Racism by obfuscation covers for realtime discrimination by making everything racist by a majority of the population. It’s the same principle behind DDOS attacks, obfuscation in the blockchain and The Onion Router. If everything is racist then nothing seems racist.
— UnSanctionedCitizen (@SanctionedUn) March 1, 2023
Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.
Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness.
Want of feeling; absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement; insensibility; indifference.
After years of arbitrary governing failure and chaotic social breakdown over anything and nothing, I begin to see something new. Even irrational things have patterns. As a result of my findings I have joined a gang of new theologians. Albeit, while not a blood pact commitment, the basis for our soul’s survival is adherence to the non-trivial raft of US law. I have a grave notion to admit while clinging to my legal raft: racism in America is not top of mind.
There is a rival cartel, a larger gang of government bureaucrats feeding academics and globalists, who want our territory and our stuff. They manage to sit around in fine hotels, entertaining themselves with gross physical hypocrisy, lecturing each other on the menace of a ‘free society’. Conceptual self-ownership is an obstruction to their ability to commit a war of diverse aggressions upon US citizens using hyperbolic vectors of ‘injustices’ they self-certify, to position reactively as our moral betters. They have thrown out the whole of US law entire as a ‘racist’ epithet. The law itself is an indictable offense. To cite it is an act to be ignored. Due process is a dead null process, only observed by the old guard.
What’s left? A revolution of locusts to kill the law abiding and make survivors submissive to a larger bully. New feudal despots, similar to old Europe, partial to slavery. They stand in favor of the PRC to advance the cause of their dirty work: germ & drug warfare, migrant incursions and imperial license to corrupt all reliable institutions with an aura of presumptive hubris.
There’s a problem in paradise. US sovereignty and US Constitutional precedent is a prohibitive obstruction to their material raids upon the public, to include a heavily armed public given to self defense.
Make no mistake. The #1 goal of the kleptocratic elite is to make themselves appear as legitimate powers; while they nick you incrementally of your possessions, your peace, your financial anchor in the universe and of your plain link to blue sky and sanity. When you are high & dry, they’ll sell you as organ meat and exotic bone powders to occult vendors in Asia. All the while, they will tell you what worthless defective human waste you are.
If you are confused, that is correct. Spun. Loopy. Disoriented. Afraid. That’s the manner and process of deception.
It doesn’t give the WHO any new and future powers against US law.
“Senator Roger Marshall (R-Kans.) is urging restraint and skepticism before the United States accepts a recently proposed World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic response agreement, known as WHO CA+.
The WHO recently introduced an early-stage draft proposal for a convention, agreement, or “other international instrument” for coordinating global pandemic responses.
The draft document states that the WHO intends for this pandemic response agreement “to achieve greater equity and effectiveness for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response through the fullest national and international cooperation.” The document lays out goals for international coordination to prevent and respond to disease outbreaks. The draft document further describes the sharing of pandemic-related products, including diagnostics, vaccines, personal protective equipment, and therapeutics “to enable equitable distribution, in particular to developing countries.” – Epoch Times, Ryan Morgan
We have learned a lot this week:
1) China *is* at fault for the proliferation of the virus according to the FBI & the Dept. of Energy.
2) They had help killing the world from a select group of self-absolving psychopaths in high positions of power i.e. Fauci, the CDC, Pfizer and the WHO for China.
It seems like a heavy lift to hold criminals accountable. Not really. The corrupt will fight the leverage of justice, but justice shall overcome them. The machine will do its job if the operators will exercise the courage to move decisively in time.