I have already written about the idea of us being manipulated and turned into something else in Changing into what exactly?, but I shall do another one here further to a comment I have read on Twitter, and makes sense for a theory I already had on the go.
“You asked why they are not just killing us… What they intend for us is far worse than death. Humans are the host to spawn this new artificial intelligence species.” Karen Kingston (former Pfizer employee and a pharmaceutical and medical device business analyst).
Sounds quite serious, doesn’t it? And is an idea I have been giving serious thought to for a while now. That they are indeed trying to augment something new, by way of writing in a hybrid technology for that human/cyborg combo we might imagine. But don’t think of it as the Borg from Star Trek being half metal and all clunky, although I’m sure they have some of those already hidden away as old projects, or would like to if they haven’t. But this is more along the lines of a system interwoven with your own, so Borg on the inside, but human looking on the outside. And how might this be achieved? Well, I’ll say Wolverine from X-men for a reference point, of the ideal to graft adamantium onto the human frame, and they intimate in the marvel film that they had tried and failed many times before they got it to work on him. So, change adamantium to a nano tech substance, which needs to be integrated with a ‘human system’. And although it might kill millions or more, they think it’s a risk, or leap, worth taking. Of course they do, it’s other people’s lives being thrown on the line. But let’s say, that’s that plan, that they keep giving more and more shots to those who have had it, because each time might be a small upgrade, as you would with a computer. Some systems (bodies), won’t be able to handle the rewrites, or the changes, and will start to attack itself, or shut down. They will be written off as failed. But the ones who keep going, maybe they are the ones they really want, as their system may have fully integrated any new technology required.
But along the way, I suspect that the compound is also designed to seek out and replicate what is already there. Giving rise to the huge increase of numbers of all types of fast developing illness, disease and other conditions, so an accelerant of sorts. Possibly stimulating something that was placed there long ago, introduced recently or was perhaps naturally occurring. Just shoving it along the timeline quicker, to get results now. And it is scary to think it could be that meticulously planned and be so premeditated. A very unsettling realisation if in fact true. When you know about the statistic from the polio vaccines ‘accident’ where they gave 20-30 million Americans (and possibly some across Europe), contaminated vaccines, containing SV40, a simian virus that causes cancers and tumors (only in the lab mice apparently, they didn’t admit it for humans, but then again, they weren’t supposed to be testing it on humans, so how would they know?). So, to me, that is a possible clear example of priming the system for later activation, and we now know they had products for the CV19 outbreak patented and packaged well before there was talk of it publicly, so not a surprise outbreak, or a new virus they detected at all. Just a power move, to start in motion a very dark chain of events.
And I can’t help thinking that while they are either looking to improve upon humans, or wipe them out, or just hold us down, who can really say for sure yet. But it seems as though they keep failing with the upgrades so far, trying to integrate software too advanced for the hardware and it leads to malfunction, disorder or shut down. And building from scratch doesn’t include the conscious part they need to have. So maybe while they are bust showing us the ‘face of AI’ with their robots and human mimicry, that is the diversion, while they actually try to create AI within a living host, but way of nanotech, programming, wavelengths and upgrades. So actually, more like the Borg than I had given it credit for…