advancements in chemical use. He also helped develop the gas mask, which, ironically, aided in lessening the number of casualties caused by the very chemical weapons he had worked to create.

Check out the image above, of the 1916 British soldiers football team on the Western Front. They are all wearing Haber’s gas masks.
Think of the masks that we are now being ordered to wear against an invisible disease spreading amongst us, unleashed by an unknown enemy for an unknown reason.
Now, look again at the masks these men wore to protect themselves. Do you think they would dare take them off? Certainly not. They knew exactly what they were up against. If the gases were released on them without the masks, they would suffer and die in horrific agony, there was no question about it.
And then, turn your thoughts once more to the cloth muzzles we now wear on our faces. The charade becomes disturbingly laughable. There has been no evidence that masks impede the transmission of aerosols implicated in the spread of COVID-19.
Yet here we are, still wearing these diapers on our faces and being told we will have to keep doing so indefinitely.
What are we supposed to be protecting ourselves from? What does warfare look like going forward?
Anything can happen once the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, ushering in 2022. Anything at all.
Will Omicron suddenly turn more deadly? Will a new disease rear its ugly head? Will the fighting escalate across Europe? Will civil war break out in the United States?
How will we face these challenges? Everything about our response to COVID thus far has left us weaker, angrier, more demoralized, divided, confused, and worn down by the psychological battle being waged upon us.
As we move forward to the next disaster, we can only wonder how people will deal with it when they are already filled with such confusion. In the world wars of the past, we knew what we were fighting against. We had a tangible enemy. The victory was clear.
Where is the victory over this virus?
As I stated in my essay Empire of Deceit, and I can never state enough, millions of parents have already offered their children as sacrificial lambs in this COVID war by allowing an experimental chemical to be injected into their bodies.
In what war, wherever, down through the history of Western civilization, have children been placed on the front line to protect the grown men and women?
This is the depths to which we have sunk. This is the horror that can never be erased. This is the recurring nightmare I have, of children lined up, even as I write these words, to be injected, all over the world.
Our children have been reduced in their worth to the price of dinner at our favorite restaurant. A yearly vacation in Cancun. A perverted idea of “freedom.”

But what of the children in China? What are they being injected with?
The same tried and true vaccine—a real vaccine—that works by using killed viral particles to expose the body’s immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response. It is called Corona Vac, made by the Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company Sinovac.
“CoronaVac is a more traditional method [of vaccine] that is successfully used in many well known vaccines like rabies,” explains Associate Prof Luo Dahai of the Nanyang Technological University.
What are the advantages of the mRNA gene therapy then?
China has only reported 4,636 deaths while the United States has now reported 808,608. And yet, insanely, our health experts and our government officials keep on saying how wonderful the mRNA vaccines are, how we need to keep on doing exactly what we are doing.
Keep on doing all the things that clearly do not work?
The very fact that the official numbers of deaths in China and the US being presented to us by the MSM are so incredibly divergent should clarify that we do not know whether either figure is true or not. This revelation alone should stop the madness. Right now.
Every single person should put their foot down and demand:
In what insane world would we continue doing what we are doing, even to the point of having our governments sign contracts with drug companies where we now find out we will not even be allowed to know what is in those contracts until 75 years from now?
“If you find what you are reading difficult to believe—that is because it is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure,” said Aaron Siri, a lawyer working on the case.
Is that what we do when we buy a house? Trust the other party and say, “Oh, please, black out the contract. Where do I sign?”
How about when we have an operation? “Oh, please, I would never insult the hospital by implying I don’t trust you to invade my body when you are removing my kidney. Where do I sign?”
In what insane world does any of this represent a victory of our scientific approach over coronavirus?
With every single question still unanswered (and the brilliant response always being “the science is changing”), how can any government official justify continuing this charade? How can any rational adult continue submitting themselves, let alone their children, to this atrocity?
Why all the lies? What are they covering up? What is the real goal here?
What spell has been cast upon the Western world that we so blindly continue on this path to destruction without demanding to know what is really going on before we take one step further?
Why the desperate push to use experimental mRNA gene therapies in the first place? Surely, trials could have been used on a limited number of volunteers. Children could have been left out of it. Or at least offered a traditional, tried and true vaccine.
When you throw away all the masses of extraneous information bombarding us daily, you reach the heart of the truth.
This war was never against a virus.
Nor will victory in this war ever be manifested in any way resuming a bomb being dropping where one side yells hurray while the other side weeps. This is a war the billionaire oligarchs have waged upon the rest of us; where millions upon millions of ordinary people have been convinced without a shot ever fired to raise the flag of surrender, without even knowing what they were surrendering to.
