It has been reported that Covid vaccine passports could be used to keep pubs open in lockdown this winter. This is to ensure people who have been vaccinated would still be able to access pubs, restaurants, and cafes so covid certification could very well be back on the table again, as was always the plan.

It would reportedly be used via a new function on the NHS app allowing people in England to demonstrate their vaccination status. The NHS COVID Pass lets you share your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination results in a secure way. It allows you to show others that you have had a full course of the COVID-19 vaccine when travelling abroad to some countries or territories.

And the self-reported lateral flow tests included in UK events pilot of Vaccine Passports are valid for 48 hours. Presumably, they could not get the far more reliable PCR test turnaround and concerns about burden on the system etc.

A Whitehall source has said the scheme could be used to keep open a much wider range of venues if a surge of the virus happens this winter. The source said: “The reason we are trialling Covid certification this summer is partly to get mass events open more safely with bigger crowds, but also partly to get people used to the idea.”
Earlier in June it was reported: “The scheme is said not to have been abandoned completely and could be brought back later in the year, if necessary.”
Ministers expect it to become commonplace at mass events where people would otherwise have to take a Covid test to gain entry.
It was the UK’s Open University which developed the world’s first COVID-19 digital immunity passport prototype in April 2020. Researchers from the OU’s Knowledge Media Institute created a prototype mobile phone app that enables instant verification of tamper-proof coronavirus test results and vaccination certificates.

UK Covid Passports: How Boris Johnson’s big plan fell flat. Or has it? “I wouldn’t completely rule out their utility in the long-term,” one government source said. “Perhaps more so in the winter if it is a way of preventing us closing premises.”

“We hope that with high vaccination rates we will be in a very different position this winter. But if we do find ourselves in a dire situation then certification could be a tool in our armoury to keeps things open that might otherwise have to close.”
Dozens of Tories MPs are said to have warned they will vote against the use of Covid passports in pubs, but ministers are said to believe opposition may soften if the alternative is to close parts of the economy. This move would mean that people who have a vaccine passport – those who can prove they have had both jabs – could be able to get into places that others will be banned from.
The main use of the passport now is to let you travel to countries on the ‘amber list’. Digital passports last for 28 days if you are double jabbed, but this automatically renews. It lasts 48 hours after a negative PCR or lateral flow test, and for 180 days after a positive PCR test.
Ministers are to use vaccine passports to keep Premier League fans at stadiums if winter restrictions are imposed and Covid Status Certificates will only be used as a ‘backup’ by ministers to keep society open.

“The Premier League is very enthusiastic about using Covid certificates to keep fans at games. It is certainly something we are looking at if things get worse. It’s there as a backup if we are in a different world later in the year.” – Whitehall Source.
Ministers are hopeful that the passports will not need to be used if the vaccination booster programme is a success, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday warned that the country could be in for a “rough winter”.
“You can never exclude that there will be some new disease, some new horror that we simply haven’t budgeted for or accounted for,” adding that he expects there to be a “rough winter for all sorts of reasons” – Boris Johnson.
The Government have also exempted “invitees [..] at the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship from the obligation to self-isolate”, as well as attendees at “the Global Education Summit, or related events.”

⚖️ Oh hello – look what slid into law at 0400 today, 22nd June.
⚽️ Exemptions for #UEFA #EURO2020 'invitees'.
— STOPCOMMONPASS ❌ (@org_scp) June 22, 2021
This was slid into law at 04:00 on the 22nd of June 2021. One rule for us and another rule for VIP’s.
Separately Michael Gove has said “that the four-week delay to the easing of restrictions in England will allow for a better understanding of the use of the NHS app as a coronavirus passport.”
And previously, Covid status checks are likely to become “a feature of our lives” until the pandemic recedes, the Government said. A Government report also stated: “Even without government intervention, Covid status certification is likely to become a feature of our lives until the threat from the pandemic recedes.”
And now a group of MPs are now calling for airport e-passport gates to be upgraded so they can verify covid tests (and vaccines) via vaccine passports soon to be digital ID. They hope this will come into place before mass travel returns this year.

And in Wales, ‘Digital vaccine passports’ coming to Wales in the ‘next few days’ – four weeks after England’s rollout. The First Minister has said that people living in Wales will be able to prove their vaccination status “within days”.

Decisions are now being made without our knowledge just because it was easy to sort and categories us as late to the vaccine, early to the vaccine, non-vaccinated etc, all this information becomes easy to compare, filter and mine against.
Vaccine Passports info would be funnelled into a centralised digital NHS profile about you. A nation of haves and have nots is looming, of rewards and freedoms for those who have vaccinated, and restrictions and controls for those who have not.
Some argue that there would be a sunset clause this is technically correct but most likely the technology tool will be integrated into a new platform as Israel’s Vaccine Passports were simply renamed.
Israel Vaccine Passports renamed. The unified pass will be available to Israelis in two weeks’ time on June 30 and will be valid until the end of 2021. The certificate will consolidate the Green Pass issued to those who had been given both vaccine shots.

Further evidence to this renaming can be found in California, as we do not call it a “vaccine passport,” Gov. Gavin Newsom insists. But California is poised to roll out an electronic vaccine verification system to help residents show businesses and others that they are inoculated against the coronavirus.

The govt have published a draft Policy paper 'Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data'.
It suggests making a number of legislative changes to increase data sharing, including personal information.
— Luther (@LutherBurgsvik) June 22, 2021
Will The UK Government’s New Health Data Strategy Usher in Covid-19 Vaccine Passports? In a press release, the UK government has released a new data strategy proposal that will allow data such as Covid-19 test results to be shared in the NHS app and be ‘easily accessible’ for users.
This is truly terrifying. The government hopes that by autumn pubs, hospitality industry and sports bodies will be so desperate to have full houses and to avoid further lockdowns, they will happily embrace vaccine passports and covid certification. Therefore the 21st of June 2021 ‘Freedom Day’ did not happen.
Neil Clarke knew from his inside sources back in January that a June ‘unlock’ was never going to happen. But Boris Johnson had to do his ‘agonising’ acts to keep his backbenchers and the public on his side for a further extensions. The governent is not ‘incompetent’ and it is working to a long laid-out plan.
Indeed, float the idea of vaccine passports early in the year when the industry says ‘no’. Then delay the lockdown reopening to punish the industries and to bring it to its knees. Then finally promise to keep pubs open in the winter if they support the vaccine passport scheme, it is predictable, and manipulative and I just hope the industry is better than the politicians assume.
Boris Johnson could have said ‘We will never have another lockdown as long as I am Prime Minister’. But he has refused to rule out another lockdown this winter and is already mentioning Influenza problems now in June 2021, this is giving us a very big hint that a lockdown is already being planned for the Winter period.
Yes vaccine passports are now live, for test and quarantine free international travel, I believe the economic and marketplace and businesses will start demanding proof of vaccination come this winter, it will be engineered, and the market conditions will bring the check point health status society into realisation come winter of 2022.