It was a disappointing event and view left after as below. To some it may just appear as more ‘incompetence’, but mark my words, this is strategic and coordinated. Its just a few trees they say, a bit of countryside here and there they say. With lovely drawings and blueprints of a utopic society living happily in this new structured way. Except we bever get to the bit where its realised. They take the money, ruin the landscape, then say ‘oh no, we can’t continue, oh no something changed or went wrong. And you are left with no money, a ruined landscape which takes decades to regrow, and a much crappier existence than before.
This is what happened. And it might just seem like one small area, and just a few trees (over 100 mature trees!) But this is indicative of what they want everywhere. Devastating to the wildlife that would have been preparing for spring, and to the local residents who didn’t want this. Which is why it was done under the cover of darkness, swift and deliberate. So there could be no Opposition.

Can’t have trees in the way of cameras, microphones, signals and surveillance. A stark skyline is what they seem to like and are shooting for. Open and monitored, like a farm, where you can watch your cattle and keep them in their allotted areas or zones as we are being encouraged to call them. They call them 15-minute cities, which to me seems like a concept like School, but bigger. And following on from my other article Something new, but maybe not improved.
Trees create a network of nature, over our heads and beneath our feet. They provide ecosystems for a variety of organisms, insects, animals and plant life. They help to cool and provide shade, to provide oxygen, soak up CO2, help with water drainage and land stability, can provide food in abundance and self-seed. People perhaps underestimate the importance of them and what they do. And how damaging it is to keep removing them from our daily lives and routine. A concrete soulless wasteland is what seems to remain after, so we find ourselves fighting for nature as much as we seem to be fighting for ourselves…