By Lily
Manipulating the public is nothing new. Actually, the indoctrination and manipulation began centuries ago, if not millennia. It just now started to become relatively obvious to people who weren’t actively paying attention before.
Students have been taught to question and disapprove of dissidents and establishment critics for a while now at schools and universities. A strange new breed of submissive, compliant non-thinkers has been created by political correctness and virtue signaling.
Throughout the “COVID-19 crisis,” governments have utilized a number of Orwellian mind-control techniques. Slogans, applause, and symbols have all been strategically employed by the government to manipulate our thoughts.
Millions of people are being brainwashed daily into swallowing political propaganda by elected governments with the assistance of behavioral experts. For example, many people are likely to disregard a headline that claims, for instance, “Joe Biden is a Zombie,” rather quickly. However, readers are more likely to assume that the President truly is a walking dead if the headline reads, “Is Joe Biden a Zombie?” Additionally, according to a study, if someone sees a headline that states, “Joe Biden is NOT a Zombie,” their suspicions will only grow — a bit of a predicament for our friendly fact-checkers.
You’ve been indoctrinated, and it was a very subtle indoctrination. In 2020, billions of people have been subtly hypnotized and brainwashed to embrace the new mass frenzy that governments all over the world have created. An impressive number of people now live under the assumption that staying at home, being paid by the government for doing nothing and having all their degenerated needs fulfilled by Amazon Prime deliveries and the never-ending stream of distraction in the form of entertainment, is a desirable way to live.
“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched life as paradise.”
Do you know who said that? It was Adolf Hitler, one of the undisputed masters of mass manipulation and the use of subliminal techniques. Hitler also said that “it was good fortune for governments that most of the people do not think.”
Countries around the world have been promoting slogans and taglines for years to persuade their citizens to act as desired. And while the West’s Covid-19 lockdowns slogan, ‘Stay home, save lives’ sounds rather harmless compared to China (‘If you love your parents, lock them up!’), it was easy to identify with and stuck with the minds of susceptible people.
Other phrases were:
- Stay alert, Control the virus, Save lives
- Keep your distance, Wash your hands, Think of others
- Wash hands, Cover face, Make space
and a plethora of others in that tone in many languages. These sentences all show a similar rhythm and pattern. There are usually no more than three words in each phrase, and the phrases run in threes. This is not coincidence. Just like all the three letter acronyms we are being bombarded with (WEF, UNO, ECB, NHS, CDC, WHO, IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, you get the point).
This is because by using phrases of three words (or letters) presented in groups of three, is a technique known as The Rule of Three. They say if you want something stuck in someone’s head, put it in a sequence of three.
Typically, plays are composed of three acts. Every movie or tale has three acts: the opening, the middle act, and the closing act. Three bullet points drive home the message more effectively than two or four.
For writing or speaking, the Rule of Three is a potent technique or principle. It asserts that everything given in threes is more remembered and effective, including ideas, thoughts, events, people, and words.
“Truth, Justice, and the American Way”, Superman’s motto, is well-liked by people of all ages.
“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are eloquently proclaimed in the US Declaration of Independence.
The Rule of Three is seen to be effective in getting things done. Such trios are common in speeches throughout history. Julius Caesar, the Roman emperor, pronounced “Veni, Vidi, Vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered).
In his Gettysburg Address, delivered during the American Civil War, then-US President Abraham Lincoln said several things that are impossible to forget: “We cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground… government of the people, by the people, for the people.” It is among the greatest applications of the Rule of Three.
George Orwell, who invented Newspeak in his futuristic novel 1984, which was written in 1948 came up with the Rule of Three-compliant slogan: ‘War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength’, and had authorities in his fictional world blast it at the people at every opportunity.
Pay attention to this. You will find it absolutely everywhere.
If we repeat phrases often enough, then the words and thoughts become anchored in our subconscious mind. This can be used to reprogram ourselves away from destructive behavior, addictions, or to motivate us. And so, governments started to repeat slogans until they became beliefs. This is called auto-suggestion — an evil variant of ‘every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.’
“People more readily fall victim to the big lie than the small lie, since it would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” — Adolf Hitler
Hitler was a strong believer that if a lie was repeated frequently enough, it would eventually be confused with the truth by the greater part of the population.
In fact, Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda chief, once stated that “if you repeat a lie often enough then people will believe it.” He also said that “if you want to control a population, and you have to deal with opposition, then you should accuse the other side of the sin or the trickery which you yourself are using.
