Are more psychological operations being played here? Remember all those times where the Government said they were not developing vaccine passports but were really signing contracts with multiple companies and working on their development?
The number of times the Government has flip flopped, how can we trust them now? – Eleven plus Times the Government Has Ruled Out Vaccine Passports as They Now Say They’re “Considering” Them.

No Domestic style vaccine passports?
The government will officially end Covid vaccine certification requirements for big events once the roadmap out of lockdown is completed, Ministers are said to be planning to ditch so-called “vaccine passports” plans for crowd gatherings including, sports matches, concerts, and festivals, once this year’s jab targets have been reached.
Covid passports will not be compulsory at music festivals, sports events and other mass gatherings when lockdown restrictions are lifted next month. The move will come after major trials at Wembley and Wimbledon Stadium allowed football and tennis fans to flock to events with proof of tests or a vaccine.
Nightclubs in England will reportedly reopen on 19th July with no requirements for attendees to present negative COVID-19 tests or proof of vaccination.
This comes on the back of new research which obliterates the entire justification behind vaccine passports, finding that public gatherings contribute ‘NOTHING’ to the spread of Covid.

A government source told the Evening Standard that Michael Gove, the Cabinet minister leading a review on COVID-19 vaccination passports, believes it would be “too much hassle” for the public and businesses for health checks to be required prior to entry into venues.
“That would only be used at mass events when the organisers want to do it”
Chief political correspondent Adam Fleming on speculation over the use of Covid passports at mass events in England ⤵️
— BBC Breakfast (@BBCBreakfast) June 30, 2021
“It is looking unlikely that we will have to make Covid certification compulsory, even for mass events,” a source said. However, ‘It will be needed for foreign travel and some events may choose to run their own schemes, but it does not look like we will need legislation at this stage”.
At this stage!
“The work has not been wasted. It will be needed for travel and we will have a system in place which could be used if we need it in the winter.” – Goverment Spokesman
And “Whitehall sources have said they were keeping the option of using Covid certification (Vaccine Passports) to keep mass events open through the winter.”

‘The Premier League, which is expected to fill stadiums when the season starts in August, have been a key backer of the scheme and hopes to be able to implement Covid status checks as a back-up plan if seasonal pressures lead to calls for more restrictions.’
Indeed, plans for widespread use of vaccine passports could be ‘revived’ in the event of another major variant wave of Covid come this winter. And that this would allow venues to stay open even if cases soar dramatically which is highly likely.
Previously a Whitehall source said the scheme could be used to keep open a much wider range of venues if a surge of the virus happens this winter. “The reason we are trialling Covid certification this summer is partly to get mass events open more safely with bigger crowds, but also partly to get people used to the idea.” – The source said
Conservative commentator Calvin Robinson says "It's fantastic news" as ministers scrap plans for domestic vaccine passports.
"It feels like freedom is prevailing but I don't want to be too optimistic. We might not get what we are looking for."@JuliaHB1 | @calvinrobinson
— TalkTV (@TalkTV) June 30, 2021
However, demonstrating proof of a jab will still likely be required for all travel abroad, and event organisers would likely be permitted to run their own digital identity schemes requiring testing or proof of a jab to attend gatherings, should they desire.
There is also the question around workplace and office-based staff, there has yet been no indication given by the government on when office staff can return and if businesses would require a vaccine or test passporting solution to get back on site. Time will tell.
The Premier League is expected to introduce a Covid certification scheme.
It’s also been reported that the Premier League are among those expected to privately introduce some form of certification to prove those attending football grounds do not pose a Covid risk, this will most likely start in August at the start of the new club football season. Such a system could allow venues to stay open if a fresh wave of coronavirus hits the UK in winter it was reported
The government however has currently ditched plans for vaccine bars and nightclubs following backlash from MPs supporting the struggling hospitality industry. A Whitehall source told the Daily Mail: “It is looking unlikely that we will have to make Covid certification compulsory, even for mass events.”
However earlier in June it was reported: “The scheme is said not to have been abandoned completely and could be brought back later in the year, if necessary.”
On 18th June it was reported that “I wouldn’t completely rule out their utility in the long-term,” one government source said. “Perhaps more so in the winter if it is a way of preventing us closing premises.”
'I don't understand really what the point of them is.'
Tory MP @Mark_J_Harper argues requiring vaccine passports domestically is a 'very bad idea'.@IainDale | #CrossQuestion
— LBC (@LBC) June 30, 2021
We just don’t trust them for a second, can we? It will be brought back when they think they can push this through perhaps in a slightly different guise and offer it free to all those that have natural immunity. They’re once again testing public reaction and have already indicated legacy use later this year if needed as legislation has them in place for travel use until mid-May 2022.
This fight is certainly not over yet.
The infrastructure has been built, in Wales, Ireland and England, they may not need it just yet, in the summer when respiratory viruses are few and far but it will be a completely different story come winter.
Meanwhile Britain and the EU are closing in on a deal to accept each other’s vaccine passports for quarantine-free travel in a major foreign holidays boost. They are thrashing out the final details of an agreement that would allow Brits to use the NHS app to take trips to the continent this summer.
An EU Commission spokesman said: “There are talks ongoing at the technical level which are progressing well and going in the right direction”.
“This is particularly because the technical system and the architecture of the EU and the UK are aligned. “We have been open for working with our international partners from the very beginning and designed the whole system in such a way that this is possible. “So, it’s good the UK is now working with us towards that goal of achieving such an interoperable solution.”
In a recent article on the BBC:

Professor Anthony Harnden JCVI spoke that in terms of a UK vaccine passport system coming in at some point, “he says it’s ‘highly likely’ we will want to see people’s vaccine status before allowing them into the country.” – Professor Anthony Harnden JCVI.
And the Republic of Ireland are to use indoor hospitality vaccine passes, vaccine passports for indoor hospitality have been recommended by NPHET. The Government met to ‘consider’ the plans. Nothing is legislated – yet. Considering Irish hospitality in general, these measures will stoke civil unrest in the country.

“Over the course of the coming weeks, the government will work urgently with the relevant sectors to agree a practical and workable approach.” it was reported.
However, restaurateurs and publicans have expressed their anger and frustration at Mr Martin’s comments. – “Restaurant, pub and café owners will now be placed in the unenviable, complex and difficult position of allowing vaccinated customers enter indoors and restricting non-vaccinated customers to outdoor dining,” its chief executive Adrian Cummins said. “Such a practice of refusing access to goods and services in currently illegal under equality acts.”
We need to keep on our guard, this is a moving target, the hundreds of private big technology companies and NGO’s are all working together to implement a truly global interoperable digital health pass and digital identity solution fast consuming every part of our physical and digital identities, the web will fall on all of us eventually.
We can’t hold back, we need to keep on fighting this. It’s a tactical retreat, not a whole scale surrender.