A worldwide effort is underway by big tech to manufacture consent for an all-encompassing digital identification system, and it’s noted that its main selling point has been coercion. We have been told that without such systems we will never be able to return to work or university, never be able allowed to travel, or never be allowed to participate normally in the economy without them.
While this system is being introduced in this way via coercion, it is essential to point out that coercion is a built-in part of the infrastructure and, if implemented, will be used to modify our behaviours to greater effect. All they must do is introduce a new variant (Indian) and hey presto the scheme can be expanded into more and more areas of our life.
There is no doubt in my mind that vaccine passports will be a regular feature for many people in the years to come, all evolving while we move through checkpoints that are frequently under government control.

Reports are coming in that the Government’s Covid passport plans are being ‘scaled back’ to some limited extent as some ministers question their true health benefits. Ladies and gents there are no health benefits to Vaccine Passports.
This global con trick of vaccine passports has been revealed or unravelled, the curtain has indeed fallen and what they do not want you to know about, is in this story from Australia: ‘Six overseas travellers who were fully vaccinated then tested positive for COVID-19 while in a hotel quarantine, authorities revealed.’ The very fact you can test positive many weeks after receiving a vaccine, puts the notion of vaccines passports to the dustbin, not to mention the fact you can still pass and transmit viruses between fully vaccinated people.
Nevertheless, countries are ploughing ahead with their designated agenda as Wale’s Mark Drakeford recently announced that Vaccine Passports for Wales are now on the way.

“We are pretty confident we will be doing that through our TTP teams and people will be able to get a certificate that will have the hallmarks of all the health systems of the United Kingdom and will have security features built into it so people can be confident that if you present a certificate, it is a valid and genuine one.” Drakeford said.
People in England who travel abroad will also be able to use the revamped NHS app to demonstrate that they are fully vaccinated when the ban on overseas leisure travel is lifted on Monday.
In Germany things are getting even more authoritarian, chairman of the German Police Trade Union (DPolG) Rainer Wendt “proposed that police officers, border guards along with municipal law enforcement officers should be granted access to the vaccination database of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Such data has so far only been reported anonymously by the vaccination centres, and that should now change.”
“The data would have to be transmitted to the RKI completely; That is to say, with names, personal data and vaccination date, and also stored there in a retrievable form.”
German Health Minister Jens Spahn has said “Berlin hopes to roll out a digital immunity certificate by the end of June, making it easier to definitively prove that a person has been fully vaccinated.”
Businesses in the UK are calling for ‘clear guidance’ on the use of Covid vaccine certificates at workplaces. As myself, I have been stuck at home for over 15 months, never to see my work colleagues in the flesh again, until this new digital health passport system is fully rolled out, or when the government gives the go ahead to request companies to implement such systems in lieu.
The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has said the UK government should now set out their guidance for new post-pandemic operating conditions ASAP.

Vaccine passports will also be required to enter strip clubs, when they reopen later next month as all adult entertainment venues have been added to the stadiums and places with large crowds list, like nightclubs and will now require punters to show digital proof of vaccination.
Ministers should now be close to concluding their reviews into the controversial domestic certification scheme, remember the one they said would never see the light of day, with Boris Johnson and lead minister Michael Gove both understood to have moved away from their wider use at pubs and restaurants after a furious backlash.

Shopping in Walmart? Good news for you they have announced plans for their own vaccine passport system, the US Bentonville-based retailer is working with app developers both Clear and Common pass to offer its customers standardized access to their vaccination records and other health data within their own app.

Staying in America US: Louisiana is now also introducing a system based on its digital drivers’ licenses, which comes in a smartphone app called the LA Wallet. A Louisiana resident who uses the digital wallet in place of a traditional plastic driver’s license will see a new COVID-19 options. By tapping an icon, they can download their COVID vaccination record from the state’s health department and display it on screen within the driver license app, along with the person’s photo.

