If we understood how the brain works, we would actually understand for the first time who we are from the inside scientifically. We would understand what is a ‘human.’ – Rafael Yuste
The final frontier isn’t space. It is our brains.
I just listened to a fascinating lecture by Rafael Yuste Can You See a Thought? Yuste is a Professor of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, Codirector of the Kavli Institute of Brain Science and Director of the Neurotechnology Center (NTC) at Columbia University.
One of the first things he says is that we don’t understand the human brain.
Well then, if we do not understand our very own brains, that mass of grey matter consisting of 86 billion neurons, connected in ways that are infuriatingly impossible to decipher, how can we claim to understand anything else?
The goal of Yuste’s Brain Initiative research program is to “develop methods to map the activity of every neuron in the brain. To see the entirety of the screen, and to be able to put the ball wherever you want, TO BE ABLE TO MANIPULATE THE SYSTEM in a multi-dimensional space so that you can actually achieve any position in this dynamic landscape. The Holy Grail of neuroscience is to understand this code of how and why you have neurons firing simultaneously at the same time.”
Yuste tells us there are 3 reasons why it is important for scientists to understand the brain.
- As humans, we define ourselves by our minds. We are the ultimate cognitive animal. Essentially, everything that you are, your identity, your thoughts, your imagination, your perceptions, your emotions, everything comes from the generation of activity of these neurons that you have in your skull. If we understood how the brain works, we would actually understand for the first time who we are from the inside scientifically. We would understand “what is a human.” What does it mean to say that word “human”?
- The second reason has to do with medicine…. Neurological diseases have no cure. And the reason we cannot help these patients is that as doctors, we don’t understand the pathophysiology of the nervous system, which is when the physiology, the normal function turns wrong. So, if you cannot understand the physiology, good luck, there is no way you can solve the problem.
- The third reason…has to do with the secrets of bio-inspired algorithms that are in there because brains are computing all kinds of sophisticated optimization with hardly any energetic cost. Our brain is the wattage of a small lightbulb, and we can achieve feats of computation that are unheard of for technologies in the future.
He then goes on to explain that the focus on study of the brain for the last 100 years has been wrong. It has been “anchored in a theory and a paradigm which is called the neuron doctrine which assumes that the unit of structure and function of the brain is the individual neuron.”
He calls this a “doctrine” because it is, like so many scientific theories down through history, a religious belief. A dogma. It has to be true. This dogma has continued until now, consisting of taking apart brains, one neuron at a time, describing how the neurons look like to recording the activity of individual neurons with electrodes.
What we’ve been doing for the last 100 years is to record the activity of one neuron in one patient and correlating that with the pathology of the patient, for example. He says this is a bit like trying to watch a TV show by looking at a single pixel. The image in a TV is an emergent property of the pixels. It’s built with correlations in space and time and color of the individual pixels. By definition, it doesn’t exist in the pixels themselves.
So now, voila, a bold new idea introduced by Yuste, and others is to look at the entire picture, not just one piece at a time. The ultimate goal of all of this is to see how our brains create these images and if they can be created independent of the real world. If some outside force can manipulate your brain or if some outside force can manipulate your thoughts.
Yuste: “The reason this is important is because if you can do that, then you have something inside your head which exists independently of the world. That’s a neat sensory input to get turned on. It can be activated independently. And if you can do that, you can imagine how evolution could then use these states of activity, these endogenous states, as building blocks and as symbols in the real world. And from that point on, instead of manipulating the physical world, you manipulate the model. You have a model in which these are pointers that are symbolizing things that happen outside.”
Manipulating the system.
Manipulation, thereby control, it is the ultimate goal. Controlling something they are no nearer understanding now than they were when they heralded the last revolutionary idea that they claimed would lead them closer to comprehension—and it didn’t.
We appoint experts to unravel these mysteries for us. We know they are experts because they spend many years in higher education, publish reems of academic papers, and collect long lists of letters after their names to prove it all. How often do we hear the condemnation on social media, “what’s your degree in, garbage collecting?” or some variation thereof, making the point that no ordinary person without a long list of letters after their name, has any right to object to the information they are being fed by the legitimate experts.
Now, being a layperson, I might not understand everything these experts are talking about, but I get the meat and potatoes of it, and the way I describe it might be offensive to their more elegant style.
