An emergency alert. In fact, the exact words were “The UK is set to test a frightening ‘Armageddon alarm’ within weeks which will see thousands of people’s phones flash and set off alarms.” And call me cynical, but my first thought was how awful for people with anxiety, who will be given a panic attack, even more so for those who haven’t heard about by the time it comes round.
Which then led instantly onto my next thought, or rather the chain of them. And here we go full conspiracy, what if the ‘alert’ is actually a special signal which activates the debated luciferase or coded info people believe to have been in the recent injections. And as easy as At the flick of a switch, people drop dead. They can say it was heart attacks, and apologise for ‘scaring people to death’ but they won’t mean it. It’ll be another sorry, not sorry. But that’s just crazy talk surely? Creating what would be something like a movie plot for real. Kingsman springs to mind here. Of the phone chips, and related devices to trigger violence, compliance, or whatever was needed to gain control.
Like I said, that surely is crazy talk, which is why I will say it’s a conspiracy theory. A dark one, but not unreasonable given our current circumstances. People with patience are playing a long game, and switched off any feeling for the masses a long time ago, if it was ever there to begin with. Using words again to start the mental worry, ‘frightening and Armageddon’ used there to give a very dramatic feeling, you know, like the ones they try and convey in the disaster movies, which may well have been laying the foundations for where we are now. Looked at in my article Prepped for disaster, or clever programming?
But the idea of an alarm, makes me think of the Eloi in the Time Machine film, where the siren starts and they fall into a trance and walk to their doom unaware, hypnotised by the sound and following an automatic response they have been ingrained with. Or the second Kingsman film even, where there is a plot to get rid of millions of people through poisioned illegal drugs. One which meant they couldn’t stop dancing, so would inevitably dance themselves to death. Then they were put in cages and stored in large empty stadium. Might be nothing of anything, but I can’t help thinking it was relevant, showing them in The main arena despite there being no ‘audience’ for the ‘entertainment’. Or it really was just a film, with no hidden meanings or connotations to anything. And maybe the ‘frightening alert’ is just a normal system they are testing with nothing to be wary of at all. But I can’t help thinking that maybe it isn’t…