“I think we have the simplest and most trustworthy way of presenting the COVID vaccination status.” said Calvin Fabre, president, and founder of Envoc, the Baton Rouge software company that developed the state’s digital driver’s license.
And once again, we are hearing murmurs from the insidious Tony Blair, his latest reports says:
“A health passport should go above and beyond vaccination status.” The true reasons of blockchain digital identity are now unravelling right in front of eyes.
He says “moreover, more needs to be done to improve global coordination and to reach consensus on the technical and status standards of health passports. Where available, it is sensible to share this data and use it to inform decision-making and enable reopening as fully and as safely as possible, as soon as possible.”
Share this data? with who?
His other recommendation include: “That the UK should make use of its presidency of the G7 in 2021 to draw up a roadmap for delivering digital interoperability and compliance of a Covid health passports with a set of minimum standards.”
Minimum requirements is what you need to deploy a solution quickly which can later be expanded to a full scope requirements and field list.

Also Mr Rishon Chimboza, the head of technology partnerships at the non-profit Tony Blair Institute (TBI), has said that “the rollout of vaccine passports has to go above and beyond global travel purposes.”
He says that “Vaccine passports used for travel purposes will evolve into more general use -purpose “smart” health cards or digital health passports that are important components of a greater general national healthcare systems. Information can include identity, medical history, allergies, and blood types to name just a few attributes.”
“Vaccination has to take place and then technology has to be in place to show you that you have been vaccinated,” he notes, adding that the underlying technology can also be used for more general-purpose health passports for pretty much everything else. Health passports serve many purposes. The WHO (World Health Organization) is also in the middle of considering its own version of W3C “smart health cards,” says Anstes Agnew, the head of health systems for TBI.
“New analytics insights generated by these digital health systems fused with AI can help evaluate new standards for how vaccines and medicines are being distributed and aid governments plans for their overall healthcare initiatives.”
“These new smart contracts can be applied to data from infinite sources not only medical data sources but potentially social media streams for highly personalized health care and aggregated anonymized data can be shared with any required third parties in real-time to deploy resources as need at a global level”, Caplovitz says.

You see these new vaccine passports and digital identity frameworks are unlikely to be limited to just health-care information alone. The use of the term “digital wallets”, both by Vaccine Collective Initiative and IBM’s Excelsior pass, suggests that economic activity, could become an integral part of the frameworks’ functions depending on if the economy tanks and we move to central bank digital currencies.
Vaccine Passports are intended to be used for much more. SMART Health Cards are literally the “building blocks that can be used across health care,” as described in the protocol section including a complete immunization record that goes beyond COVID-19, sharing data with agencies and health-care providers.

Vaccine Passports: “We know too little about how they are going to implement it. It needs to be tied to some digital identity system at some point and the use cases need to justify that.” – Eerke Boiten, professor in cyber security at Demontford University has recently said.
One company has created the first Covid-19 Vaccination Passport Wristbands to Help Speed up vaccine checkpoint passages. To enjoy your new freedoms the COVID Ministry is working on QR Code wristbands to speed up the vaccination checkpoint scanning process.
The first to market wearable #COVID19 vaccination wristband – ImmunaBand used to signify an individual’s Vaccination Status / QR Code & Vaccine Credential / Digital #VaccinePassport in 1. It shows immunization status to anyone with a smartphone scanner.

The wristbands will be connected to a secure governmental database so you do not have to worry about your travel habits being tracked, and the governmental contractors have promised they will not use the data to monitor citizens.
Your unique wristband may even come in a variety of colours so you can coordinate your outfits. Mine will be pink then. Wearables like ImmunaBand, Flywallet and Digital DNA will hold our vaccine certificates for now, but, these new surveillance devices are meant to be worn outside the body, but the goal as myself and others have repeated is that what they really want is to get inside the human body and for widespread adoption of bodily implants also known as the #IoB. – The Rand corporation is a leader in this field if you are interested on where this is all headed.
We all should be doing what the people of Orange Country California were doing this week this is the only way we can pushback – Orange County Supervisors Cancel Digital Coronavirus Vaccine Records as Hundreds Protest Against Vaccine Passports. If there is enough public pushback their plans would fail flat, indeed we have already started seeing this in the UK, first they were going to be implemented in pubs and restaurants and now these plans have been scaled back somewhat. Although scaled back they will keep on pushing and expanding at a later date when their made up crisises and variant scams are deployed.