Yet, these experts are no different from the rest of us. We all have the same disadvantage. We are all stuck “inside of ourselves.” In fact, none of us have ever even seen our own eyes—the windows, as they say, to the soul, let alone our entire heads. We have only ever seen a reflection in a mirror or a photograph. We can look into another person’s eyes, but never our own. The very color of our eyes can only be verified through secondary sources.
“What color are my eyes?” I ask.
“They are blue.” I am told.
Look. Here. See this picture?
Ah, yes. They must be blue.
An ophthalmologist can’t see their own eyes. Well, a dedicated scientist might cut out an eye and stare at it with his other remaining one, thereby confirming its existence. But who would do that? Only an insane person. And these experts are not insane. Certainly not!
So, too, a neurologist cannot pick apart his own brain. Nor would they ever do such a thing, even if they could. They are simply too important to jeopardize their own health and wellbeing in that manner. They must find subjects upon which to experiment.
But what subjects, we might ask?
Those considered to be beneath them in intelligence and status. Those considered to be vulnerable either through suggestion, desperation, or coercion. It’s all for the “greater good,” of course. Naturally, some humans are less important than others. We must use the less desirable portion of the population to figure things out on, so that we can protect everyone else.
They can dissect a brain. They can look at all those bits of grey matter.
What is the difference between the Mind and the Brain?
• Brain can be touched and studied, but mind cannot be touched and seen. It is invisible.
• Brain is a conglomeration of nerves, cells, blood vessels and the like. Mind is a conglomeration of thoughts, memories, emotions and the like.
• Brain has a definite place within the body. It is placed in the most important part of the body, namely, the head. Mind has no definite place within the body. It is presumed to be residing within the brain.
Artificial intelligence was formed by copying the construct of the brain. Can they do the same with the mind? Can a scientist hold a mind in their hand, put it under a microscope? Can they inject a mind into a computer?
No, they can’t. And this drives them crazy—literally.
It is dangerous putting our lives—our brains and our minds—into the hands of individuals who project their own perversions, anger issues, childhood traumas, you name it, into their research and experiments. It is often the most disturbed among us who gain control over us.
We can clearly see how the Covid dogma made everything worse rather than better.
In response to Fauci’s announcement, Biden said in a White House statement:
“Because of Dr. Fauci’s many contributions to public health, lives here in the United States and around the world have been saved. As he leaves his position in the U.S. government, I know the American people and the entire world will continue to benefit from Dr. Fauci’s expertise in whatever he does next.”
Wow. This man has the blood of millions on his hands, going all the way back to the AIDS epidemic, and yet the official narrative is that he has saved millions of lives! I dread to think what his next exciting venture will be.
Thousands of doctors who warned against Fauci’s policies lost their jobs and their lives were destroyed. How many times has it happened down through history where the religious dogma of science made everything worse, rather than better?
One example would be Ignaz Semmelweis.
- During his lifetime, Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865) was a doctor who tried to convince other doctors that the simple hygienic act of hand washing would save lives. However, he could offer no theoretical explanation and his claims went against the established theories of the scientific community. For this crime, he was mocked and committed into an asylum. In the asylum he was beaten by the guards. He died 14 days later from a gangrenous wound on his right hand that may have been caused by the beating.
For the crime of being right while the establishment was wrong, Semmelweis’s life had to be destroyed. And not just his life. Millions can die, just as long as the positions of those in power are not jeopardized.
They will never admit wrongdoing.
Let’s look at Dr. Saul Krugman.
- From 1963 to 1966, Krugman engaged in human experimentation at Willowbrook State School, a New York state-run institution for mentally handicapped children that was experiencing outbreaks of hepatitis. Krugman was working on a hepatitis vaccine. The experiment involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease. Parents signed permission letters allowing him to do this, with the understanding their children were being given “vaccinations.” Offering a child for experimentation was often the only way for a child to be accepted into the overcrowded institution.Not surprisingly, these studies were sponsored by the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, Office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Army and approved by the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene.According to the celebrated vaccinologist Maurice Hilleman, “They [the Willowbrook studies] were the most unethical medical experiments ever performed on children in the United States.”[4]
And yet, Krugman was awarded the 1983 Mary Woodard Lasker Public Service Award for his far-reaching achievements concerning viral hepatitis and in 1972, Krugman became the president of the American Pediatric Society.