Does this sound familiar? How often have you or a group of people who spoke against the narrative been discredited as ‘dangerous conspiracy theorists’, as spreading ‘fake news’, or being ‘an enemy to our liberal democracies.’ How often have you been called an ‘extremist’, a ‘domestic terrorist’, or ‘a threat to public order?’ The more these defamations are repeated, the more people believe them to be true.
Remember the weeks of clapping for medical staff? People in Europe stood on their balconies at a specific time and collectively clapped for hospital staff. This probably started with good intentions, but all it does is making you clap for the coercion that was imposed on you for no valid reason. It also covers up that our ‘health care system’ doesn’t really exist, that no one is actually interested in your health and that it was a tremendous display of incapacity that it — reportedly — crumbled under the weight of a flu with a bigger marketing budget than Apple.
Dr. Milton Erickson, an American psychiatrist who specialized in medical hypnosis, used to give his patients simple tasks. He would send them home to clean their attic or basement or count all the books they own. He did this as a part of the process of mind control. And even today, law enforcement agencies give their uncooperative suspects redundant tasks or work to do under the guise of keeping them busy, giving them the chance to feel more as a human and maybe even earn a few Dollars. All it does is slowly diminishing their resistance.
It is easy to tell people to stand on their doorsteps or balconies every Thursday at 8pm and repetitively clap for the “heroes” that wage this terrible war on your behalf against “an invisible killer.” It made people believe in the danger of the virus and the bravery of those working in health care — doing TikTok videos. Not only that, but it helped people to accept the lie that there were no beds for cancer patients, and so it was quickly adapted and heavily promoted by the people influencing our lives.
Symbols like the LGBTQ-, trans-, or Ukrainian flag, the mask emoji or the syringe emoji are part of the brainwashing progress as it makes people feel included and part of a safe community that thinks alike. Millions have been successfully brainwashed that they are willingly take part in promoting the symbols and slogans and reject anyone who doesn‘t or uses other ‘badges of honor‘. It does not matter who. Virtually everyone seems to do it, from left-leaning liberals to Bitcoin people. No matter, if it’s an emoji in their Twitter name, a changed profile picture to support a cause dear to their heart or a sticker on their car, they are brainwashed into looking for the safety of a community that agrees with their beliefs and is willing to support and defend each other and the cause.
The psy-op specialists understand that adding a symbol to the cause is an effective way to draw people’s attention to it. It sticks with them more than a simple word or sentence, let alone an extensive explanation to what exactly they are allying with.
Unfortunately, the world isn’t yet clowny enough for emojis being used in news headlines or official government papers. So, they resorted to capitalizing letters for emphasis. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus has usually been dignified with unnecessary capital letters. It was done deliberately to suggest that this particular virus was more important or deadly than any other disease or medical condition. Or have you ever seen the media or government writing about MALARIA, or CANCER, or SUBSTANCE ABUSE, even though these three things kill more people than COVID-19 has.
It has also become popular in left leaning circles to use an initial capital when referring to black people while retaining the lower case when referring to white people — which again is some uneducated brain fart by people who never heard of any other language than English, which tend to have entirely different Rules for Capitalization.
To successfully brainwash the public, there are five proven steps to follow:
- Suppress the truth: To accomplish that, they must silence journalists who could inform the public with true facts. The purpose of purchasing the mainstream media with huge taxpayer-funded expenditures was to spread government lies. Demonizing specific people by utilizing Wikipedia, social media and other websites to make truth-tellers appear as unreliable sources is another method of suppressing the truth. Of course, websites like YouTube also contribute by removing, editing, and banning videos that tell the truth. Strangely, no one fact-checks the press secretary or any head of state—the people who now assert that there is no inflation and that four planets are required to support mankind. Of course, this is pseudoscientific rubbish.
- Mislead the people while repressing the facts: They continually teach us lies, and the mainstream media enthusiastically spreads these lies. Journalists used to review press releases in the past. They just sign their name at the top of the press release these days, pass it to their editor, and the editor prints it. Governments continue to spread misinformation quickly so that we can’t keep up and don’t have time to verify their claims. The CIA’s Special Activity Center (SAC) comprises two departments: the Special Operations Group (SOG) for tactical paramilitary operations and the PAG (Political Action Group) for covert political action, which is also tasked with pumping out nonstop propaganda. In addition, propaganda tactics are also continuously carried out by cooperative media outlets, which increasingly sound like advertisement for the respective government.
- Distract by constantly changing rules: It is a common tactic to point people in an entirely different direction when they start to figure out what is actually going on. It’s not a symptom of government uncertainty that rules are constantly changing. It is a hint that they are only attempting to exert greater control over us by escalating our anxiety and terror. The media is crucial to this strategy.
