Question: How does the government ensure that everyone has a vaccine passport?
Answer: By guaranteeing that everyone gets vaccinated.
Question: How does the government make sure that everyone gets vaccinated?
Answer: By mass media campaigning.
Question: What about those whom the government has labelled ‘Vaccine Hesitant’ who don’t want to get vaccinated?
Answer: Study them and develop programmes specifically tailored to promote maximum uptake.
Question: Are the government been doing this?
Answer: They are now.
As you are all aware by now the UK Government, along with other Governments worldwide, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) and corporations around the globe, have developed or are developing digital vaccine passports [01] and all want their citizens to have one.

If they are indeed to get all of their citizens to possess one of these digital passports then it means that all, or nearly all, of their citizens will need to get vaccinated eventually. To achieve this, mass media vaccine campaigns are needed to promote the vaccines amongst those who will be willing to take it, and specially tailored campaigns for those who, for whatever reason, don’t want to get vaccinated.
The latter group of people are labelled as ‘Vaccine Hesitant’. The UK government has been taking an increased interest in this particular group since the spring of 2021.
From March 2021 onwards the government have funded via the UKRI, a research QUANGO, a number of university projects which are investigating vaccine hesitant groups [02] [03], including particular demographics South Asians [04], university students [05], Chinese [06] and minority ethnic groups [07] [08]. These projects are largely focussed on studying the causes of low uptake in any given group, and then developing the policy recommendations for, or working with, various UK government departments (such as Public Health England) that are designed to lower vaccine hesitancy and increase the vaccine uptake.
The ultimate goal is to roll these policies out nationally.
Obviously, one would think that such studies would be a regular part of government practice over the years and decades, say to promote uptake of the influenza jab amongst the elderly, however a key word search of the UKRI project database of the term ‘hesitancy’ only brings up ten records [09].
Seven from March 2021 to May 2021, one from 2020, and two in all the years prior to that. Therefore, it seems fairly clear that ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ is more important now than ever before and something that the government, for various reasons including vaccine passports, is keen to remedy.
The situation is the same in the UK government contracts website, where public tenders are published. A keyword search for ‘Vaccine + Hesitancy’ brings up only three results [10] [11] [12] all from 2021.
So, again, this is a fairly clear indication that the Government considers countering Vaccine Hesitancy more important now than any previous year.
The reasons behind this push to maximise vaccine uptake are manifold, but an important one is to ensure that everyone has a digital vaccine passport.
The digital vaccine passports are not an end in themselves but they are a potential gateway to digital ID. This was hinted at in a recent article by iNews about a government contract for services related to Covid Certificates given to a tech company called ‘Entrust‘.
‘Government Accused of Ushering in Digital ID’. By @SikhForTruth & @TruthTalkUK.#VaccinePassports#NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) June 23, 2021
It’s been revealed that Entrust has developed digital ID programmes in several countries around the world [13].

MPs have also recognised this possibility of vaccine passports becoming ID cards. One of them being DUP MP Ian Paisley who spoke of this concern during a debate about Vaccine Passports on 15 March 2021.

So, it is fairly clear to all who can see that vaccine passports are a potential gateway to full blown digital ID’s and all the proverbial rabbit holes that such a thing could lead down.
The only way that the government can make sure that everyone is on board and has a vaccine passport without mandating them is to promote voluntary vaccine uptake amongst the whole population, which means dealing with problematic people who are, according to the government, ‘Vaccine Hesitant’.