It seems there has been an overload. Of information and circumstances and frankly it appears that people are becoming overwhelmed. It’s not by accident, and serves a purpose. While people are taking proverbial punches left right and centre, it’s very difficult to view the bigger picture, or to even know which way is up.
Not everyone has the capacity to deal with multiple lines of thought, or if they can, could also be hampered in doing so by a multitude of personal experiences taking all your time and thought processes. For some they have been dealing with fear, grief, anger, trauma, shock, worry from various aspects of life. Employment, financial, emotional and societal. And now some are stepping forward (and have been trying for a while) to highlight medical errors and injuries from the roll out of their plan by way of injections, and health issues from delayed treatments.
It’s a lot to take on board and deal with. Add to that the label of conspiracy theorist as soon as you question the narrative or point out the obvious corruption occurring. Some people don’t want to know, that much is now clear. I wonder whether they just can’t unravel or understand the bigger picture, or are choosing to ignore it or deny it. I would have thought it’s undeniable by this stage what is happening, but apparently not.
But two years of bullshit and propaganda now moving into three is wearing people down. You can see it, the ones who were disconnected before are seemingly even further gone now. Those who knew are holding fast, but its tiring and draining and there all the time, even if we manage to get a break or switch off for a bit. It’s going to be a bumpy ride from here on out, so get all the rest you can.
There is of course the irony that i’ve had to click three times to access the article when on each occasion the screen froze! Oops!…i had better immediately correct myself, by which i meant of course global ‘warming’ …aren’t the ironies having a field day, by which i don’t mean a genetically modified field…and the fact i had been overwhelmed by the distractions of all of the above i didn’t even get to comment…a statement which i suspect contains rather the concluding irony!…
…and when i do comment such trivia as constitute their farcical content endures their tendency to embrace three stages : firstly it is ridiculed….then it is violently opposed and finally it is accepted as being self-evident…with sincere apologies to Arthur Schopenhauer…while simultaneously its still ridiculed!…