We were all warned by Dr Naomi Wolf on March 29th, 2021: “This is literally the end of civil society.” And she wasn’t wrong.
You were warned: "This is literally the end of civil society.” – Digital Identity, Covid ID’s, #VaccinePassports. pic.twitter.com/xk8KB310c1
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) August 13, 2021
“I am not overstating this; I can’t say it forcefully enough. This is literally the end of human liberty in the West. It is not about the vaccine or the virus, it is about your data”.
Dr Naomi Wolf was suspended from Twitter in June 2021 for her strong opposition against vaccine passports.
“I was suspended on Twitter for trying to post a two-minute video in which I literally read verbatim a press release from State Sen Kim Thatcher’s (R-OR) office about SB 872, her bill to ban vaccine passports and mask mandates in Oregon.” – Dr Naomi Wolf

Booster jabs are set to be compulsory for all travel abroad under new plans under discussion by Ministers. A source close to the talks about Covid certification told The Mail on Sunday:
“The assumption is that you will be required to have the most up-to-date health passport”. “So, if the advice is to have a booster six months after your second jab, then that is what you’ll need.”
“The logical move will be to make the booster shots a requirement for travel, adding that the most up to date Covid certification for travel will become as normal as the need to have a yellow fever jab to enter certain countries.”
Indeed, this is the same message put out by Grant Shapps. “Double vaccination, or full vaccination, is going to be a feature forever more, and most countries – probably all countries – will require full vaccination for you to enter.” – Grant Shapps.
We cannot be naive to think this will end with double jabbed status, it won’t, it never will. Once they sign us up to digital identities, each verifiable credentials and booster shot will have an expiry date.
If they combine the new autumn boosters with an annual influenza shot, then that would mean people have had four jabs in a short period of eight months. It doesn’t take a health expert to suggest this may have serious consequences on our human health.
This will eventually apply to domestic vaccine passports whereby no current booster jabs, sorry no entry into society, permanently shut out.
One downing street insider said that, as domestic passports have only been announced for nightclubs, discussions over whether boosters will one day be required for entry are still in ‘very early days. But its already on the cards.
The JCVI has already issued interim advice in June 2021 that all Brits ‘should be prepared’ for another round of inoculations.
The NHS in England will offer the jab to all 16- and 17-year-olds by next Monday, before school restarts, so they too can sign up to their vaccine Id’s and next, they will aim for the 12-15 age range.
In the US domestic interstate vaccine passports may go ahead. As bill H.R.4980 defines – “To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.”
Connections to Digital Identity:
The plan for a universal digital ID for every person on earth is for total and detailed tracking and monitoring. You cannot control what you cannot monitor. Conversely, you can control whatever you can monitor. The vaccine passport digital IDs will kickstart our ID onto the ubiquitous blockchain and eventually into the Metaverse:
“Within 2 months of the pandemic starting, the main players involved in decentralized digital identity had got together and agreed that decentralized digital identity would be essential to establishing individuals Covid status, both in terms of test result as well as the eventual vaccine status of everyone.” – Drummond Reed – Evernym member of ID2020 and the Good Health Pass Collaborative.
Posted on: 5th June 2020 White Paper Changing the Game on Testing. From the Institute for Global Change, they wrote: “To develop a framework for a mobility credential that links with a digital identity. To meet this need, tests should confer a mobility credential, a biometrically secured digital code (e.g., a QR code) stored on a person’s phone. Individuals would then be required to present this code for verification when entering specific settings.”
“Before too long, digital credentials could replace the need to present birth certificates, higher education certificates, utility bills, proof of age, proof of ownership, even passports”. – Claudia Pincovski – Voice of the industry
Vaccine Passports: The goal: “It’s a step toward comprehensive digital id. It expands the case for digital IDs, beyond COVID-19 & potentially serves as a digital ID as a more comprehensive, universal source of identity information.” – Inci Kaya Senior Analyst at Aite Novarica
“Allowing international travel to resume safely means we must take all possible steps to limit the spread of new COVID–19 variants. We urgently require an internationally recognised system of health passes enabling travellers to prove their health status quickly and easily, in a secure and privacy-preserving way. The Good Health Pass Collaborative is doing vital work to develop the standards necessary to support this. Political leaders should now get behind this. The G20 group of nations should commit to establish a network of globally interoperable health passes and set up the working groups needed to deliver it.” – Executive Chairman, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Former UK Prime Minister
Expanding Digital ID:
What will the government do with details the vaccine passport demands? It will not only be able to create a massive database of the health of every individual, but it will also create a database of movements, locations, habits and more importantly our behaviours so they can further nudge us towards their expected outcomes.
The smart city will become our playground – “Therefore, the digital ID will represent the ‘virtual umbilical cord’ that continuously links each individual to their public and social life” – Thales Digital ID.
“Governments will be able to leverage trusted traveller digital identity as a starting point for redeploying it for access to other services in other sectors.” – World Economic Forum’s ‘Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative‘- January 2020.
“Going forward the vaccine passport framework will be general enough that consumers can use it to verify other routine immunizations — with children’s schools and camps, for example — or even digital prescriptions.” – Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Commons Project.
“Seamless verification of people (Digital ID) and connected devices is essential to delivering individualized and integrated services in smart cities.” – World Economic Forum, 2020
Society Perspective:
This type of medical coercion will rip up the very fabric of our society and throw away any form of social cohesion we once had. Pitting groups against one another, the classic divide and conquer strategy.
“The Covid passports feel like an attack on the clubs, to be honest. It will impact Black clubs massively because there’s still a whole heap of Black people who don’t want to get the vaccine and uptake among young people is low too.” – Deborah Ballard, who manages The Alchemy bar and restaurant in Croydon.
“Vaccine Passports” May Backfire: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Study in the UK and Israel on Willingness to Get Vaccinated. “UK domestic vaccine passports, may have detrimental effects on people’s autonomy, motivation, willingness to get vaccinated.”
Black Americans will bear the biggest brunt of burden from vaccine passports. The CDC reported that 28.4% of the black community have received the Covid vaccine.
Data & Biometrics:
“Some companies in this space have a track record of being in the business of monetizing data, I’m not going to name names, but they’re the last people that should be involved in developing scanners for proof of vaccination.” – Adam Schwartz from the EFF.
Pay close attention:
IProov the developer of the biometric enrolment on the NHS vaccine passport app has said:
“The checking at venues must be done using biometric face verification.”
Your Face Will Be Your Covid Credential. pic.twitter.com/K07zuUgk1W
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) August 13, 2021
IProov the developer of the biometric enrolment on the NHS vaccine passport app has said: “The checking at venues must be done using biometric face verification.” Fast turning us into a biometric health status check point society.
“We believe that schemes offering options for people to show their digital credential and biometrically authenticate with their face, instead of presenting photo ID, will provide the best way to meet these requirements.” Andrew Bud, Founder & CEO, iProov.
Vaccine passports are not the route to our freedoms. They lead to profound loss of human rights, free choices, bodily autonomy, our ability to move around the world, as well as going into work. They are the very inverse notion of freedom and a platform of discrimination and segregation.
The digital identity agenda is a coordinated attack against humanity to bring in the fourth industrial revolution, that by design, is to plug every human being into the smart grid, inside their smart cities, where a virtual augmented metaverse reality awaits.
We need to replicate the French each and every weekend if we are to stand any chance, until their plans to connect vaccines to digital identity platforms is completely decoupled.