In order to ensure that no more people than already have start thinking about it too deeply, we will be distracted by the worry and possible implementation of an actual war.
This week Biden convenes a virtual summit of the world’s democratic leaders.
A new fear is on the horizon, presenting itself in the form of three escalating crises: a Russian invasion of Ukraine, continuing Chinese pressure on Taiwan, and the potential collapse of nuclear talks with Iran.
This actual, physical war will have one purpose and one purpose alone: to accomplish what COVID started by ensuring that there is no more dissent against tyranny. Every last bit of dissent within the United States and other traditionally democratic countries must be crushed. Anyone who opposes the totalitarian State, including but not limited to the unvaccinated, will be labeled a dangerous extremist, unclean, an insurrectionist.
In a worst-case scenario, the bloodshed on the streets of cities around the world will be immaterial to the “greater good.” It will further weaken the public’s morale, further convince them that they need to rely on the government to protect and care for them, and further cause hatred of those who do not bow to the totalitarian control of the State.
All the while, a new variant or a new disease, small pox perhaps, as Bill Gates has suggested, will arise. Really, they can create any scenario they want and make it happen, whether it is fake or whether it is real and we will have no way of knowing.
While this distraction of unrest and threat of war carries on, incapacitating us with ever heightening fears, let us take a look further at the battle being waged behind the scenes.

Professor Guo Jiwei of the third military medical university of the CCP, wrote a seminal book in which he spoke about “the war on the right to life.” His premise was that in order to succeed in the future battlefield, the struggle for “birth right” needs to be realized, and the focus should be on the new battlefield of “biological territory.”
Guo Jiwei states: “biotech will be positioned in the battlefield of the human body itself, targeted at people, limited to people, where it can attack parts or fractions of the human body, accurate to specific biological characteristics …”
And again: “biosensors or controllers can be implanted in the human body or in vitro to keep commanders informed about the combatant’s combat position, health status, combat capability, emotional response, and so on, so that they can truly be confidants or confidants….if it is possible for military biotechnology to improve and promote human capabilities, it can overcome the shortcomings of the soldier’s own physical intelligence and become an ‘all-powerful warrior’.”
What is this biological territory he is talking about? What is this birthright? How is it being captured and without a single shot being fired?
The prize is DNA. And it is being collected in the millions all around the world.
While the United States so proudly rolled out its new technology of the mRNA gene therapy jabs, there were companies in the background producing testing kits. It is said that the United States does more testing than any other country. Back in July of 2020 U.S. labs were running about 800,000 diagnostic tests daily, according to the COVID Tracking Project.
What happens with all that testing information? Well, you’ve probably never heard of the Chinese company, BGI Group. It just happens to be the world’s largest genomics company. BGI has sold millions of COVID-19 test kits to more than 80 countries outside China since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pandemic, including to Europe, Australia and the United States.
A Reuters review of more than 40 publicly available documents and research papers in Chinese and English, has been shown that BGI Group works closely with China’s military on research that ranges from mass testing for respiratory pathogens to brain science.
There are many such companies and they are all quite incestuous. You can follow the thread of each one and see how they are all related to one another. This industry that created the whole COVID monster is now worth upwards of $4 trillion a year. Everyone who’s anyone wants a piece of this pie.
And that means a piece of you and me.
I talk about China here, but that’s because the information on China is readily accessible—if you look for it. Make no mistake, the US government is doing the same. And for all we know, as the connections go higher, they get narrower and narrower until we reach one source for them all.
Which brings me to George Soros and Bill Gates who announced in July of 2021 that they were part of a team purchasing a COVID-19 Test Company.
Testing, testing, testing. Now we can see why everything has been about testing.
With Gates and Soros’ launch of Global Access Health (GAH), the group has financed the acquisition of Mologic Ltd, “a world leading innovator in the development of lateral flow and rapid diagnostic technologies including tests that can help combat tropical diseases such as dengue, bilharzia, and river blindness, as well as for COVID-19.”
It is interesting to note that Mologic was established in 2003 by Mark Davis and his father Professor Paul Davis, one of the original creators of ClearBlue, the world’s first home pregnancy test.
Because, you see, this DNA collection has been going on for a while.
BGI’s prenatal test is one of the most popular in the world, sold in 52 countries. This test, called NIFTY, collects genetic data of millions of pregnant women, detecting abnormalities such as Down syndrome in the fetus. But it does more than that. It captures genetic information about the mother, as well as her country, height and weight.