Saudi Arabia is also launching its own ‘Health Passport’, ” The Health passport was another step in the Kingdom’s move towards digitization, which would expand and improve services in the country”, it’s just the start of digital identity which will expand later.

Vaccine Passport apps are also gaining traction in airports and live events, one maker Clear – Clear ID’s mission statement is “A business based on replacing (physical IDs, tickets & credit cards with facial or fingerprint recognition). Clear has a huge opportunity in emerging health-check rules that would familiarize more people with its technology”.

Vaccine passports are set to play a huge part in the next stages of global travel: Your face will ultimately be your biometric, health covid and whatever else passport. “Eventually, Travel Passes could incorporate biometric information, such as a thumbprints or facial recognition, to prove a person’s identity”.

It is true that digital vaccine passports are built on uncertain science. By creating infrastructure for segregation and risk scoring at individual levels, this enables third parties to access health information in real time and that brings profound risks to our individual rights and the very concept of equity in society.
It was in May 2020 when Andrea Serra the key Project Manager at the World Economic Forum announced. That here is what travelling could be like after COVID-19, she wrote that “There will be a huge shift to touchless travel and a new health safety regime, supported by digital identity tools such as Known Traveller Digital Identity initiative.” And that “Biometrics are already a widely accepted solution for identity verification, and their use will become more widespread as physical fingerprint and hand scanners are phased out.”

Iris ID tech with vaccine passports is also coming. “The contactless technology is ideal for use during the current pandemic and may be used for registration and identification of employees having received the COVID-19 vaccine.”

“The trend towards the digitization of identity is absolutely going to continue and be pronounced. Paper not necessary with evolution of technology and biometrics that are quick and easy to confirm facial recognition, like iris ID.” – Security consultant has said.
“These growing digital vaccination credentials can become part of a global digital identity, like a digital passport.” Vaccine Passports become the Digital Twin of the Person DToP.

“Our view is they (Vaccine Passports) would be separate and not linked to regular passport ‘CURRENTLY’. (Future) We can see a system whereby national identification cards are linked to health data,” said Mr Lasarow. – Avi Lasarow is the CEO of Prenetics.

Vaccine Passports will ultimately use biometric data, vein biometrics, iris and face scanning technologies, the platform sets the foundations for digital identity. You see: “Once Vaccine Passports are started it’s going to completely transform the way digital identity happens worldwide” said Andrew Bud of Iproov.

“These technologies have been under development for the last 6 years,” “but there has never been a large-scale opportunity to use them. Now there is. And once it starts it will completely transform the way that digital id happens worldwide.” – Andrew Bud of Iproov.
And one more quote to get you thinking:

Vaccine Passports digital identity are now being called Digital vaccine credentialing services or (DVCS). SMART Health Cards “We think it’s important that because these DVCS tools are going to confer social privileges”. There you have it. Privileges. Privileges wont be available to the unclean.
Each holiday trip, hotel stay, football game, or other transaction would become like a border crossing permanently stamped in our new biometric digital health passport as part of a digital “trip pass” subject to inspection on demand by authorities at subsequent “intervention” points. Pre Crime.
Vaccine Passports when introduced domestically can turn on and turn off your life. When a new variant is suddenly announced, you could be limited to two digital trips per day or however many they decide you can have. Vaccine passports are now creating a dangerous precedent by tracking users determining whether they can engage in basic activities based on our civic behaviours, this is a form of mass social control. Even if there is a return to normal life, this could spur governments to use this technology strategy for other crises for other reworked purposes.
One thing for sure is certain that vaccine passports will outlast this pandemic. These flawed documents seem destined to be part of our life, long after the reason for their existence has gone. Vaccine passports will soon be destined to become a part of everyday lives, but probably only in limited applications to start with, however this is a slight of hand, do not be fooled, after the COVID-19 pandemic that spurred their development is gone they will truly reveal their true long-term plans of such digital identity technology.