There are two types, but really it’s the same after giving it thought, although one is physical, and one is mental.
Firstly, the physical. Farming and ownership of animals, giving them a branding, a deep mark to show who owns you, or a tag to show and identify that ownership. Also known within slavery of people, or in the punishment of criminals.
Now apply that in a psychological sense to marketing. How companies want you as ‘their customer’, branding their imagery and words into your mind through marketing campaigns and all that go with them. Adverts, jingles, merchandise, timing and strategy. All carefully prepared and thought out, to try and get you for life. And if you wear their brand, you tag yourself, and help them to further their campaign, for free.
It’s not enough to just have someone remember your product or service, they want you to buy it. They want a customer, need you to consume to be a productive customer. So, in my mind they need to ‘brand’ it into your subconscious.
Tattoos are also a type of brand I guess, but where it would appear most people do it to themselves. There are tribes who do it, and we have used tattoos to ‘identify’ prisoners and people held captive, but in society, as most of you will know, tattoos really took a foothold over the previous decades. Now not just reserved to single out people who were in the Navy or prison, they have gone mainstream. In a bid to self-identify and create our own brands of ourselves, yet all the while still following the mood of society, and in a strange way, the irony of it didn’t escape me at the time. Just as noted in The first fad, these things never happen naturally, and while we all clamoured to be an individual, we all lined up for a social branding. Well, not everyone, but enough, and it carries on. Creating industry and artistry, it’s now pretty much seen as normal.
But with that also came something else, because for the most part, tattoos are not always on show, so although someone might feel it’s part of their identity, they can’t make it obvious unless they are on show. Hence why some people have them in hideable places, so that people don’t get to label and judge as you walk by. Because people do, and I can’t say that is entirely wrong, we need to be able to judge and assess our situations and people we mingle with or are in proximity to. That’s not to say you should treat them any different based on those thoughts, but we do judge people and situations on appearances, as I believe we should, so they are quite important. Not to ‘fit in’ or to show malice towards anyone, but to know where you stand. As they say, nature will make toxic and poisonous things colourful, or with a certain sign that you should stay away. We have those signs too, not always as obvious, but occasionally they very much are.
And recently we have seen high-profile fashion companies and even social media companies that are positively delighted to see you wear their brands, and it is an affiliation, and not always a good one it turns out. Not just about socialising, fashion and clothing after all it seems, it is also a form of branding where you make a very big show of your allegiance. And of the company being able to show its numbers or a number of followers to determine how great they are. Because while it is said there is a system of ‘you will own nothing coming’, it seems that while they want to take away a system of ownership for materials things for people, they require a sense of ownership themselves, but over you. By taking away peoples own identity and ‘re-branding’ it, gets you into the fold, into the mentality set for you. Because if you don’t even know who you are, why would you fight to save it? What would you be fighting for? Being able to own your own car and home and things, isn’t the crux of the issue. Those are your possessions, you possess them, you own them. Now apply that to yourself, you are the item that they fight for, while you fight for freedom to have things. They put rules in place so that they will possess you, they will own you and your thoughts. Sounds far-fetched, doesn’t it? I know it does, but not so much if you hear what they say.
Chips in your brain so they can ‘know your thoughts’, not fantasy or science-fiction, freely discussed. That’s quite a step further from you won’t be allowed to drive isn’t it? The difference between being grounded or your parent insists that they follow you everywhere, you must tell them what you think, they will control your bank account, your choices and restrict your movement to where they decide. For your whole life. You wouldn’t have it would you? You would think they had gone mad with some kind of power delusion, gaining a strange ‘God complex’ as they call it. Thinking they ‘own’ you. And that is where we are told to not put up with that, from parents, friends, partners, bosses, nobody can own you they say, you are a person in your right. So is that why they are trying to ‘re-write’ the human system, tinkering with DNA and being on their mission to get everyone injected. The other discussion around this is that once they have injected you with whatever it is they have, you are tagged and being made part of a system that has no place for freedom or individuality. It requires energy and humans to power it, with talk filtering through of people being used as antennas in the very near future to make 6g work, it makes that seem even more plausible. And I can’t help thinking of the scene in The Matrix, where he is shown the fields of pods, where humans are being grown for use as batteries, to power the world that now is. That might have just been a very crude representation of it, but if you take away the dark themes of pods and a scorched sky, and replace it with how it would be for us. Walking around generating the power needed, and it being syphoned away from you without you even knowing, thinking that because you aren’t unconscious in a pod pretending to have a better life, you aren’t trapped in a construct that needs you to survive. But we are, and the freedom we fight for, isn’t as it appears…