First and foremost, what is the World Government Summit? According to Wikipedia, it has been around since 2013 and brings together leaders in government for a global dialogue about governmental processes and policies. There is a focus on futuristic topics, technology innovations, and other topics in this dialogue.
Hold on, I’m a bit confused here. It brings together government leaders yet considers itself to be a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) and calls itself a “World Government Summit”. If you can make sense of that, good luck. Sounds like a load of nonsense to me.
Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi founded it. Al Gergawi is also a WEF member. On his WEF profile it says he is the chair of WGS, a global platform focused on shaping the future of governments. He is also Co-Chairman, WEF Global Future Councils. A significant participant, it seems.
Just in case you think the WEF are exaggerating when they say “shaping the future of governments”, that same sentence appears on the WGS site. There are no coincidences.
Al Gergawi pointed out that this year’s edition will bring together more than 250 ministers, and more than 10,000 government officials, thought leaders and global experts around the world. That’s a lot of government officials to “shape the future”.
It has the same list of bad actors (Strategic Partners) who are all working together such as the UN, IMF, WHO, WTO, World Bank, WEF. Even its members are almost all WEF members Accenture, Time, Meta etc
One of the keynote speakers was Klaus Schwab who is who is unelected, of anyone and isn’t a government leader. Kristalina Georgieva of the IMF and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the WHO were also in attendance. Both WEF as well.
Klaus Schwab: My deep concern with Artificial Intelligence is that it will escape our power to master it.
I really hope AI would escape WEF's power to master
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) February 16, 2023
Schwab did create quite the stir when he said “Our lives in ten years from now will be completely different…and who masters those technologies will be the master of the world.” Sounds a bit like a Bond villain.
'Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different, very much affected, & who masters [#4IR] technologies, in some way, will be the masters of the world': Klaus Schwab, World Government Summit 2023 #WorldGovSummit #WGS @WorldGovSummit
— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) February 13, 2023
Another virtual attendee was Elon Musk who almost seemed to be trolling the concept of a One World Government when he said “Too much cooperation between governments could create a civilizational risk”
BREAKING: @ElonMusk speaks out against the idea of a “World Government” at the “World Government Summit” and warns it could lead to civilizational collapse.
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) February 15, 2023
Was Musk the sole voice of reason? It would seem so as Ian Bremmer (WEF), President and Founder of Eurasia Group claims one of the obstacles to achieving globalization and a “new order” is “nationalism”.
Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group claims one of the obstacles to achieving globalization and a “new order” is “nationalism” at the World Government Summit 2023 in Dubai
He cites Trump’s “America First” agenda as an obstacle
He also claims the “pandemic”
made…— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) February 15, 2023
During the World Government Summit 2023 in Dubai, Ian Bremmer, President of Eurasia Group, claimed that “nationalism” is one of the obstacles to globalization and a “new order”. He also claims that the “pandemic” strengthened globalism. He also cites Trump’s “America First” agenda as an obstacle.
Nationalism terrifies these organisations. In 2010 in the Rockefeller “Clever Together” Document, they even stressed the importance of nation states “losing some of their power” and therefore their sovereignty. The ultimate goal is a One World Government.
However, it was the agenda of the summit that was particularly interesting. The World Order was a central theme throughout along with governance. Since June 2020 the NWO has frequently appeared on Irish radio. They had been seeding it long before that.
Here are just a few of some of the titles of the talks and break out sessions at WGS. Governments and the Changing World Order Future of Governance and Global Collaboration Shaping Future Governments It’s pretty obvious what’s going on. But probably the most interesting talk of all was between Prof Arturo Bris (WEF) and Dr Samir Saran (WEF) in a talk called How Will The World Order Change This Decade? The question asked was What is needed for World Order Transformation?
NEW – World Government Summit Panel Discusses the 'Shock' Needed for the World Order Transformation
"To me the big question is how are we going to go through this transformation…it cannot be gradual, it has to be driven by a certain shock that will happen"
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 16, 2023
The answer is “To me the big question is how are we able to move through this transformation…it cannot be gradual, it has to be driven by a certain SHOCK that will happen” It’s tin foil hat time. What could the “shock” be? False flag incoming?
What else was discussed? Smart cities were a huge topic. A Blueprint for Governments: Designing Future Cities Future Cities: A City Without Boundaries – Global City Design and Sustainability Urban Planning: Pathways to Wellbeing.

Intelligent Cities: How Can We Design Them? In this talk, drones were key as was the removal of humans from cars. Everything would become electric which would reduce CO2 emissions. It doesn’t seem to have a theme. Save the planet, make humans redundant.
The SDGs were naturally discussed in depth. Global Councils on SDGs: Energy and Innovation Global Councils on SDGs: Climate and Partnerships Global Councils on SDGs: Education, Health and Technology Global Councils on SDGs: Policies and Leadership.
The two talks that slipped under the radar give an indication of where we are headed. There has been much talk of a cyberattack over the last few years and the potential damage it might do. Before the Attack: Cyber Security in the Digital Age
The second talk was How to Control the Weather: A Case Study in Supervillainy and Government WTF? This has long been an aim of Gates who has this morbid fascination with investing in solar geoengineering. Of course, fact checkers will deny this
Control of the food supply has long been a goal for the global elites hence the coverage of it. Food Systems and Agriculture in the Transition from COP27 to COP28 Global Food Security Challenge: From Silos to Collaborations Food Security Governance: Innovative Pathways.
The Future of Food: Adapting Diets to Climate Change Of course food is tied to climate change Back in 2010 the Rockefeller “Clever Together” document spoke of food shortages in 2028 as does Bill Gates in “Resetting The Table”
Other topics covered were The Importance of Location Intelligence for Government and Economies The Race to Decarbonization: Opportunities for Growth – Energy and Sustainability The Metaverse: Mapping the Next Frontier of Govt Services Are Governments Responsible for Data Protection?
The list is endless. Hundreds of talks took place over the course of the 4 days that took place. What is significant however is the close connection between them all and the role they have to play in UN Agenda 2030. The buzzwords in the talks and on the website are very telling.
New world order, sustainability, CO2 emissions, decarbonization, artificial intelligence, metaverse, cyber security, smart cities, surveillance, climate change, carbon footprint, data, 4th industrial revolution. The one word to describe them all is “Control”.