The hotels and the growing issue of mass haphazard immigration. I have already covered this in Hotel California, or Hotel Strategy? And in On the ground. But as we keep seeing the numbers increase, and the financial resources being thrown at it, people can’t help but wonder what the actual fuck is going on. I speculated further in And the purpose is? covering the idea that it was to disrupt tourism and create a destabilising force within communities. And that does seem to be the case, so not sure it’s really speculation, more an observation at this point.
The reports from various European countries keep filtering through as well of violent gang crime and sexual assaults, towards men and women. Machete attacks, some murders and various other things highlighting the clash of mentalities, cultures, education and the often shocking and grisly outcome of this. But what some people question is they why of all of it. And rightly so, because even if the typical age range and attitude of the boaters wasn’t that of organised crime and with nefarious intentions, there would be still be the question of why exactly. After years of strict borders, passport control, immigration procedures and ‘protecting our borders’ as it was called back in the day with the apparent land army we had, it seems not a thing anymore. In fact, our own Navy assist them from France in a rather civilised manner. Funny really, makes me think about previous ‘wars’ we are told about when they invaded, or crossed a massive ocean to take a country. Did they? Or were they invited and shipped over with agreement to put them in place as paid mercenaries, to be activated when ready to make it look like it was a genuine skirmish, or that society just collapsed from within all by itself. The fall of Rome and all the other empires they mention, at the height of their opulence and greed, it all just falls in on itself, apparently.
Or, could it be, that they all reach the point of enough people being educated enough to really see the scale of the corruption, or that it is so large it simple cannot be hidden. And thereafter it starts to go horribly wrong, so it becomes a desperate race against time to take the riches, leave the people in the gutter, and rewrite history again to show that you didn’t lose, or ruin everything, but it was ‘the people’, it was the weather, it was them over there. Anything but admitting that it was an orchestrated and co-ordinated takedown of certain peoples, histories, countries, societies, families and ultimately a takeover of power.
And we are witnessing something at the moment, that appears to be a power move. Where the ‘elected’ officials (and not even elected anymore, just placed), start to completely ignore the people are apparently there to serve, and continue on their power mission. Where they abuse your trust, ignore your reasoning, take your money and then act surprised that you will call them out on it. Many people are questioning what their goal or plan actually is, who is it that authorised the release of unlimited funds for anyone and everyone from overseas to rock and be housed, indefinitely? Who really has the pot of money and controls the purse strings on that one? I know they won’t tell us, and we will all continue to be treated like fools, who are looked on as silly for even asking the question and thinking of the financial cost, as well as the economic and psychological one on everyone being affected by it. Locals and new arrivals. They are being used to aggravate and inflame the locals, with a promise of something I’m sure, while everyone else just gets thrown to the curb. Like them saying “No we don’t have the financial resources we took from you over the years to keep on your behalf for you, because we are now busy giving it so someone else”. Honestly, if you worked a whole week, or month, or even day, and went to get your wages, and your employer said “Oh, you won’t be getting any money today, I decided to give them to that person over there who just turned up…”. We’d like to think that person might have something to say about that, or perhaps wouldn’t bother turning up to work every day thereafter. Or if you had saving put to one side, and you went to the bank to get them, or some of them, and the bank says “Sorry, you no longer have any savings, we decided that family over there needed somewhere to live, so we gave it to them, even though they haven’t worked, or saved any money”. I think people might suddenly stop putting their money into the hands of people who treat it like that. Or not, it’s hard to say now what people would put up with, they have been worn down quite successfully over the decades and especially the last few years, and it shows.
So, is it just incompetence we see around us, as some would like to suggest or believe. Or is it in fact a strategy, to demolish the systems that are, to replace them with the systems they want in place. To make it seems as though the current system is so old and outdated, it can’t possibly hold up to ‘modern living’, despite the fact that it has facilitated us getting here quite well. But where is here anyway? At a point on a long road that someone else put you on, to a destination they have decided, with tolls and bridges along the way you must pay for, or work through, or never make it across. They don’t want you veering from that road, don’t want you building your own bridges, or finding a better way without them. Suddenly there are fences, blockades, walls and checkpoints to go through, just for living your life. Like an odd game of snakes and ladders crossed with a rat’s maze, but instead of just a blank maze, imagine shops, and procedures, and exams that the rat has to go through before it is allowed to enter the next corridor. So they can ‘grade it’ and ‘assess it’ to decide which corridors and area it will be allowed to try and access next for its ‘reward or punishment’, whether it gets a snake, or a ladder…