There are many, many examples like this. Sponsored by our own government. Sponsored by other governments. Mostly, we accuse other governments, like the Russians or the Chinese, of conducting horrific experiments. But once again, it is just a front to take the focus away from our own deadly perversions.
Project MKUltra is the code name of a CIA-sponsored research operation that experimented in human behavioral engineering.
From 1953 to 1973, the program employed various methodologies to manipulate the mental states of American and Canadian citizens. Unbeknownst to them, human test subjects were given LSD and other mind-altering drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and various forms of torture. Research occurred at universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies. The project sought to develop “chemical […] materials capable of employment in clandestine operations.”
In 1973, amid a government-wide panic caused by Watergate, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed.[71] Pursuant to this order, most CIA documents regarding the project were destroyed, making a full investigation of MKUltra impossible.
Maybe Watergate needs a whole new investigation from a more enlightened perspective. It brings to mind the recent raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Maybe it wasn’t about recovering top secret files. Maybe it was about destroying files that they never want to be made public.
In the 1960s, researchers at the University of California began an experiment to study changes in blood pressure and blood flow.
The researchers used 113 newborns ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The newborn’s feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 newborns were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored.
From 1913 to 1951, Dr. Leo Stanley, chief surgeon at San Quentin, used prisoners as test subjects in gruesome medical experiments.
Stanley sterilized patients, in particular homosexuals and bisexuals. In one particularly disturbing experiment, Stanley performed testicle transplants on living prisoners using testicles from executed prisoners and, in some cases, from goats and boars.
In his memoir he wrote that “sterilization, when given its chance, will do much to stamp out crime. The right to bear children will in time be reserved to the fit.”
Was Stanley maligned for this? Of course not! He was praised for his efforts. Prison reformer Austin MacCormick said that under his leadership, San Quentin was one of “the best… in all the state institutions of the country.”[14]
Perhaps the worst example was the Japanese Army’s Unit 731.
From 1937 to 1945, Chinese and Russian subjects — men, women, children, infants, the elderly, and pregnant women — were subjected to experiments which included the removal of organs from a live body, amputation for the study of blood loss, germ warfare attacks, and weapons testing. Some prisoners even had their stomachs surgically removed and their esophagus reattached to the intestines.
At least 3,000 people died from the experiments. No prisoner came out alive of the Unit’s gates.
But do you know what is so horrific?
Many of the scientists involved in Unit 731 “rose to prominent careers in politics, academia, business, and medicine and the United States Army helped keep the horrors quiet in exchange for the ‘data’ Japan’s scientists collected.”
All of this is being determined by the minds of people who are the most disturbed of us all! These monsters have no business laying their hands on our children. Probing the secret corners of our minds. How can they when they don’t even understand their own minds.
A perfect example of a monster is Dr. Peter Neubauer
One was a long-term study of adoptive Jewish twins (at least five sets) and triplets (one set) separated during infancy. Neither the children nor their adoptive parents were aware of the real reason they were all being studied or that the children had identical siblings.[4][5] Some of the twins eventually learned that their separation had been deliberate, which led to controversy, anger, and ethical comparisons with notorious twin experiments by the same Nazi regime that Neubauer had escaped.[6] At least three of the separated siblings apparently died by suicide.
Incredibly, in a New York Times obituary, Dr. Neubauer is only praised. There isn’t one word about this experiment. The records of the study are sealed at the Yale University Library until October 25, 2065.
Hmm, what does that remind you of? The FDA’s attempts to seal the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine documents for 75 years.
Although these records have been unsealed, it doesn’t seem to matter. It doesn’t seem to matter, for example, that the government recommended pregnant women take the Covid-19 vaccine even though the NIH itself states that “No published preclinical animal studies have tested COVID-19 vaccines for safety and toxicity in pregnant females, which is truly a missed opportunity.”
The narrative is so strong, the reputations of these monsters so intact, that just like the past, they suffer no repercussions while those who oppose them find their lives destroyed.
At the end of World War II, with the cloud of a Cold War hovering over the West, medical researchers felt justified in conducting experiments with radioactivity and chemical warfare.
Vanderbilt University gave 829 pregnant women “vitamin drinks,” claiming it would improve the health of their unborn babies. Instead, the drinks contained radioactive iron. Researchers were studying how quickly the radioisotope crossed into the placenta. At least seven of the babies later died from cancers and leukemia, and the women themselves experienced rashes, bruises, anemia, loss of hair and tooth, and cancer.
How is this different from now? We have been told that we are in a war against a virus—and others that will come along—that is endangering the health of every single person on the planet. This justifies experimentation on billions of people.
How far will this go?
In 1943, the U.S. Navy exposed its own sailors to mustard gas.
“Secrets of Edgewood:” is a series of articles in The New Yorker (Dec. 2012–Jan. 2013) about the military’s secret chemical weapons experiments on U.S. soldiers. The U.S. Army’s secret Chemical Research program included inhaled mustard gas tests and a variety of other toxic offensive chemical weapons that are not identified. A sign on a door in the Medical Research Laboratories read: “What you see here, hear here — when you leave here, leave it here.” (Khatchadourian. Operation Delirium, 2012)
“Before the soldiers entered the gas chamber, they were told to line up — sometimes dressed in protective clothing, but sometimes naked — in single file by the door, each man standing a yard from the next, until, at the appropriate time, they would all run inside. They had to run in to insure that the door would not stay open for longer than five seconds; beyond that, it was calculated, too much gas would dissipate.” (Operation Delirium, 2012)
“Most frequently, men had burns and blistering on the skin, especially in the face, hands, underarms, buttocks, and genitals. They were sometimes in agony for days, weeks, and even months from the enormous, grotesque blisters and oozing sores. In addition, the men in the gas chamber tests experienced intense fear. Finally, many of them also suffered long-term health consequences, such as psychological disorders, cancer, asthma, emphysema, and eye problems, including blindness.” (Susan Smith. “Mustard Gas and American Race-Based Human Experimentation in World War II in The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 2008)
The participants, almost all of whom suffered severe external and internal burns, were ignored by the Navy and, in some cases, threatened with the Espionage Act. In 1991, the reports were finally declassified and taken before Congress.
Hmm, where have I recently heard about the Espionage Act? Oh, yes, it has been dusted off and threatened to be used against Donald Trump.
Why would we trust these disturbed individuals who claim they are conducting experiments for our own good?
In 1965, newborn David Peter Reimer’s penis was accidentally destroyed during an unconventional circumcision by cauterization. John Money, a psychologist and proponent of the idea that gender is learned, convinced the Reimers that their son would be more likely to achieve a successful, functional sexual maturation as a girl.
Money used a child to prove something his perverse mind wanted to prove. And he used the impressive letters after his name to convince the child’s parents that he knew what he was talking about, and they should trust him. Money reported resounding success over the years. But David insisted that he had never identified as female. Throughout his childhood he was teased, ostracized, and fell into serious depression. At age 38, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
Did this tragedy end Money’s career? To the contrary.
As this biography states: Money was the recipient of many awards, including the American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Award for the applications of psychology in 1985; the Masters and Johnson Fourth Annual Award, Society for Sex Therapy in 1988; and an award for his contributions to sexology research from the International Academy of Sex Research in 1991. The Kinsey Institute offers an annual John Money Fellowship for research in sexology.
We are now being told by a whole new series of perverse individuals with lots of letters after their names that it is okay to chop off a girl’s breasts and cut out her uterus.
A bulletin on the Children’s Hospital Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) homepage reads, “At Boston Children’s, we are proud to be home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the United States” that has treated “more than 1,000 families to date.”
They welcome patients as young as 3 years old.
GeMS provides “a variety of options for medical transition” that include prescribing puberty blockers, testosterone, estrogen and plastic surgery. The hospital believes in a “gender-affirmative model of care, which supports transgender and gender diverse youth in the gender in which they identify.”
Absolute madness. One day we will be reading about these horrific crimes just as we do now about the other crimes I’ve listed here. Or, at least, I hope so. The very real danger is that this nightmare will become normalized.
In 1956 and 1957, the United States Army conducted a number of biological warfare experiments on the cities of Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida.
In one such experiment, millions of infected mosquitos were released into the two cities, in order to see if the insects could spread yellow fever and dengue fever. Not surprisingly, hundreds of researchers contracted illnesses that included fevers, respiratory problems, stillbirths, encephalitis, and typhoid. In order to photograph the results of their experiments, Army researchers pretended to be public health workers. Several people died as a result of the research.