What’s the big deal with that, you might ask? Well, whoever is able to best interpret the links between genes and human traits can dominate global pharmaceuticals, develop genetically enhanced soldiers, or engineer pathogens to target specific populations or food supplies.
One BGI study, for instance, “used a military supercomputer to re-analyze NIFTY data and map the prevalence of viruses in Chinese women, look for indicators of mental illness in them, and single out Tibetan and Uyghur minorities to find links between their genes and their characteristics.”
We all know about the craze with home ancestry kits. By the start of 2019, more than 26 million people had added their DNA to four leading commercial ancestry and health databases. By this point, it’s not a long shot to estimate that the genetic makeup of more than 100 million people has been gathered and keeps on going.
Out of this profitable business grew two superpowers: Ancestry of Lehi, Utah, and 23andMe of Mountain View, California. These privately held companies now have some of the world’s largest collections of human DNA.
There’s a fascinating interview Jon Wertheim did with UC-Davis professor of law Lisa Ikemoto, who specializes in bioethics, and is studying how the new market for DNA and health data is taking shape:
Wertheim reads from an Ancestry agreement form: “You grant royalty-free worldwide sub-licensable transferable license to host, transfer, process, analyze, distribute and communicate your genetic information.” He asks, What does that mean in English?
Lisa Ikemoto: I think you’re giving up all rights. And any potential commercial interest in the use of your DNA by AncestryDNA.
Jon Wertheim: Who are they selling the data to? Who are the buyers here?
Lisa Ikemoto: Most of the genealogy companies are partnering with pharmaceutical companies, biotech startups, established research institutions.
Jon Wertheim: 23andMe has a partnership with GlaxoSmithKline, $300 million dollars to develop drugs based on this DNA. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Lisa Ikemoto: They might produce something very useful. In that sense, it’s good. It means that 23andMe and GlaxoSmithKline will make a huge amount of money. The people who provided all the cells and tissues or DNA that’s being used will make none. They’ll be probably charged a lot of money for the drugs if they ever need them.
Jon Wertheim: So we’re providing the raw materials to create this product and then we have to pay for the product?
Lisa Ikemoto: Yeah, that’s exactly right. People are now being mined for their raw materials. It raises concerns about what it means to be human in this world.
What is means to be human in this world.
We are nothing more than raw materials to be mined as resources.
It is interesting to note that in 2012, GSK pleaded guilty to promotion of drugs for unapproved uses, failure to report safety data, and kickbacks to physicians in the United States. They agreed to pay a $3 billion settlement. It was the largest health-care fraud case to date in the US and the largest settlement by a drug company.
And in December 2018, GSK announced that it, along with Pfizer, had reached an agreement to merge and combine their consumer healthcare divisions into a single entity.
Furthermore, the Gates Foundation-Connected GlaxoSmithKline has been found to have indirectly paid scientists to exaggerate vaccine needs.
Yes, it is all so incestuous, isn’t it?
There’s more, so much more.
Criminals have been submitting their DNA for quite a while now and nobody had a problem with that.
However, when the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department were told they had to submit to testing, they refused. Just this month, the FBI warned the LA County Sheriff’s Department that Fulgent Genetics, a Chinese company, were harvesting employee DNA.
Fulgent Genetics has become a leader in COVID-19 testing. They’ve conducted more than 12 million tests since the onset of the pandemic.
Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva wrote in a letter to the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors stating: The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will not participate in COVID-19 registering or testing with Fulgent Genetics Corporation (Fulgent), due to the fact the DNA data obtained is not guaranteed to be safe and secure from foreign governments and ‘will likely be shared with the Republic of China.'”
He went on to state: “I was shocked to learn Fulgent had strong ties with BGI, WuXi, and Huawei Technology, all of which are linked to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) State Council and under the control of the PRC. I was even more shocked to learn Fulgent made no attempt to disguise the fact they will use the genetic information obtained in future studies.”
What is going on? Why is the government of the United States allowing this? If you are reading this, you should know the answer by now, if you didn’t already.
Well, let’s talk about babies. You know how your baby is pricked at birth? What happens to those blood samples?
It was uncovered in a case in 2008 that “the DSHS had loaned blood spots to (and been “appropriately reimbursed” by) pharmaceutical companies, while also lending 800 blood spots to a lab run by the U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology to help get its new forensic database up and running. The 800 spots were used to establish general reference points of variation among different ethnic groups.”
