In 1996, Mikhail Gorbachev exposed the motivations behind climate alarmism, stating, “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” He was emphasizing the significance of achieving Marxist goals by creating an emergency to persuade people that they must give up their freedom in order to be secure. Decades later, the Left has transformed this concept into a worldwide effort to control thriving economies, abolish individual freedom and national sovereignty, and impoverish the globe. In the United States, it is known as the Green New Deal (GND).
In Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think, Marc Morano reveals this intricate scam game. Morano, a former senior staff member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee demonstrates that the GND, which is aligned with Agenda 21 of the United Nations, has nothing to do with “saving the planet” and is instead about “transforming modern America into a centrally planned and managed society and imposing an ideology that will limit the freedoms of individual Americans.”
Like Gorbachev, GND advocates even acknowledge this. Saikat Chakrabarti, former chief of staff to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is quoted by Morano as stating, “We really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” In addition, he quotes Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign adviser Waleed Shahid’s description of the GND as “a proposal to redistribute wealth and power from people on top to the people at the bottom.”
For such an ambitious goal, the name is ironically reminiscent of FDR’s disastrous New Deal of the 1930s, a major initiative that increased the size and scope of the federal government in an attempt to encourage economic recovery, but instead served to prolong the Great Depression. The outlook for the GND, which includes universal healthcare, a guaranteed yearly income, affordable housing, clean water and air initiatives, and specific social and racial justice objectives, is worse. President of the National Center for Public Policy Research David Ridenour states: “To reach zero net-carbon emissions in 10 years, the government would regulate and ultimately prohibit the use of affordable energy sources. This would trigger a massive decline in industrial productivity and result in mass layoffs.”
Morano criticizes the myth that CO2 levels are growing, noting that they are really among the lowest in Earth’s history, and debunks the notion that it serves as the “climate control knob.” He emphasizes that land use, volcanoes, wind oscillations, ocean cycles, solar activity, the inclination of the Earth, and several other elements have a greater influence on climate than CO2. He says that the gas is a natural byproduct of respiration and a vital component of the atmosphere. Anastasios Tsonis, a climate scientist and former professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, concurs: “I’m a skeptic not just about global warming but also about many other aspects of science… Climate is too complicated to attribute its variability to one cause.”
In reality, the GND is a comprehensive assault on capitalism, wealth creation, and liberty for everyone; it is a vehicle for a “fundamental restructuring” of our constitutional republic. The litany of non-climate concerns attached to so-called “green” aims is absurd: income inequality, racial wealth divide, gender earnings gap, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Ocasio-Cortez thinks that 100% renewable energy would bring “economic, social, and racial justice” to the United States. Meat-eating is not exempt: the GND wants to terminate meat-eating, in accordance with U.N. climate consultants’ recommendation that meat-eaters be stigmatized like smokers and meat costs be astronomically exaggerated to discourage consumption. To achieve “net-zero” emissions by 2050, proponents of the GND aim to abolish private automobiles, house ownership, and air travel, as well as new roads, fossil fuel production, and nuclear energy. The Left’s depopulation and deindustrialization goals will be achieved via harsh taxes and restrictions.
The GND is an assault on the fundamental American ethos of freedom, innovation, and creativity that fosters success. It is common knowledge that rich nations do a better job of maintaining the environment and providing their citizens with efficient healthcare, as well as cleaner air and water.
In Green Fraud, Morano calculates the enormous cost of the GND’s phase-out of fossil fuels, based on the fallacious assumption that fossil fuels represent a net expense to society rather than a net benefit. According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a libertarian think tank, phasing out fossil fuels and controlling the production of power would cost the typical family $75,000 per year. In addition, it will result in a severe economic recession and a large rise in land usage, with no discernible climatic benefit. The institute has published a series of instructional movies on the GND’s “heavy-handed restrictions” and refers to it as a “back-to-the-Dark-Ages agenda.“

The globe continues to operate on fossil fuels despite the GNP’s emphasis on renewable energy. According to BP Plc’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 oil, coal, and gas account for 85 percent of the world’s energy consumption, whilst wind and solar account for barely 3 percent. Despite $50 billion in subsidies, this is the case. Fans of wind and solar energy disregard the extraction of rare earth minerals used in components, the hazardous wastes generated, and the fact that components, such as windmill blades, cannot be recycled. Solar panels generate 200 times the amount of garbage as nuclear power facilities. Solar and wind farms need 300-400 times more area to generate the same amount of electricity as natural gas or nuclear plants. The mining of vast quantities of cobalt, lithium, manganese, and copper, as well as other minerals, is required for the production of rechargeable batteries used in electric cars, resulting in tremendous environmental consequences.
During the pandemic, climate activists and left-leaning celebrities cheered the economic collapse and thought that it would lead to a turning point for the earth as the world came to a halt. Some have connected the Coronavirus to global warming. Jane Fonda, an actress-turned-scientist, said absurdly, “The melting of the Arctic sheet is unleashing many viruses to which people are not resistant.” The pandemic-induced lockdowns were considered as a model for the GND. Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, pondered with joy how Covid-19 lockdowns may transform into climate lockdowns and recently had a WEF Agenda Contributor admit that lockdowns were used as a social testbed for compliance.
These may seem to be extreme examples of Lysenkoism — the deliberate misuse of science for political purposes. However, the ‘woke’ Left has long used environmentalism to further its agenda by insidiously tying climate concerns to racism, identity, gender, etc. Unfortunately, trendy “awareness” is gaining ground. Kate Marvel, a NASA climate scientist, believes that “climate justice and racial justice are synonymous, and we cannot avert a global disaster without destroying white supremacy.” On the basis of findings that climate change “aggravates existing gender disparity,” U.N. delegates developed a Gender Action Plan.
Morano’s last comment on protecting America and the globe from an anarchist and radical gang says it all, “The next steps are already obvious. Benefiting technology, increasing energy availability, and expanding economies in the developing world are already improving the environment in the United States and throughout the globe more than any Green New Deal, United Nations treaty, or carbon (dioxide) taxes could possibly do.”
Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev (originally looking for extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals) famously created the Kardashev scale, which essentially categorizes the advancement of a civilization by the amount of energy it can harness from its surroundings. If we take this model as a basis, we are regressing by giving up more and more secure energy sources. This is not progress, this is the deliberate destruction and suppression of progress in order to keep us uninspired, dependent and indolent. Green energy can only ever be an addition to existing energy sources, never a replacement.
We must stop the GND and any other campaign derived from it and end this socialist insanity. Or we shall lose the greatest experiment in liberty ever conducted. We shall lose America and everything it represents — and even worse: lose personal freedom globally.