What is Bill Gates doing with mosquitoes? Altering their DNA and releasing millions of them into cities. Now we find that Mosquitoes test positive for rare but potentially deadly virus in Georgia.
Gates wants world leaders to practice what he calls germ games, in the same way the military practices “war games.”
Maybe Bill Gates should be given a psychological evaluation.
But wait. It wouldn’t matter. Whoever conducted the evaluation would be just as perverted in their own way as he is. Not only that, but they would also be paid millions of dollars to reach whatever conclusion Gates wanted them to. That’s how research is conducted in the scientific field. It has nothing to do with seeking the truth and everything to do with reaching the outcomes the establishment wants it to reach.
Here we are in the year 2022. Scientists can dissect the brain. They can stimulate parts of it to act and react. They can create artificial ‘intelligence,’ using our brains as a model. But they still don’t understand the brain. They don’t know who we are inside our heads.

Experiments at Neuralink and Synchron take Yuste’s theories to the next level.
A Stentrode is introduced into the body via the jugular vein and then guided through the transverse sinus, a part of the jugular that crosses the side of the neck to the midline, to the superior sagittal sinus, a large vessel that fits between both hemispheres in the brain. After the Stentrode is placed securely, it is plugged into a device in the chest that resembles a pacemaker that can be charged by an external unit. An external receiver connected to the chest device transforms the brain activity into commands and wirelessly transmits the commands to a computer. This process enables patients to operate external devices such as a computer for activities such as communication, social media, online banking, e-commerce, and more daily functions.
It’s fantastic that someone who is paralyzed can move again thanks to this implanted device. But you get where this is going, right?
Everyone wants to get inside our heads. They assure us it’s for a good cause.
Yuste compares all of this to playing a piano. You know who the piano is, right? It’s you. The piano player is the scientist, the doctor, the academician. The one in control.
They assure us they will make beautiful music, if we just allow them to.
Yuste talks about his experiments on mice, about playing the piano.
They are difficult experiments. You put a mouse in the microscope, you have to go through the skull of the mouse, and two lasers, one laser to image the calcium, this is the top, and another laser through the SLM to generate the holography to play back those patterns.
They discovered that if you stimulate a bunch of neurons to activity, and you stop, they will keep going, they will have formed an ensemble artificially. Actually, the one doing the stimulating from outside has made this happen.
Yuste describes how “you have a period where you imprint a memory on someone’s mind, and they can turn it on by firing the neurons in your brain. They turn the neuron, or shall we say the stimulus, that they have externally created and implanted in your brain they turn it off, they can come back the next day and turn it on again.”
This is described as a “long term change in the circuitry,” so that means that you can build these ensembles in people’s minds.
In an experiment, scientists show an animal stripes of light and whenever the animal sees a stripe of vertical light, he licks something and whenever he sees a stripe of horizontal light he doesn’t lick. The scientist is controlling the behavior and making the mouse lick, or stop licking.
The real test comes—the real heart of the experiment—when they don’t show the animal anything, but they play back the patterns and the animal responds how they want him to, without having seen anything. Like a zombie.
Yuval Noah Harari tells us that “To hack a human being is to get to know that person better than they know themselves.”
“I came out as gay when I was 21. It should’ve been obvious to me when I was 15 that I’m gay. But something in the mind blocked it. Now, if you think about a teenager today, Facebook can know that they are gay, or Amazon can know that they are gay long before they do just based on analyzing patterns.”
This is terrifying. Imagine never figuring anything out about yourself, for yourself. A machine or an algorithm will tell you who you are before you ever have a chance to have lived experiences that teach you important life lessons. And you will not be able to argue with the machine. They will always be right, and you will always have to passively go along with its edicts.
With all due respect, Harari is a disturbed individual. Not because he is gay—certainly not. But because of his insane ideas that any rational person can see will only destroy humanity, not help it. Just like all these other crazy experts, Harari wants to force us into his disturbed world. And because he is an academic and is heralded by the elite of this world, we are supposed to listen to him.
Mad, perverse monsters are in charge. They are telling us that they are the piano players while we are the pianos, and we must submit to their discordant symphony.
Yuste says that “What we are doing is we are putting a hallucination into [the mouse’s] brain.”
Do you want these scientists’ putting hallucinations in your brain?
What if these monsters figure out how to play the piano of our brains. Will we be able to resist it?
That’s the most important question of all. Next is, how do we stop them?