As of this moment, can any of us claim with any assurance that we know where our own or our children’s DNA has traveled, into what research programs, or for what purposes it is being used—purposes that none of us ever intended or could have even imagined?
Too bad no one paid closer attention to the words of Chinese leader Xi Jinping in a virtual G20 Leaders’ Summit on November 21, 2020. He told us all we need to know:
“We need to further harmonize policies and standards and establish ‘fast tracks’ to facilitate the orderly flow of personnel. China has proposed a global mechanism on the mutual recognition of health certificates based on nucleic acid test results in the form of internationally accepted QR codes. We hope more countries will join this mechanism.”
“Health certificates,” “nucleic acid test results,” “internationally accepted QR codes.”
Actually, there were probably plenty who were paying attention—the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros, for example. It’s just that we, the people, were not.
So now, remember. When they talk of war, don’t be fooled.
You are the battlefield.
As Lisa Ikemoto so chillingly said, it is now people who are being mined for their raw materials.
How much are you worth? How much is your child worth?
Not even one penny to the millions of ordinary folks who have been swindled into giving themselves and their children away.
When I was child, every morning before school we sat at the kitchen table and my dad read the Bible and prayed. He often added the admonition from Ephesians 6:11 to “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
It was engrained in me that we “wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
I would say good-bye to my parents, walk out the front door and down the street. Being of a highly active imagination, I would think, where are they? I can’t see the demons. But I’m carrying my sword, I have my breastplate of righteousness. Those bad guys better watch out.
But then, as a teenager, I went to a party once, the only one I ever went to, no exaggeration. My family was so conservative that in high school, I was never allowed on a date. Never attended a dance. If any boy dared come to my house, all he had to do was face the stare of my dad and he never returned.
So, it was a big deal for me when I walked into that house, knowing I was disobeying my parents by being there in the first place. I wanted to see what it was all about, this other world that I wasn’t allowed into. A part of me wanted desperately to belong there, with all my peers. But as I walked through rooms of the house (the parents gone for the weekend), filled with young people lulling about, stoned and drunk, half-dressed girls giggling, being pulled this way and that, wild laughter coming from the pool, the cloud of smoke thick, the spilled bottles of alcohol on the carpet, I wondered, why are you all doing this?
I truly felt like a stranger in a strange land. I was in control of my faculties. They clearly weren’t. Why would anyone do that? It was dangerous. And yet, there must be something appealing in that letting go. They had lost themselves, willingly. It wasn’t like having a little drink or a puff of marijuana, it was a full on giving oneself over to something else.
Only I didn’t know what that something else was.
I left the party not long after I had arrived. I didn’t belong there. And being a teenager, I didn’t feel good about it. I felt like a fool and a failure. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I fit in?
And this isn’t a put-down to anyone who was partying in that house that evening, as if I was somehow better because I wasn’t. Most teenagers experiment with this and that and move on from it. And then there are those who somehow never come back from the giving up of themselves to that other power. It’s happened to people that I love more than my love my own life, so I know all about it.
I have my own demons I’ve had to overcome. We all do and anyone who says otherwise is not being honest.
But I just speak of this to illustrate my point. The giving in and the giving up. Don’t let that power overcome you.
Don’t let it happen to you in this war.
It was not that long ago that a “Little Boy” decimated Hiroshima and everyone saw the evidence. The story was told and history was made.

If an enemy physically attacks my family or my country, I can pick up a gun or a sword or use my bare hands to incapacitate or kill them, if necessary.
But that is not how this war will be won, no matter how much violence may or may not befall us along the way. This war is unlike any that have gone before and the enemy is not easily discernable.
In a November 12, 2021, interview with PBS “Firing Line,” activist Ai Weiwei who escaped from China in 1981 warned:
“In China, we have a saying: ‘To deal with anything, you have to be strong yourself.’ I don’t think the West is strong enough themselves to deal with China … I don’t think the U.S. has the ability to really examine the situation of its own moral and [ethical] behavior.”
The question remains, will we give in, one step at a time, one step at a time, over and over, just a little bit more, until we fall over the edge and into the abyss, without even realizing it by that point, or, will we find the strength to climb to higher ground, acknowledging the mistakes we have made in the past and vowing henseforth to fight with every breath in our bodies for ownership of our God-given birthright: our unique DNA?
As Yoko Ota said, “The grief of stepping over the corpses of history pressed upon my heart.”
For the sake of all those who have died before us, defending our right to be free, let us stand firm.
Thank you for reading. Please share and comment if you so desire. (Note: I say W’aR because I am being censored and this is one more example of how we have lost the freedom to speak and write freely.)