- Exhaust them: An exhausted foe is an easy foe to defeat. They intentionally try to make us feel worn out, perplexed, degraded, and depressed. Our governments want to see more people suffering from depression. Governments everywhere are to blame for the sharp rise in suicide, especially among youngsters and young adults. The Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK has calculated that 8.4 million people in the UK are currently consuming alcohol at risky levels. Joe Biden wishes to drug people suffering from depression, selling this as a much awaited solution and ease for these people. The constant push to legalize drugs by some gullible streams within the populace will at some point result in the government doing exactly that. An addicted population with drugs at their disposal, celebrating this achievement as a win for ‘personal freedom’, is a population that is easier to control.
- Abuse those who don’t buy the lies: One of their most powerful weapons is to make you feel as if you’re alone. They seek to divide and isolate us. A common tactic used to stop the resistance movement from growing was the restriction of meetings to six persons at a time. They understand social gathering places like cafés are where revolutions always begin. Revolt danger is decreased when people are cooped up in their homes and unable to socialize with friends. These rules were created in part to put an end to gatherings and protests.
Within a few years, governments will be controlling every aspect of your lives — from your money, to your food supply.
Using the Delphi Technique means that a group of people may be persuaded to adopt a viewpoint that they would probably never support if they gave it much thought, and which also manages to make the group believe that the viewpoint they have accepted was their original concept. The Delphi Technique is a simple, traditional kind of mind control, or brainwashing if you prefer. In “public” gatherings when Agenda 21 is being discussed, such as the annual WEF meeting in Davos, trained Common Purpose supporters (you could also call them agents) are present, to apply the Delphic Technique. The fundamental rule is that whatever you say that is not part of the plan will be disregarded. It will be written down, but it will ultimately be ignored.
There will be a ton of graphs, charts, and data used by the experts presenting at the conference, which may actually be “real” or “virtually real.” Shills will be present in the room, acting as normal conference attendees, to divert attention away from sensitive topics, scoff at detractors, and direct the talks in the desired direction. One would accuse everyone who disagrees with an Agenda 21 strategy of “not caring about others.” The ‘community’ is a recurring motif. Communitarianism relies on utilizing peer pressure to make individuals comply, so they won’t face embarrassment.
The goal of Agenda 21 has always been to create the appearance of phony public engagement by creating regional agencies, non-governmental organizations, non-profit groups, charities, commissions, and special programs. This strategy is shockingly effective. All of these organizations and groups are covered by local media, which gives the impression that locals are participating in shaping their destiny. Locals lack power, though. Local council members and bureaucrats also have no authority.
Everything is tripping down onto us from the anonymous figures behind Agenda 21 with help from shills, facilitators, lobbyists, editors, and media owners who have been “bought.” And the populace tends to shrug its shoulders as it tries to get on with its life. They are worn out by the chaos around them and frequently remained silent.
For many years, phony climate alarmist have been prevalent, influencing public opinion and scaring the world. For instance, Time magazine, the same publication that named Greta Thunberg their Person of the Year in 2019, predicted the arrival of a new ice age on June 24th, 1974. I’m still waiting. The gullible always believe what they read, see, and hear. Therefore, scary stories will always draw readers, viewers, and listeners.
The present, popular global warming craziness was started by illiterate nut jobs with social media access and too much spare time. And while I agree that the climate is, in fact, changing (as it always has — every single dinosaur documentary when I was a child discussed how changing climate forced the dinosaurs to migrate or go extinct), forecasts and predictions made by “experts” studying global warming have continually proved dreadfully incorrect.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) warned us that we only had five years to rescue the planet back in 2007, and in 2020 it did the same thing by telling us we’d have 10 years to save the oceans. By 2010, Cornwall, England, will be a desert, they claimed. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated that we had five years to avert the apocalypse in 2011. The International Energy Agency and the United Nations both stated that we have three years left in 2017 respectively.
Normally, these doomsday priests are cautious when it comes to precise predictions, but not Greta Thunberg, who recently announced that we had eight years to save the planet. She didn’t elaborate on why it was eight and not seven or nine, or how it plays into the 5 or 10 years estimated by other “respected authorities on climate change”, but I want to avoid being picky here. I find it strange that a girl who has no scientific education and is relatively young believes she can be so rigid and dogmatic. Is there any chance that someone is influencing her views? You bet, and I will tell you who it is in an upcoming post, so please feel free to subscribe: